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The Great Steppe in the 13 th beginning 15 th centuries and the Kazakh Khanate


The Great Steppe in the 13th beginning 15th centuries and the
Kazakh Khanate


• The Mongol Conquests and Their Legacy.
• Formation of the Golden Horde (Ulug Ulus)
• Medieval states in the middle 13-15 centuries: Ak Orda, Moghulistan, Khanate of Abulkhair,
Nogai Horde
• The Qazaq Khanate


The Mongol Conquests and Their Legacy
• When and how did Temujin come to power and create a super empire?
• What are the consequences of the Mongol conquest?


The coming of Temujin-Genghis Khan to
power and the creation of an empire
• Late 12th - early 13th centuries - the struggle for power between the rulers of the
nomadic tribes of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
• 1206 - proclamation of Temuchin-Genghis Khan as a great khan (father - Bagatur
Yesugei from the Borjigin tribe, mother - Hoelun, wife - Borte from the Turkic tribe
of Konyrat).
• 1206–1260 - Empire of Genghis Khan
• 1211-1215 - the subjugation of the Tatars, Merkits, Kereites, Yakuts, Yenisei
Kirghiz, Uighurs, Karluks, as well as Northern China.
• 1217–1224 - capture of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.


• 1217 - the occupation of Semirechye without resistance, the
dissatisfaction of the population of Semirechye with the
Naiman Khan Kuchluk, the prohibition of robberies and
violence in the region.
• 1218 - six-month siege of Otrar. The reason for the invasion
of Genghis Khan in Kazakhstan and Maverannahr. The
betrayal of the warlord Karaj.
• 1219 - the destruction of the cities of Otrar, Sygnak, Ashnas.
• 1223 - the defeat of the Kipchaks and Russians on the Kalka


• The empire of Genghis Khan is a centralized, military-feudal state from the
Yellow to the Mediterranean Sea, from the Baltic to the Persian Gulf.
Barungar is the right wing of the state.
Dzhungar - the left wing of the state
Gol is the center of the state.
Yasy - the laws of Genghis Khan.
The army of Genghis Khan: darkness, thousands, hundreds, tens.
Karakoram is the capital of the empire of Genghis Khan.
Genghisides- descendants of Genghis Khan, rulers of the empire.
Noyons - large feudal lords-warlords.


The division of the empire
between the sons of
Genghis Khan into uluses
The eldest son of Jochi: lands to the west of
the Irtysh, the northern part of Semirechie
and Eastern Desht-i-Kypchak (Central,
Northern and Western Kazakhstan) to the
Lower Volga region;
The second son of Chagatai: Eastern
Turkestan, most of Semirechye and
Maverannahr. The main city was Almalyk;
The third son of Ogedei: Western Mongolia,
the region of the Upper Irtysh and
Tarbagatai. In 1128/29-1241 Ogedei was the
supreme khan and lived in Karakorum.
Youngest son Tului: almost all of Mongolia,
except for the west.


Consequences of the Mongol conquest
Negative consequences
Positive consequences
1. Destruction of productive forces.
2. Decline of cities and urban culture.
3. Decline of agriculture and crafts.
4. Demographic crisis.
5. Introduction of more than 20 types of taxes.
6. Slowing down the process of formation of the
Kazakh nation.
1. Stimulating the development of trade and
international relations.
2. Introduction of uniform laws “Yasy of Genghis
3. Centralization of power and political
consolidation of tribes.
4. Tolerant attitude towards different languages,
traditions and religious beliefs.


• How was the Golden Horde created?
• What was the administrative and political structure of the Golden Horde?
• When and how did the strengthening of the Golden Horde take place?
• Why did the Golden Horde cease to exist?
• What is the significance of the Golden Horde in world history?


Creation of the
Golden Horde
• The founder is Batu
Khan son of Jochi.
• Conquest campaigns


Creation of the
Golden Horde
• 1237–1480 - Golden
Horde (Ulug Ulus) in
the lower reaches of the
Volga River.
• The capital is Sarai-Batu
(near Astrakhan), later Sarai-Berke.


Administrative and
political structure of
the Golden Horde
• The Golden Horde is a
multinational state.


Genghisides-sultans are the highest officials.
Kurultai - a general meeting of the nobility.
Beklerbek is an assistant to the Khan, who was in charge of the army and diplomatic relations.
Diwan is the central body of executive power.
Vezir is the head of the diwan, who was responsible for finances, taxes, and the internal life of the state.
Darugs and Baskaks are the heads of cities and uluses who were responsible for collecting taxes.
Noyons, beks, emirs, bakhadur - military leaders: “temniks” (темники), thousanders, centurions.
The ulus management system is an administrative political and economic system for managing conquered


Strengthening the
Golden Horde
Initially, the Golden Horde was subordinate
to the great Mongol Khan.
By 1260 - the collapse of the Mongol
Empire into independent uluses.
The independence of the Golden Horde under Berke Khan (1256–1266).
The minting of its own coin - under Mengu
Khan (1266–1280).
The greatest power of the Golden Horde
was under Uzbek Khan (1312–1342) and his
successor Khan Dzhanybek (1342–1357).
1312 - Islam was declared the state religion
of the Golden Horde under Uzbek Khan.


Reasons for the fall of
the Golden Horde
• From the second half of the 14th
century. The Golden Horde began to
be weakened by centrifugal forces.
• From 1357 to 1380 two and a half
dozen khans were replaced on the
throne of the Golden Horde.
• The campaigns of Emir Timur (1389,
1391, 1394-1395) finally weakened the


The value of the Golden
Horde in world history
• Ulug Ulus played a centralizing role, as
wars and strife stopped for a long time.
• The formation of a strong state
stimulated the development of trade
and the flourishing of urban planning.
• Ulug Ulus established close ties with
many states (Rus, Egypt) for joint
defense against Western aggressors.


Medieval states in the mid 13-15
centuries: Ak Orda, Moghulistan,
Khanate of Abulkhair, Nogai Horde
• How did the political development
of the post-Mongolian states take
place: Ak Orda, Moghulistan, Nogai
Horde, Khanate of Abulkhair?
• How did the economic development
take place?
• What were the achievements in


Ak Orda
Territory, population
mid 13th - first The Ak Orda included the lands of the sons of Jochi The ruler is a khan from the Orda Ejen clan.
third of the 14th - Orda Ejen and Sheiban.
The state was divided into uluses headed by the Jochids
Ulus of Orda Ejen: northeastern part of Semirechie, (oglans) and large nomadic nobility (beks, emirs, bakhadurs).
Irtysh region, steppes to Ulutau and Kentau. Capital
Dependence on the Golden Horde finally ended in the
in the middle of the 13th century. - on the Irtysh.
middle of the 14th century under Yerzen and MubarakUlus of Sheiban: the interfluve of the Yaik, Irgiz, Khoja khans (1320–1344).
Tobol and Sarysu, the Aral steppes and the lower
The Horde was significantly strengthened under Khan Urus,
reaches of the Syrdarya.
who ruled in the 60s and 70s of the 14th centuries. He
In the 14th century, the power of rulers from the fought against the aggression of Timur, the ruler of Central
Orda Ejen family extended to the Sheiban ulus.
Now the Ak Orda covered almost the entire territory As a result of the aggressive wars of the ruler of Central
of modern Kazakhstan, except for Semirechye, which Asia, Timur, and internal strife in the late 14th and early
was part of the state of the Chagataids. The capital 15th centuries, Ak Orda significantly weakened. The power
was the city of Sygnak.
in the Ak Orda was restored by the grandson of Urus Khan
Barak (1423-1428), but soon he died, and the rule over most
Tribal composition: Kipchaks, Konrats, Argyns,
of the Ak Orda passed to the Sheibanid Abulkhair.
Alshyns, Kanly, Kerei, Uysuns, Naimans, etc.


mid 14th century
Territory, population
16th North-east of Central Asia, The head of state and the supreme owner of the land is the khan.
Khan's assistants: ulusbeks (nobelty of Dulat tribe).
Turkestan. The capital of
Under the khan there was a council of the nobility.
the state is Almalyk.
The population is Turkic In the settled agricultural part of the state there were ikta and soyurgal.
and Turkicized Mongolian
Soyurgal - a form of feudal award for military and civil service.
tribes: Dulats, Kangly,
The first khans Togluk-Timur (1347-1362) and Ilyas-Khoja (1363-1366) made
Kereites, Uysuns, etc.
attempts to restore the power of the Chagataids in Maverannahr. But as a result of
the fight against Timur's aggression, Mogolistan broke up into uluses.
Under Muhammad Khan (1408–1416), Mogolistan became independent from the
Timurids, and strife decreased for a time.
Under Esen Bug, in the late 50s of the 15th century, part of the Kazakhs headed
by the sultans Dzhanibek and Kirey migrated to Semirechie from the Eastern
Desht-i Kypchak.
The last of the rulers of Mogolistan, Sultan Said Khan, in 1514 took away
Kashgaria from the vassal ruler and founded a new state in East Turkestan Mogulia.


Abulkhair Territory, population
(State of nomadic Uzbeks)
from the Ural River in the west to Lake During the rule of Abulkhair there were many civil strife and
Balkhash in the east, from the lower reaches wars with the Timurids and Dzungars.
of the Syr Darya and the Aral Sea in the
In 1457, near Sygnak, Abulkhair was defeated by the Dzungars.
south to the middle reaches of the Tobol
After that, part of the nomadic population, led by the sultans
and Irtysh in the north. During its heyday it
Kirey and Dzhanibek, migrated to Mogolistan.
included the territory of southern
Kazakhstan. Geopolitically, it was located In 1468, Abulkhair undertook a campaign against them, but died
between the Nogai Horde in the west and on the way.
Moghulistan in the east and the Timurid
After the death of Abulkhair, the state collapsed.
state in the south.
The lack of strong ties between the uluses, the constant strife for
Since 1448 the capital is Sygnak.
power and pastures, as well as the discontent of the Karabudun,
The population is the same as in Ak Orda. expressed in migrations, weakened the Abulkhair Khanate and
led to disintegration.


Nogai Horde
Territory, population
14-15 centuries
part of the territory of Western The separation of the Nogai Horde from the Golden Horde began under
this Yedyga (1396–1411). The Nogai Horde finally became independent by the
association of tribes between the middle of the 15th century, under the son of Edyge, Nuraddin (1426–1440).
Urals and the Volga was called The capital is Saraichik.
the "Mangyt Yurt", after the
The upper classes are princes and murzas. Owning a large number of cattle,
name of one of its largest tribes.
the steppe aristocracy also disposed of pastures, although formally communal
The population is the same as in property was preserved on them.
Ak Orda.
The prince in the Horde had hereditary power. The horde consisted of several
uluses, each of which united many clans. Murzas were at the head of the
uluses. Ulus ordinary nomadic cattle breeders were obliged to roam with their
murzas, pay taxes, and participate in military campaigns.
In the 16th century, as a result of civil strife among the nobility, the Nogai
Horde broke up.


Economy in the 14th–15th centuries
Culture in the 14th–15th centuries
The main occupation is nomadic cattle breeding in the steppe Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. Folklore. Zhyrau.
Monument of the Kypchak language - "Code Cumanicus".
An auxiliary occupation is agriculture in the valleys of rivers and
14-15 centuries - selection of the Kazakh language from the
Kypchak group of Turkic languages.
Craft - metallurgy, pottery, jewelry, blacksmithing, processing
of livestock raw materials.
Trade. Mints in Sygnak, Otrar, Saraichik.


The Qazaq Khanate
• Was the Qazaq Khanate a state?
• How did the formation of the Kazakh Khanate (Kerey, Janibek, Kasym) take
• How did the Kazakh Khanate develop from Khaknazar to Tauke Khan?


Was the Qazaq Khanate a state?
• According to the book "Tarihi and Rashidi" by Muhammad Haidar Dulati (16th
century), the formation of the Kazakh Khanate took place in 1465-1466.
• Long-term economic and cultural unity led to the political community of the
inhabitants of the Great Steppe. In the 50-60s of the 15th century, the
descendants of Orda Ejen, who lived in the Khanate of Abulkhair, dissatisfied with
his policy, migrated to the valley of the Chu and Talas rivers. These were the
territories of Mogolistan, whose rulers were at war with the Khanate of Abulkhair.
• Kerey and Zhanibek were the first rulers of the Kazakh Khanate.
• They fought against the Sheibanids, mainly for the cities near the Syr Darya.


How did the formation of the Kazakh Khanate
(Kerey, Janibek, Kasym) take place?
• The complete conquest of the Syrdarya cities was during the reign of Janibek's son
Kasym Khan (1511–1521).
• He defeated Muhammad Sheibani (grandson of Abulkhair). Kasym maintained
relations with neighboring states (Moscow, Mogolistan). Thanks to the great activity
of Kasym, the Kazakh Khanate was first heard in Western countries. The
population in the khanate reached one million people under Kasym. For the first
time in the history of its existence, almost all the largest Kazakh tribes united in
one state. At the beginning of the 16th century, a law was developed and
published, known as “Kasym khannyn kaska zholy” (The bright path of Khan



How did the Kazakh Khanate develop from
Khaknazar to Tauke Khan?


How did the Kazakh Khanate develop from
Khaknazar to Tauke Khan?
• Khaknazar subjugated territories from the Aral Sea and Syr Darya to Yaik and Emba. After him,
Shigay came to power in the khanate, followed by his son Tauekel, who continued the struggle for the
Syrdarya cities
• In the 17th century, internecine struggle unfolded between Yesim, who declared Turkestan his capital,
and Khan Tursun, who was in Tashkent. Tursun's death put an end to the strife. Yesim's successor, his
son, Zhangir Khan (popularly nicknamed Salkam), sent his forces to fight the Dzungarian aggression.
In 1644, Zhangir Khan defeated the troops of the Dzungars in the Orbulak battle.
• The Kazakh Khanate managed to get stronger under Khan Tauke, who temporarily stopped the
aggression of the Dzungars. Under Tauke, a set of laws "Zhety Zhargy" was created. Tauke managed
to overcome strife, unite the people, significantly raise the authority of the khan's power. Tauke
established relations with neighboring states. However, after his death, the Kazakh Khanate again
found itself in a state of civil strife and war.


• In 1723, the Dzungars
began a massive campaign
against the Kazakhs. 1723
- 1727 the Kazakh people
were on the verge of
extinction. Therefore,
these years were called by
the people the years of
the "Great Calamity" or
"Aktaban Shuburyndy".


• In the post-Mongolian period (14-15 centuries) there was a unification of the
nomadic and settled agricultural population of the vast territory of Eastern Desht-iKypchak, Semirechye and South Kazakhstan. On the basis of the Mongolian uluses
of Jochi, Chagatai, Ogedei, the states of Ak Orda, Moghulistan, the Khanate of
Abulkhair and the Nogai Horde were formed. The power in these states belonged
to the descendants of Genghis Khan - Genghisides.
• The formation of the Kazakh Khanate in the middle of the 15th century was the
most important event in the history of the Kazakhs. It played a decisive role in
uniting the disparate Kazakh tribes, forming the ethnic territory of the Kazakhs and
completing the formation of an independent national state.
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