Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Bonus. Better speaking


better speaking


I don’t
where I
I’m a huge fan of the idea.
I’m totally in favour of it.
I don’t really know where I stand.
I can’t pass judgement. I don’t know enough about it.
I’m totally against it.
I’m completely opposed to it.
I think the negatives far outweigh the positives.
I have some major doubts about it.
It’s a good idea in theory, just not in practice.
It’s OK in principle. I just think it’s unworkable.
I am in favour. I just have some slight reservations.
It’s not without problems, but on the whole I like it.
I’m on the fence about it.
I’m in two minds.
It’s a double-edged sword.
We seem to be at two ends of extremes.
On the one hand… on the other...


I don’t know
where I stand
It ought to be illegal to harm animals or damage the
places where they live.
We can help endangered animal populations recover
by improving their environment.
We should not sell any food or drink if the packaging
can't be used again.
If more children would walk or cycle to school, it
would cut down on air pollution.
We need more scientific evidence to know exactly
how significant climate change really is.
The best method would be to make wasting natural
resources a criminal offence.
Companies should take the lead by avoiding
unnecessary packaging.
I’m a huge fan of the idea.
I’m totally in favour of it.
I don’t really know where I stand.
I can’t pass judgement. I don’t know enough about it.
I’m totally against it.
I’m completely opposed to it.
I think the negatives far outweigh the positives.
bitterly/totally opposed
somewhat/completely different
absolutely/utterly disastrous
heavily/completely dependant
deeply/highly controversial
quite/painfully obvious
totally/completely unacceptable
extremely/highly unlikely
I have some major doubts about it.
It’s a good idea in theory, just not in practice.
It’s OK in principle. I just think it’s unworkable.
I am in favour. I just have some slight reservations.
It’s not without problems, but on the whole I like it.
I’m on the fence about it.
I have mixed feelings about it.
I’m in two minds.
We seem to be at two ends of extremes.
On the one hand… on the other...


Discussing problems / Offering
Discussing the Result of a Problem
Discussing the Cause of
a Problem
It’s clearly/mostly down to …
It’s not so much a result of … but rather of …
It’s partly/largely/entirely due to …
I believe … plays a great/small part as well.
I think … has a lot to do with it.
In my view, … is/are responsible for …
A key factor is …
The main reason is …
I feel that ... is/are to blame.
The obvious culprit in this case is ...
● lack of training
● businesses
closing down
● computerisation
● tight budgets for
● poverty
● family breakdown
● low self-esteem
● debt
● loss of property
● poor quality of life
This (often/invariably/directly) leads to /
causes / brings about …
As a result/consequence, …
Inevitably, ...
Discussing the Solution of a Problem
● We/The government must/should …
● One way forward would be to …
● I feel there’s something to be said for …
● A lot can be achieved by …
● If we/the government (don’t/doesn’t) … then …
● … would (greatly) alleviate the situation.
- I think unemployment is largely
due to so many businesses closing
down, but another key factor is the
● retraining schemes
lack of training.
● job sharing
● incentives for businesses - You’re right. People don’t learn
new skills and, as a consequence, it
to hire
● incentives for creation of becomes very difficult for them to
find a job. If we don’t try to change
new businesses
that, then ...


Ideas for influencing people to be more environmentally friendly:
• laws and taxes
• education
• media
Discussing the Solution
The government must/should …
One way forward would be to …
I feel there’s something to be said
for …
A lot can be achieved by …
If we/the government
(don’t/doesn’t) … then …
… would (greatly) alleviate the
Discussing the Result
● This
could/would lead to / cause
/ bring about …
● As a result/consequence, …
● Inevitably, ...
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