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Is trick-or-treating just the same as begging?
QuestionIs trick-or-treating
just the same
as begging?
Trick-or-Treating: The ContextTrick-or-treating is the custom of children dressing up on Halloween
(31st October) and going from house to house saying ‘trick-or-treat?’
at each one. Tradition tells us that if a treat is not forthcoming,
then a trick will be played on the homeowner. However, this is now
very tongue-in-cheek and almost never occurs. Most of the time
householders offer sweets to the children who collect them in a
suitably decorated bucket.
Many people believe the tradition came to us from the USA, where
it is extremely popular. However, the opposite is actually true.
The origins of trick-or-treating probably date back to Celtic times
in Britain. The Celts believed that on 31st October the veil between
worlds grows thin, which allows spirits to pass into the living world.
They probably left food and drink out for the spirits to appease
them or make them feel welcome.
This evolved over the years to the Christian tradition of ‘souling’ –
adults would go from house to house asking for a ‘soul cake’ in
return for prayers for the souls of the dead or sometimes as a
reward for reciting a poem or singing a song.
So, surprisingly, this seemingly modern ritual has been going
(in one form or another) for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
What do you think? Is trick-or-treating the same as
“October 31st is a night that simply “I love going around our estate andallows begging – and for no real
knocking on doors when we are trickreason. People feel obliged to buy or-treating! It’s such a wonderful,
sweets they can’t necessarily affordcommunity affair. Of course, we only
and the older generation can be knock on doors that have a pumpkin
intimidated by gangs of older children
or decorations up outside. It would
coming to their door demanding be wrong to knock on everybody’s
money or chocolate. TheWho
it you
door so
we just go to those who want
costs would be better spent with?
to helptoWhy?
take part.
people who are homeless who haveIt’s an exciting and harmless tradition
to beg in the streets to survive.”
for children to enjoy.”
What Do You Think?
What Do You Think?
Who do you agree with? Why?
For and AgainstThink about why trick-or-treating is so popular. For some
people, it’s about having fun but, for others, it might mean
one night of the year that they are scared in their own home.
Think about the pros and cons of trick-or-treating.
List the reasons for and against trick-or-treating.
Personal ResponseDo you think trick-or-treating is a problem? Consider the
fun young children have and how it allows them to safely
meet members of their community. Consider also the
fear it can engender if people are intimidated and of the
good the money could do if we donated it to charity.
Write down your own thoughts, using your
discussions and opinions to inform your ideas.
The Big Question:Is trick-or-treating just
the same as begging?
Working with your group, prepare a speech or
presentation to tackle the question above. Consider
the pros and cons and come to a conclusion that
you can present to the rest of your class.