
We are proud to live on the same land. I.S. Turgenev


We are proud to live on the same land
Authors –
Gorbulina Darya
Kislitsyna Yekaterina
Sasin Kirill
10 «А» form
Teacher – Zimina T.A.
Lyceum №5 Mtsensk
Oryol region


On the 28-th of October 2011 there was a traditional town contest «A girl of
Turgenev’s time» in the town of Mtsensk Oroyl region. The winner was a
student of the lyceum № 5 of Mtsensk - Kislitsyna Yekaterina. Then she took
part in the region contest «A girl of Turgenev’s time» in Oroyl and won the
second prize. Sasin Kirill was her dance partner, Gorbulina Darya was a
choreographer. All together they were a team. Among different creative tasks
of that contest there was a task of reciting an extract from the work of I.S.
Turgenev in the foreign language. Kislitsyna Yekaterina recited an extract
from the poem of I.S. Turgenev «The doves» in English.



Sasin Kirill, Kislitsyna Yekaterina, Gorbulina Darya :
«While preparing for the contest we learnt much about I.S. Turgenev as a great
writer. But we were extremly interested in what kind of a person he was? What were
the recollections of the contemporaries about I.S.? We wondered what soup was his
favourite? Was he a naughty child or not? Did he have friends? Was there a problem
of «Fathers and sons» in the relationship of his parents and him? Did he have
children of his own? And many other qustions».


The actuality of the project:
It is a well-known fact that Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev is a great writer.
He wrote a lot of works which are famous and beloved all over the
world. We are proud to live on the same land. When people think of our
small town of Mtsensk, first of all, they imagine the name of an
outstanding writer I.S. Turgenev who lived and worked 12 km far from
Mtsensk, in his village of Spasskoye – Lutovinovo.
In our project we want to know our country man closer not as a writer
but as an ordinary person with his habits, likes,dislikes, interesting facts
of his childhood, youth and so on.


The aim of the project:
The aim of our project is to find personal information about I.S. Turgenev
and use it to understand better the works of a talented writer and time when
he lived and worked. We are going to discuss this interesting information at
our Literature and English lessons and at our lyceum science conferences.
The objects of the project:
I.S.Turgenev State Memorial and Native Museum-Preserv "SpasskoyeLutovinovo"
Literature about I.S.Turgenev
Talking to Literature teachers
Internet sites about I.S.Turgenev
The subject of the project:
Personal information about Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (interesting facts of
his private life)


The ways of getting information:
Finding photos in the
Surfing the Internet for looking for the
necessary information


Visiting I.S.Turgenev State Memorial and Native Museum-Preserv "SpasskoeLutovinovo"
Talking to the guides in I.S.Turgenev State Memorial and Native Museum-Preserv
Reading articles, books about


Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was born on the 9th of November in 1818 in the town of
Oryol, but he spent his childhood in Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, he visited this place often
during his life. Turgenev loved Spasskoye. He wrote: "The air of Motherland has
something inexplicable in it. It touches one's heart. This is a secret unconscious attraction
of one's body and soul to the land where he / she was born". At Spasskoye-Lutovinovo
Ivan Sergeevich wrote the majority of his works. Once he said that thoughts seemed to be
in the air here, they inevitably came to mind.
Turgenev’s acquaintances described him
as a tall (192sm) broad-shouldered man,
who was a little stout. His long thick
hair almost closed his ears. His greyblue eyes usually were serious, a bit sad
and gentle. On the whole his features
lacked harmony, but his calm serene
face expressed unspeakable kindness.


Ivan's mother, Varvara Petrovna
Lutovinova, inherited Spasskoye from her
uncle, Ivan Ivanovich Lutovinov, who was
very rich. He owned about 5 thousand
peasants and land in 5 provinces of
Russia. When he was alive, the village was
situated to the North-East of the House
Museum. The name SpasskoyeLutovinovo comes from two different
words: the first one, "Spasskoye" is the
name of the church of Transfiguration;
the second one, "Lutovinovo", is the
surname of the estate founder I.I.
Lutovinov. It was Lutovinov who built a
new stone church, he also bought church
plates and vestments for clergymen.He
died in 1813 and was buried in the chapel.
Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova


According to the recollections of
contemporaries Varvara Petrovna was a hottempered, cruel woman who made her servants
suffer. Her son Ivan, on the contrary, was
known to be very kind. At the place of the
present lodge he built a parish school for
village children. Ivan Sergeevich paid teachers
for their work and bought all the necessary
books. He knew all the students by name; the
most talented student Nikita Garasichev was
sent to Moscow to continue the education.
Vanya Turgenev, 12 years old


Sergey Nikolaevich Turgenev, the father of the
writer, was an army officer. He came to
Spasskoye for the first time to buy horses for his
regiment. Varvara Petrovna was charmed by the
young handsome man and asked him to visit her
whenever he wanted to. They married on the
14th of January in 1816 in this church and went
to live in Orel where Varvara Petrovna had a
house. For Sergey Nikolaevich it was most likely
the marriage of convenience as he owned only
one village called Turgenevo and about 140
peasants. Besides, he was five years Varvara’s
junior. His wife became the real head of the
Sergey Nikolaevich Turgenev


Ivan Sergeevich wanted to
leave all his property to the
woman he loved, Pauline
Viardot, who was a French
opera singer of a Spanish
origin. But according to the
laws of that time she
couldn't come into
inheritance of his Russian
estate as she was a foreign
Pauline Viardot


His only daughter Pelageya was an illegitimate
child; she was brought up in France and
couldn't inherit Spasskoye either.
Olga Vasilievna Galahova, a distant relative of
Turgenev's mother, got the writer's country
estate after his death. She took all the
furniture to her house in Oryol. This action
saved it from the fire which broke out here in
1906. In 1918 Galahova's house became
Turgenev's Museum on the initiative of one
of the poets, Valeriy Bryusov. During the war
the furniture was evacuated to Penza; it was
returned here in 1976. The writer's country's
estate had been restored by that time.


Nikolai Sergeevich Turgenev is the elder writer's brother . Ivan Sergeyevich had a younger brother
as well, his name was Sergey, he died of epilepsy at the age of 16. In childhood the brothers were
bosom friends, but when they grew up, they met rather seldom, their letters to each other mostly
touched upon money questions. According to the recollections of A.A. Fet, a Russian poet and
Turgenev's friend: "Despite the fact that the brothers looked alike they differed much in character.
I.S. didn't care about money and Nikolai represented a money-grubber".


Botkin V.P.
Botkin, Turgenev, Druzhinin
Turgenev’s mother liked to celebrate holidays
and invite gentry from neighboring estates.
She had a lot of expensive Russian and
foreign tableware. She saw to it that her
family members and guests ate only in the
dining-room at a definite time.Turgenev
didn't keep to his mother's rules: he could
have meals anywhere at any time of the day.
His contemporaries wrote that most of all he
liked boiled buckwheat, giblets soup and
gooseberries jam.
No meal was without fun. Once Ivan
Sergeyevich and his friends Botkin,
Grigorovich, Druzhinin (they all worked for
the magazine called "Contemporary") wrote
the farce "School of Hospitality" and
performed it in the dining-room. There were
so many people who wanted to watch it that
they had to stand in the doorways as there
wasn't enough room for them.


Many famous people of that time visited Turgenev at Spasskoye. They were L.N. Tolstoy, a
great Russian writer, poets A.A. Fet and N.A. Nekrasov. Their names are known to every
Russian schoolchild nowadays. Other guests were literary critics, actors, young writers. I.S. was
always ready to help young talents, that's why many of them kept happy memories about this
country estate and its owner.
L.N. Tolstoy
A.A. Fet
N.A. Nekrasov


Used resources:
Фотографии из личных архивов авторов проекта.
Информация из экскурсии по музею в Спасском - Лутовиново




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