Valentine's day

Valentine's day

1. Valentine's day

Here is where your presentation begins

2. Facts about the holiday

February is the coldest winter month, but it is the most longawaited romantic holiday for all enamored.
On that happy day (holiday) all people giving each other a gift or
a valentine.
Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heartshaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. the
19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to massproduced greeting cards.

3. How did the February 14th holiday come about?

A priest in love before his death wrote a declaration of love to his beloved girl — a
valentine, where he told about his love, and signed it "Your Valentine". It was read
after he was executed, and the execution itself took place on February 14.
Two hundred years later, Valentine was proclaimed a Saint, the patron saint of all
lovers. The World holiday of declarations of Love is now celebrated everywhere.
And in memory of the letter written by Valentine to his beloved, on February 14,
lovers give each other Valentine greeting cards. According to tradition, they are
not signed, and they try to change the handwriting: it is believed that a person
should guess who sent him a valentine. In addition to valentines on this day, men
give their loved ones flowers, most often red roses.


o According to foreign folk tales, it is on this day that all
birds choose a mate. And there is also a belief that the
first man who met a girl on February 14 should become
her "Valentine", even if she doesn't like him too much.
o Little by little, Valentine's Day turned from a Catholic
holiday into a secular one. He is loved by men and
women, boys and girls. This holiday is celebrated with
pleasure, although it is not listed in the calendar among
official holidays.

5. How different countries celebrate Valentine's Day

At the beginning
of the XIX century,
Americans had a
custom — on
Valentine's Day to
give their beloved
figurines. And it is
also customary for
American children
to give gifts to sick
and lonely people
on this day.
In England, they used to
carve wooden "love spoons"
and give them to their loved
ones. They were decorated
with hearts, keys and
keyholes, which symbolized:
the way to the heart is open.
There is also a belief in
England that the first man
you see on this day is your
betrothed. Therefore,
unmarried girls get up early
on this day and run to the
window to look out for their
On Valentine's Day,
the French hold
various romantic
contests. For
example, the contest
for the longest
serenade — a love
song - is very popular.
And it was also in
France that the
message-the quatrain
was written for the
first time. And of
course, it is
customary to give
jewelry on this day.
The Japanese are
holding a contest
for the loudest and
brightest love
message. Young
men and girls climb
onto the platform
and shout from
there about their


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