
UK Attractions


UK Attractions
Performed by a student of PZ-59 Goryunov Stanislav


Big Ben
Big Ben is one of the most popular attractions of the capital of Great
Britain and is one of the business cards of London. It is under this name
that one of the three towers of the Palace of Westminster, the residence
of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, located on the banks of the
Thames, is known all over the world.


Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge is a drawbridge across the River Thames in central London,


St. Paul's Cathedral
St. Paul's Cathedral is the largest and most important church in London.
Prince Charles and Diana Spencer were married here, celebrations of the
anniversaries of Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II, Churchill's funeral.


One of the most famous archaeological sites in the
world, Stonehenge consists of circular and
horseshoe-shaped structures built of large menhirs.
It is located in the center of the densest complex of
Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England.
One of the most popular theories of the creation of
stones is that druids were responsible for the
erection of stones at Stonehenge.


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