Категория: ИскусствоИскусство

Kinematografijos naratyvai ir technologijos


Kinematografijos naratyvai ir technologijos
Animatic‘o idėjos pristatymas
Nikolaj Kalinovskij ASTfm-22


• The final animation is
supposed to be a story-driven
music video to ‘edeN’, a song
by Yumi Hara;
• Due to the nature of the final
animation, the visuals are split
onto story-driven shots and
beauty/performance shots.


Opening Narration
The opening scene depicts the performer seemingly lost in the
woods at night during a storm with the only path leading deeper
into the dark and a full moon shining in the sky. She is seen
wearing a dark cloak that partially covers her face. After saying
the opening lines of the song, she appears to be hesitant to go
any further, and thus ends up stopping and looking around,
confused about the unsettling scenery she has found herself in.


Inciting Incident
As the character is standing in the middle of the road to nowhere,
she notices a faint glow in the distance. Looking down however,
the ground has become infested with snakes. Having no choice
left, the performer leaps towards the glow visible in the distance.


Rising Action
The visuals get divided onto two distinct sets:
1. The character is seen performing in a dark room with a single
spotlight shining from the ceiling; the same environment is
used in the beauty shots. Her costumes changes into a much
more intricate dress.
2. Intercutting story-driven shots depict the character running
through the forest towards what appears to be a golden apple
hanging off a tree branch, as the storm gets stronger and the
moon gets completely obscured by the clouds.


As she gets closer, the performer realizes she may not be able to
reach the apple, so she jumps while reaching for it with her hand.
A snake managed to get stuck onto her ankle, however as she
grabs the apple, a strong golden light is emitted from the it and
the environment gets transformed into an brightly lit version of
the dimly lit stage from before with a clearly visible audience,
erasing the snakes altogether.


As the song continues, the visual division between the two sets doesn’t
1. The dance routine shots are still present, albeit in the newly transformed
stage environment;
2. As the golden light emitted by the apple is gone, the storm is shown to
have subdued. The heroine exits the forest as the full moon becomes
visible once again. Shooting stars start falling from the sky and the
character turns around to look at the camera.


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