Категория: МенеджментМенеджмент

The operations of a major casino


How Casinos
Work: The
Operations of a
Major Casino


• Casinos fascinate even people who don’t
gamble. With thousands of tables and onearmed bandits, glittering lights and five-star
food entertainment, they are where the
wealthy gather, where the poor become rich,
and where millions of dollars pass through
casino doors almost daily.


Breakdown of Casino Staff & Management
Here are just some of the positions at a casino.
Clerks: This includes clerks at restaurant counters, gift shops and any other job that involves ringing up a purchase
Coin Counting
Food Preparation
Pit Bosses: These are the “middle-management” of the casino floor personnel.
Upper Management: These are the executives in charge of making big decisions for the casino as a business
Support Staff: These are secretaries, lawyers, medical personnel, IT and any other support staff for the casino infrastructure
Hotel Staff
Human Resources


Suppliers and
• Casinos also need certain
equipment to make sure that they
are able to protect themselves,
suppliers and even customers.
Cameras and security monitors help
security watch the building, paper
shredders and protective document
boxes keep customer records
secure and there is quite a bit of
other equipment as well.


Managing Various Casino Games
• Casinos also need to manage the various games that they have. There
are several different areas in most casinos and each one has their
own management team. For example, there may be certain staff
closely watching high-stakes card games in one section while the slots
has a completely different set of managers.


Entertainment, Food & Drink
• casinos also have entertainment, food and drink concerns. Since
casinos run 24 hours a day, often all three of these things must be
managed 24 hours a day as well. Casinos often have extremely well
known acts perform there to bring people in to gamble, and they also
pay smaller acts to perform throughout the day to keep people
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