Bald Eagle


bald eagle
Болдырев Данзан


Young eagles leave the nest 12 weeks after birth. They are monogamous
birds and find partners for life.Adults weigh from 3.6 to 6.4 kilograms. The female bald
eagle is slightly larger and heavier than the male. Eagles live quite a long time – on average 28 years
in the wild, in captivity - 36 years.Eagles fly fast and can reach a speed of 56 kilometers per hour at a
normal pace, but when chasing prey they can fly at a speed of 120-160 kilometers per hour.Eagles
fly fast and can reach a speed of 56 kilometers per hour at a normal pace, but when chasing prey
they can fly at a speed of 120-160 kilometers per hour.The favorite food of bald eagles is fish


Where do they live?
Bald eagles live exclusively in North America, off the coast of oceans and lakes
from Baja California and Florida in the south to the island of Newfoundland and
Alaska in the north. They can mainly be found near reservoirs, along rivers, the
oceanic coast, near lakes, reservoirs and swamps. During the migration season,
eagles fly long distances and can be seen in the mountains and plains. In winter,
populations of bald eagles from the north and central part of North America
migrate to open water.



Bald eagles are iconic American birds and the only eagle species found
throughout North America. Stray eagles appear on islands in Eastern Russia,
Belize, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, usually after storms knock them off


Eagles are excellent swimmers, although if you see one of them, you
may find it clumsy. They use their wings to perform what is essentially
a breaststroke stroke. They usually do this when they drag large fish
to the shore.


Eagles steal prey from hawks, ospreys and other eagles, which makes them
"kleptoparasites". This tendency becomes more pronounced when there is not enough


The End
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