Похожие презентации:
Nicholas II Alexandrovich
Великие люди россииНиколай II или Николай II Александрович Романов
Nicholas II Alexandrovich(May 6, 1868, Tsarskoye Selo
- July 17, 1918,
Yekaterinburg) - Emperor of
All Russia, Tsar of Poland and
Grand Duke of Finland
(October 20, 1894 - March 2,
He received an excellent education. He spoke severallanguages - his native Russian, was fluent in English,
French and German. He spoke some Danish, since his
mother was Danish, and Polish, since Poland was part of
the Empire. In his youth, he studied classical Latin and
ancient Greek.
Nikolai Alexandrovich was the most intelligent and educated Emperor of
Russia from the Romanov family.
Under Nicholas II,the population of
Russia increased by
62 million people.
It really is. Even Soviet
scientists confirmed this fact.
By the beginning of the reign
of the last Sovereign, the
population was slightly less
than 120 million people, but
by 1917 it was already
approaching 180 million. And
this is despite wars and
Nicholas II introduces free medicalcare.
By decree of the emperor in 1898,
free medical care was introduced.
To get it, it was enough to be just a
citizen of the Russian Empire. And
in 1903, the first ambulance
station in Russia was organized.
During the time of Nicholas II, taxes and prices in thecountry were the lowest in all of Europe. There were no
direct taxes on the income of citizens, as well as any
kind of deductions from the payroll fund in Russia during
the era of Nicholas II. This does not mean that citizens
did not pay taxes.
Low taxes and prices