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Zveropolis. American computer-animated comedy-adventure


Kolesnikova Oksana
Chechenova Zalina


Zveropolis "(English Zootopia.) American computer-animated
comedy-adventure movie in 3D
production of Walt Disney
Animation Studios, released by
Walt Disney Pictures. This is the
55th animated feature in the
series of Walt Disney Animated
Classics. Slogan:. "Welcome to
the urban jungle"


The film tells about Zveropolise - modern city populated by
a variety of animals, from huge elephants to tiny shrews.
Like any metropolis, Zveropolis divided into districts, and
each of them repeats the natural habitat of its inhabitants.


In the center of the narrative
- rabbit Judy Hops. Since
childhood, she dreamed of
becoming a policeman.
Despite the children's
resentment on the part of
the fox-bully Gideon Gray
and anxiety of parents, she
decides to achieve her goal.
Having a heavy training with
honors, Judy went to


However, the first day of her charge did not catch criminals, and
prescribe penalties in the parking lot. With this work Judy copes.
After finishing it, she drew attention to a suspicious red fox named
Nick Wilde. Fox wants to buy in the store a huge elephant ice cream
to his baby, but do not sell it for the reason that only take elephants
in elephant café.


Judy decided to do a good deed, threatens salesmen checking at the
same time paying the cost of ice cream. Nick thanks and go, but on the
same day Judy reveals its machination.
Judy is trying to arrest him, but Nick does not violate the law formally.
At the same time Nick says that all Zveropolise spit on her dreams and
that she was not given to be a policeman.


On the second day of the fines
already Judy writes with great
reluctance, thus receiving threats
from the drivers, but at some point
she smiles luck. Judy manage to
apprehend the robber Duke
Horkovitsa who stole from the bulbs
store a poisonous plant.
However, her boss Buyvolson did
not evaluate it.
At this point in the office comes
Mrs. Vydrington whose husband
Emmett disappeared 10 days ago,
along with thirteen other citizens
across the city.


Buyvolson allows Judy to participate in the search, but with a
condition: if for two days can not cope with the task, she was
dismissed from the police. The only picture of the case again leads to
Nick Judy. Cheat and recorded on a pen-recorder proof that Nick
does not pay taxes on their sales, she forces him to cooperate with
the police.


Since Judy does not have access to the database, Nick once again
have to help her. It has a familiar sloth in managing the traffic on
behalf of the Blitz service. Due to its extremely slow job number
manage to "break through" only at nightfall.


Seeking car is registered in Tundratauna area. Once there and
finding the car companions were captured polar bears local mafia
boss Mr. Big.
Boss says that Vydrington, his personal florist, did not get to him
because suddenly furious, attacked the driver and fled. Judy and
Nick go to the tropical region of the chauffeur, jaguar Manchasom.
Having to tell about some "night gorlodёrov", he also flies into a
rage and attacks teammates.
Judy rescues Nick from animal


Nick remembers the morning that all the roads are surveillance
cameras, which can be imprinted Manchas. Miss Judy through
Barashkis have access to records and discovers that the jaguar took
some wolves. Breaking through the cells of their whereabouts, Judy
and Nick get into a huge laboratory.
There they finally discover Vydringtona and all the other missing,
who also run wild. There is also the mayor Leodor Zlatogriv whose
words Judy writes on the smartphone. Heroes are selected out of
the building and call the rescue, the mayor detained on suspicion of


At a press conference Judy tells reporters that in all cases of wild predators. Regarding the reasons for it says that wild beasts "are
prone to aggression and primitive bloodlust wakes up in them.“
Nick heard these words and take them to your account, very much
offended by Judy and rejected the offer to become its official


The new mayor Zveropolisa Miss Judy Barashkis offers to become
speaker of the police department. However, that feeling of guilt
before predators, withdraws from his office and returned to his native
farm trade carrots.


Already home of Judy realizes that "night gorlodёry" - a
poisonous flowers, and which of them can run wild and
herbivores. Judy quickly returns to Zveropolis finds Nick with the
help of Fenech and in tears asked for forgiveness. Nick agrees to
continue to help her.


Finding Duke, stole the bulbs that same flower, with
the help of his partner Mr. Big elicit from him the
identity of the customer. He is a sheep Douglas, who
with the help of a flower extract cleaned predators


Judy and Nick hijack the whole car-lab, where he lived a ram. As a
result, car crashes and explodes, but Nick manages to keep the gun
with the potion as evidence.
Judy during the chase badly wounded leg, and she and Nick have to
pretend Nick furious from the capsule with a potion. Discouraged
Barashkis tries to escape, but the police detained her.


After the successful opening of the case and the
completion Leodora Mayor crisis Zlatogriva justify, feral
animals heal and Nick comes into the police ranks.


Now Judy and Nick official companions and loyal friends. Their first
joint business is the search for dangerous speeder, it is sloth Blitz.


Cartoon has a record box-office success in several
countries, and ranks 5th in the list of highest-grossing
film in the history of cartoons.
In 2017 the film won the "Oscar" in the nomination "Best
Animated Feature".
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