
Asking the way


February 2, 2022



Giving directions:
1. turn right / left — повернуть направо/ налево
2. take the first/ second turning on the left/ right — поверните на
первом/ втором повороте налево/ направо
3. take bus number — сесть на автобус №
4. get there — добраться туда
5. go on foot — идти пешком
6. go straight — идти прямо
7. go up / down the street — идите вверх/ вниз по улице
8. go along the street — идти вдоль по улице
9. go across the street/ cross the street — переходить улицу


10. go by — идти мимо
11. go up to — идти до
12. at the corner — на углу
13. at the end of the street — в конце улицы
14. at the traffic lights — у светофора
15. on the left / right — слева / справа
16. over there — вон там
17. far from — далеко от
18. very near — очень близко


Read and translate the dialogue:
I’m looking for the Opera House
- Excuse me. Sorry to bother you but I’m afraid I got lost. I’m looking for the Opera
House. How do I get there?
- I know this area quite well. So you have to go down the road that way and when you see
the Napoleon monument you should turn left and follow the stone path.
- Right. Is there a sign near the Theatre?
- No, sorry. But I am sure you won’t miss it. It’s a beautiful marble building with columns.
It’s next to the Art gallery, just opposite the fountains. If you need a box-office there you
should take a lift to the basement level, then pass the cloakroom and walk straight down
the aisle until you see the notice.
- That seems quite far. Ok then. Thanks a lot. You’ve been really helpful. By the way is
there a beach close to the Theatre? Could you tell me the way, please?
- Actually it’s about 2 miles from the Opera House. You could catch a bus and the third
stop will be yours.
- I would rather go on foot. I enjoy walking and admiring the city architecture.
- I see. Then you should go around the corner on your left, walk along King’s Road, cross
the bridge and then take the second right at the traffic lights. You’ll see the exit to the
beach in about half a mile.
- OK. Thanks again. Hopefully I won’t get lost again.
- Have fun at the beach!





HOME TASK: Прочитайте текст, изобразите маршрут на плане, впишите
названия улиц, обозначьте расположение школы, церкви и старого дерева
You are on the corner of Elm
Lane and Pine Avenue.
Turn right at the first lights.
This is Oak Lane.
Go straight on to a
roundabout. Turn right at the
roundabout. This is Ivy
Street. There is a car park on
the right, opposite a school.
Go straight on and turn left at
the stop sign. This is
Plainfield Road. There are six
houses in Plainfield Road.
My house is on the right. It’s
number 6. It’s next to an old
tree and opposite a church.
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