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Skills and Techniques of Time Management


Skills and
Techniques of


This presentation will focus on 10 key skills
and techniques to help time m a n a g e m e n t
in the professional arena. B y mastering the
process, better outcomes and
organizational success can be achieved.


• Time Logs
Time Logs
Time log is an important skill which helps
to have an estimate of the time it takes to
nish and/or start a task.This can be an
effective way to plan your day and better
manage your time.With appropriate time
logs, professionals can track and adjust
their activities accordingly.


• Parkinson’s L a w
Parkinson’s L a w
It states that “work expands so as to ll the
time available for its completion.” The law
suggests that tasks take up as m u c h time
as is provided for them. It encourages
setting realistic and practical deadlines for
tasks. This can help minimize
procrastination and work smarter instead
of just longer.


•The Pareto
The Pareto Principle
This principle states that “80% of the effects
come from 20% of the causes.” This
principle can help you focus on tasks that
yield the most results for a given amount of
time and effort; helping you tackle
problems more ef ciently, get the most out
of your time and resources.


•T h e E i s e n h o w e r
The Eisenhower Matrix
This matrix is a tool for prioritizing tasks. It
suggests four quadrants for organizing
tasks: Urgent and Important, Not Urgent
and Important, Not Urgent and Not
Important, Urgent and Not Important. It
emphasizes focusing on important tasks,
while delegating or eliminating urgent but
unimportant tasks.


• Delegation
A key tool in the Eisenhower Matrix is
delegating tasks. Instead of taking care of
everything yourself, learn to delegate tasks
to others. This can be done by delegating
to colleagues, family, or even an external
team. Delegation can help you to manage
your tasks ef ciently, freeing up time to
focus on important tasks.


• Batching
Batching is a time m a n a ge m e n t technique
that involves gathering similar tasks and
completing those all at once. Group emails,
routine administrative tasks, or blog entries
can all be batched together and of oaded
in a single stretch. Batching helps save
time, limit interruptions, and maintain
focus on the goal.


• Block ing
B locking is a tim e m anagem ent techniq ue
that deals w ith scheduling activities in
batches, setting boundaries to protect
focused work periods, and blocking off
periods of rest. B y blocking off a scheduled
period of tim e and dedicating it to one
speci c task, you are m ore likely to stay
exible, focused and productive.


•The Pomodoro
The Pom odoro Techniq ue
This techniq ue is used to break dow n tasks
into 25-m inute focused working sprints.
After each sprint, there is a short 5-m inute
break, then another sprint before taking a
longer 20-m inute break. This technique
helps to reduce distractions, prioritize tasks,
and ultimately manage better long-term


• Scheduling
Schedule It Out
In any given day, there are m a n y tasks to
do, and m a n y of t h e m can be easily
forgotten or overlooked. B y keeping a
schedule of tasks and focusing on each one
instead of getting overwhelmed, you can
focus on each task. This will also help you to
become organized and establish better
time m a n a ge m e n t habits!


No matter how m u c h time you plan to
make available, there will be days w h e n
you will be tempted to say yes to invites or
requests. It is important to practice the art
of politely declining invites that will not
help you achieve your goals and take too
m u c h of your time. This can help ensure
that you make the most of your time and
make progress on your most important


• C o n c lu s io n
Tim e m anagem ent is a skill that needs to
be mastered in order to be productive and
efficient, and it is som ething that every
professional should work on. W ith the right
skills and techniq ues, professionals can
m ake the m ost of their tim e and achieve
their goals.


1) Pareto's principle: The 80/20 rule. LeanScape.
(2022, October 3). Retrieved April 10, 2023, from
2) The pomodoro technique - why it works & how to do
it. Todoist. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2023, from
3) Simplilearn. (2023, February 21). Top 16 proven
ways to improve time management skills: Simplilearn.
Simplilearn.com. Retrieved April 10, 2023, from
4) Coing. (2017, September 1). 26 most effective time
management techniques. Clockify. Retrieved April 10,
2023, from https://clockify.me/time-managementtechniques
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