The history of English language
Facts about English
Old English
Early English
English after the middle ages
American English
American English
American English
Modern English.Jargon
English in future

The history of English language

1. The history of English language

Made by Ivan Mitasov and Lev

2. Facts about English

• English language is the most widely spoken
language in the world. There are more than 2.3
billion English-speakers worldwide.
• It first appeared in England in the early 5th
• English language began to be used in official
documents in the 10th century.
• It was first used in literature in the 14th century.
• English began to be used in magazines in the
18th century.

3. Old English

It is a language spoken from the middle of the
fifth to the middle of the twelfth century. During
this time, the language has changed, that' s why
words from other languages have appeared in it.
So, the words bucket, car, noggin, gob, slogan,
goal and others passed into English from the
Celts. Words like skin, ill and they were taken from
Old French, it was closely related to the Norman
invasion. All of these changes were the result of
interaction between four groups of peoples:
Anglo-Saxons, British Celts, Mercian and

4. Early English

Most of changes occurred from the
11th to the 15th century. And one of the
most important was the Battle of Hastings
in 1066, after which William became the
king of England, that' s it entailed many
transformations related to local speech
communication between peoples in
England. Also language changes
associated with its introduction in
government and conversations between
other people instead of French. For
example, it was the first English
translation of the Bible by John Wycliffe
and his followers.

5. English after the middle ages

Events that occurred in English in the sixteenth
century also greatly influenced its further development
and communication between people. According to the
history, at first Latin was the language that was used
across whole Europe for a long time, including in
England, however due to the population growth, English
people began to need of translated books written in other
languages. That' s why lots of famous scientists and
writers began to use English. For example, it was Isaac
Newton. With the time English became more and more
famous and people began to need dictionaries to study it
and the one that explained more than 42000 words was
formed by Samuel Johnson. Afterwards this one became
very successful

6. American English

Changes that occurred in English on the territory
of America have a great influence on its lexical and
dialectal development. At first it is important to
announce the first who sailed across the Atlantic
and began to explore new territories for that time
was a group of English travelers who did it in 1607.
Their settlement was named Jamestown (in honor of
King James the First). After that other people began
to explore the new territories beyond the Atlantic,
that's why thanks to the fast-growing population by
1640 it was already about 25000 people.

7. American English

By the way, at that time from the England and other
European countries Africans were taken away and
sold into slavery. This led to increasing in general
discontent and eventually to the American Civil War
in 1865, which was not so difficult to be predicted
because all the slaves and prisoners were in terrible
conditions. It is obvious that such changes had a
great influence on the language future expansion.
For example due to the fast-growing population in
America, lots of new words, names and phrases
appeared in English. Some of them like Brooklyn,
Harlem and the Bronx had Dutch origin. Other ones
were added from British English but with another

8. American English

On the forming of American English
also affected social factors. In that way
settlers who worked in the western part
of the country in the nineteenth
century, added a lot of colorful
expressions to the language.

9. Modern English.Jargon

By the way, thanks to the
people who worked in the
western part of America in
English appeared the first
Jargon. It is the special language
used by people who have the
same job or hobby. Some Jargon
words were often used, that's
why these ones became the part
of Standard British English.
However besides this one there
are lots of kinds of English.
Among them there are American
(most common), «Spanglish»
(combination of English and
Spanish), New Zeeland,
Australian and so on. In each of
them there are certain
grammatical, phonetic and
morphological features.

10. Abbreviations

Consequently, due to the relocation of
people who used English, they had to
exchange information via letters or
(currently) SMS. However, previously,
the amount of information in one letter
or message was very limited, that's why
people had to invent various
abbreviations. For example, C (see),
PLS (please), THX (thanks) and others.

11. English in future

Undoubtedly, obvious that in the near future
English becomes much more popular because
already today this language is necessary to
communicate with people all around the Europe and
it will be bordering countries. It is a main
confirmation of the fact that taught in schools all
over the world. Undoubtedly, the only one language
that will be more other English will be common in the
business, Internet and important for people besides
English in certain country will be their historical
native language which is an integral part of their
culture and ordinary life. Considering this it is
obvious that with the time number of English
speakers will increase and this language will be


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