Academic Correspondence
Types of Letters
Practice 1. Choose the right word
Some definitions
Structure of formal letter
Structure of the letter
Sender’s Address
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Academic Correspondence

1. Academic Correspondence

2. Types of Letters

Письмо-поздравление - Letter of Congratulation
Письмо-приглашение - Letter of Invitation
Письмо о приёме на работу - Letter of Acceptance
Письмо-заявление – Application letter
Письмо-предложение - Commercial Offer
Письмо-жалоба – Letter of Complaint
Письмо-запрос, требование – Enquiry Letter
Письмо-ответ на запрос – Reply(Quotation)
Письмо-встречное предложение – Counter – proposal
Письм-заказ – Order
Ответ на заказ - Response to Order
Счёт-фактура – Invoice
Письмо-отчёт (из банка), счёт – Statement

3. Practice 1. Choose the right word

1. A letter which asks a supplier about the price of his goods is:
a) a quotation; b) an order;
c) a letter of credit; d)an enquiry.
2. A letter which says an order has been received is called:
a) a guarantee; b)a covering letter;
c) an order-form.; d) an acknowledgement.
3. A letter which tells a supplier that the customer is unhappy is
a) a consignment; b)a complain;
c) a confirmation; d) a credit period.

4. Some definitions

1) barter – бартер
2) a quotation- расценки, стоимость
3) an estimate – смета
4) foreign trade – международная торговля
5) currency – валюта
6) exports – экспорт
7) deficit – дефицит
8) a statement – ведомость, выписка о состоянии счёта
9) a reminder – письмо
10) a receipt - квитанция, напоминание об оплате

5. Structure of formal letter

Компания и адрес отправителя – Sender’s address
Имя, должность, компания, адрес получателя – Addressee’s name, title, company, address
Исходящий нoмер адресата и отправителя – Your ref / Our ref/
Дата – Date
Обращение – Salutation (Dear…)
Тема письма – Subject
Содержание письма – Letter Content (Body of the Letter)
Окончание – Complimentary close (Yours……)
Подпись – Signature
Имя и должность отправителя – Sender’s name and title
Вложение/ приложение – Enclosure.

6. Structure of the letter

7. Questions

Следующие фразы взяты из двух разных писем: приглашение на собеседование и письмо о приёме на работу. Фразы даны
вразброс. Поставьте их в правильном порядке, и вы получите 2 разных письма (Letter of invitation and Letter of acceptance).
a) We would like to invite you to the interview on Thursday 28-th April at 2 p.m. Please, contact us either by fax, e-mail or by phone if this
time suits you.
b) We are glad to inform you that we were very impressed by your qualifications and your work experience. We came to the conclusion
to offer you the job you have applied for.
c) Dear Mr. Johnson,
Thank you for your letter of application for the post of a marketing manager.
d) Please, confirm your acceptance of the post within the next five days.
e) We look forward to meeting you.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Lavingston
Simon Lavingston
Personnel Manager
f) We look forward to welcoming you to our staff.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Lavingston
Simon Lavingston
Personnel Manager
g) Dear Mr. Johnson,
Thank you for attending the interview for the post of a marketing manager.
h) Please, bring your qualification certificates, if you have any, with you to the interview.

8. Sender’s Address

The Eagle Press Co Ltd
57 Leningradsky Prospect 119 487 Novosibirsk
Tel: (095) 246 17 30 Fax: (095) 245 35 20
[email protected]


Addressee’s name – Имя адресата
Addressee’s Title - Должность адресата
Addressee’s Company – Компания адресата
Addressee’s Address - Адрес адресата
Miss E. Hughers
Sales Manager
Soundsonic Ltd
54 Oxford Road
London SE23 1JF UK

10. Example

Brookfield Industrial Estate
Twylord Westshire TD3 2BS
Tel: 0193-384 1923 Fax: 0193-2196734
Telex: 342689
Our ref: RPL/ PE
Your ref:
Mr. W. Drake 24 October 2007
The Drake and Sons Engineering Co. Ltd
Bristol 5
Dear Mr. Drake,
Order 439
Thank you very much for your order of 24 October 2007.
I enclose our latest price list and a new catalogue of our products. I will keep you fully inform about the progress of your order.
Yours sincerely,
Pauline Ellis
Pauline Ellis (Miss)
Enc. 2

11. Test

Write the following addresses in block style.
Расставьте части письма в нужном порядке. Не забудьте поставить подпись.
You: Helen Dullwit, Travel agent
Your address: Easten Travel Agency
12, The Crescent, Manchester, BR3 5YT
Tel: 01219-84436 Fax: 01219-97760
Date: 12.9.2008
Their Address: Blacks Computers, 7 White Blvd, Bristol
You: Tatyana Ryshova, Purchasing Supervisor
Your Address: 39, Grashdanskaya St.,119 357 Moscow
Their Address: Ms.Alison Brown, Sales Manager, Office Furnishings,
907 3rd Ave, New York
Date: 23.10.2008

12. Test

Read and decide if it is true [ T ] or false [ F ]. Прочтите и укажите правильно [ T ] или неправильно [
следующее утверждение.
For example:
In the UK , the date 3.9.99 on a letter means 9 March 1999.
В Великобритании дата 3.9.99 означает 9 Марта 1999. Ответ – [F]
If you were writing to Mr. Peter Wood, you would open it with Dear Mr. Peter Wood [ ].
In the USA, it is correct to open a letter with thе salutation Gentlemen [ ].
If you do not know whether a female correspondent is married or not, it is correct to use the term Mrs [ ].
If you know only the addressee’s title, you open a letter with the salutation Dear Sir or Madam.
The abbreviation enc. or encl .means there are enclosures with the letter [ ].
The abbreviation for the term ‘ limited liability’ in the UK is Ltd [ ].
If you open the letter with Dear Sales Manager, you close it Best wishes [ ].
You close the letter with Yours sincerely, if you open it Dear Mr. Wood [ ].
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