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Ancient Egyptian Style


Ancient Egyptian Style
Made by Stacey Osokina


Architecture of the Middle Kingdom (12th13th dynasty) (2055-1650)
At the beginning of the Middle Kingdom, the
southern city of Thebes became the Egyptian
capital. This period witnessed a more stable
political climate, which led to a resurgence in
architectural activity, although the portrait
sculptures of Middle Kingdom pharaohs show
faces marked by anxiety, in contrast to the
serenity of Old Kingdom figures. This anxiety
was reflected in the diminishing size and
quality of the royal pyramids and temples
erected near the Fayum oasis, which were
smaller and built mostly of dry brick with stone
facing. This lower quality architecture was
partly offset by the growing sophistication of
Egyptian Middle Kingdom painting and relief


Architecture of the New Kingdom
(18th-20th dynasty) (1550-1069)
The pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty
reunited the country, drove out the
Hyksos, and oversaw a revival of art.
Temples, rock-cut tombs, granite
statues and wall reliefs, and
inscribed stones were erected along
the entire length of the Nile Valley.
The new prosperity was
characterized by precious
metalwork, jewelry and sculptures
discovered in King Tutankhamen's


One of the most famous
tombs in the Valley of
the Kings belonged to
King Tutankhamun. His
tomb - one of the few
found almost intact contained more than
5,000 treasures,
including chairs, statues,
gilded chariots, couches
and gold.


3rd Intermediate Period (21st-25th Dynasties) (1069-664)
After the New Kingdom era, Egypt split again as the interior was left to the high priests of Amun. There
were no architectural innovations in this climate, but several monumental buildings were completed.
Pyramid at El Kurru
Pyramid at Nuri (modern North Sudan)
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