
English for Academic Purposes


APA style in-text citation: assignment
on knowledge of paraphrasing and
Week 3 Lesson 3
English for Academic Purposes


Assignment instructions
1. Skim the articles that you choose for your essay
2. Find 2 …… in the article and quote them follow the requirements of the APA style
3. Paraphrase 2 quoted statements:
▸ Read the quoted statement carefully and make sure you understand the meaning.
▸ Rewrite the statement in your own words, using different words and phrases.
▸ Make sure to keep the same meaning as the original statement.
▸ One narrative in-text citation, the second parenthetical in-text citation
3. Summarize the Findings section of the article:
▸ Read the Findings section of the one academic article carefully.
▸ Identify the main points and arguments made in the Findings section.
▸ Create a summary of the Findings section that is no more than 50 words in length.
▸ Ensure to include the main points and arguments in the Findings section.
▸ Include a citation for a summary
4. Create a Reference list


Assessment rubric
1. The original two statements (You can take them from multiple articles) should be quoted properly according to the APA citation
style guide and your quote should contain introduction (signal) phrase. THEN PARAPHRASE them as required in below
2. The two paraphrased statements followed the paraphrasing techniques given in the lesson:
• Ensure that the paraphrased text conveys the same meaning as the original text.
• Use different words and phrases to express the same idea.
• Maintain the same tone and style as the original text.
• Ensure that the paraphrased text is not too similar vocabulary to the original text.
• Cite the original source.
3. Summary (only ONE article should be used)
• Accurately captures the main points of the Findings section.
• Clearly outlines the research results and implications.
• Includes relevant details and evidence to support the findings.
• Avoids introducing new information
• Is concise and to the point.
• Is free of spelling and grammar errors.
• Around 75-85 words
4. References follow the requirements of the APA style
5. The provided written information is free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes.
Does the homework have all the requirements? (from 1 to 6)​
Includes all the items given above and they are done in a superior manner​
A (90 -100)​
Includes most of the items given above and they are done very well
B (75 – 89)​
Includes most of the items given above and they are done in a satisfactory manner
C (60 – 74)​
Doesn’t include many of the items given above and they are done below a satisfactory level
D (50 –59)​
Many items given above are missing or done poorly
F (49
and below)​


Instructor’s feedback


Any questions?
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