What are we going to speak about today?
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Famous people

1. What are we going to speak about today?

N. Benua
V. Vysotskiy
A. Pushkin
V. Tereshkova
S. Morosov
P. Nahimov
G. Ulanova
N. MikluhoMaklai
E. Plyuschenko


What are they?
Aleksey Leonov

3. What are they?

Aleksandr Suvorov
Mikhail Kutusov
Ivan Konev
Konstantin Rokossovskiy

4. What are they?

Viktor Vasnetsov
Karl Bryullov

5. What are they?

Ivan Michurin


What are they?
Nikolay Gogol

7. What are they famous for?

Aleksandr Pushkin
Pavel Nahimov
Valentina Tereshkova
Evgeniy Plyuschenko
Galina Ulanova
famous for
Nikolai Benua
Vladimir Vysotskiy
Nikolai Mikluho-Maklai
Savva Morosov
Aleksandr Mozhaiskiy
singing, songs and music
beautiful dancing
courage and heroism
kindness and charity
space flights

8. Who is the story about?

Valentina Tereshkova
Elena Isinbaeva
Galina Ulanova
She was fond of fishing and swimming and wanted to become a
sailor. Her parents were ballet dancers and worked in the Mariinsky
Theatre. They often took a small girl to the theatre. Her mum
became her first ballet teacher and then she studied at ballet school
in St Petersburg. She was a gifted person, worked a lot, her dancing
was beautiful and she became the greatest ballet dancer. People
respect her for her talent and hard work.

9. Make up two stories

Yuri Gagarin
Samuil Marshak
He was one of the most popular writers in our country. He was a
world famous cosmonaut. He trained a lot together with other
cosmonauts and became the first person to fly into space. He
wrote a lot of books for children. He orbited our planet and came
back to the Earth in 1961. Lots of people enjoyed reading his
funny poems and clever tales. But did you know that he was a
good translator too? He was in space 108 minutes. He translated
poems of famous British writers from English into Russian.
People respect him for his courage and heroism.

10. Check your answer

Yuri Gagarin
He was a world famous
cosmonaut. He trained a lot
cosmonauts and became the
first person to fly into space.
He orbited our planet and
came back to the Earth in
1961. He was in space 108
minutes. People respect him
for his courage and heroism.
Samuil Marshak
He was one of the most popular
writers in our country. He
wrote books for children. Lots
of people enjoyed reading his
funny poems and clever tales.
But did you know that he was a
good translator too? He
translated poems of famous
British writers from English
into Russian.


Ask questions and find the information

12. Ask questions and find the information about Pavel Nahimov

1. a legendary Russian admiral
3. in the Black Sea fleet
2. a top student
4. in 1855
Pavel Nahimov was … (What was…?) . He was … (What student
…?) at the sea cadet crop and one of the best officers of the
Russian navy. He served … (Where did …?) most part of his life .
He took part in some battles and became famous for his courage
and heroism. His soldiers loved and respect him a lot. He died …
(When did …?). There is a monument to Pavel Nahimov in

13. Ask questions and find the information about Aleksandr Pushkin

1. a great Russian poet and writer
3. foreign languages
2. when he was a child
4. all over the world
Aleksandr Pushkin was … (What was …?). His parents, sister and
brother were very educated persons. Aleksandr started writing
poems … (When did …?). He studied … (What did …?) and his
first poems were in French. His works are … (Where are …?)
famous. Children study them at school. He wrote beautiful poems,
interesting novels and fairy tales.

14. Ask questions and find the information Nikolai about Mikluho-Maklai

1. a famous Russian scientist and traveller
3. many countries
2. in the last century
4. more than 160
Nikolai Mikluho-Maklai was … (What was …?). He lived …
(When did …?). He studied at the Universities in Russia and in
Germany. Mikluho-Maklai didn’t live much time at home. He
travelled a lot. He visited … (What did …?), helped different
people, gave them advice and learned them. He wrote … (How
many works did …?) scientific works.

15. Find the information in the text and fill in the table

Mikhail Lomonosov was a famous Russian scientist,
an outstanding poet, the founder of Russian literature.
He was born in 1711 in a small northern village. He
spent a lot of time fishing with his father. Fishing was
his hobby.
He liked studying and started to read when he was a
little boy. When he was 19 he went to Moscow and entered SlavicGreek-Latin Academy. He studied physics, astronomy, chemistry
['kæmıstrı], geography, history, arts. Then he went abroad to study
chemistry there.
He worked hard and became a great scientist. Mikhail Lomonosov
was the founder of the first Russian University.
People know and remember him.


Find the information in the text and fill
in the table
date and
place of
places he subjects
studied he studied


H/w: - make up a short story about M. Lomonosov
- be ready to tell your story (use the table)
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