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Презентация по дисциплине иностранный язык на тему: «Wales»
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• Location
• Climate
• Culture
• Interesting facts
• List of sources


• Wales-is located in Great Britain. It borders on England in the east and
is washed by the Irish Sea on the other side. A place where a large
number of castles come together.


Climate of Wales
• Wales is exposed to winds from the Atlantic Ocean, so the
climate there is mainly maritime. On the west coast, up to 1270
mm of precipitation falls per year; to the east of the mountains
these figures are slightly lower (up to 723 mm/year), and in the
mountains themselves they are higher (up to 2540 mm/year).
The average temperature in July is 15.6°C, in January - 5.6°C.


Culture of Wales
• The patron saint of Wales is David of Wales, Dewi Sant in Welsh. St David's Day is celebrated on
March 1st, and some believe that this holiday should become a national holiday in Wales. Also
memorable dates for Wales are September 16 (the day the uprising of Owain Glyndŵr began) and
December 11 (the day of the death of Llywelyn ap Gruffydd).


Culture of Wales
• Wales has an ancient tradition in the visual arts and many examples of Celtic art have been
discovered here. In the Middle Ages, Welsh art was of a religious nature; the most famous
monument of Welsh art of that time is the Ricemarch Psalter. Until the 20th century, Welsh artists
found it difficult to find work in their homeland, many preferring to work in London or abroad.
This changed by 1865 when the Cardiff School of Art opened. At this time, a national school of
painting began to form in Wales, which gave impetus to the development of fine arts, and a
whole series of talented artists and sculptors appeared


Culture of Wales
• Wales is traditionally seen as an agricultural region and its traditional cuisine reflects this.
Traditional food products are used in cooking. Baking represents the richest part of Welsh culinary
culture, with various muffins, scones and "spotted bread" (bara brith) being known to last for a
long time.
• Lately, many chefs have been preparing traditional Welsh dishes in new ways. Leeks are widely
used, especially in dishes prepared for St. David's Day. Lamb and fish dishes are also becoming
more and more traditional in Welsh cuisine.


Interesting facts of Wales
• There are many islands near Wales, but the largest of them is Anglesey. The background of the
Welsh national flag is green and white, with a red dragon on top. Most of the population and
industrial enterprises are located in the southern part of Wales, its capital is the city of Cardiff


Interesting facts of Wales
• Believed to be around 4,000 years old, the Welsh language (Cymraeg) is the oldest language in
the UK and one of the oldest living languages ​in Europe. The origins of the Welsh language come
from the Celtic language spoken by the ancient Britons. Before the Roman invasion and the
influence of Latin, Celtic languages ​were spoken throughout Europe, as far away as Turkey.


Interesting facts of Wales
• Wales' history has left a landscape dotted with rolling Iron Age forts, Roman ruins and the
medieval castles of Welsh princes and English kings. There are more castles per square mile than
any other European country. At the same time, Caerphilly is the largest in Wales and the second
largest in Europe (after Windsor Castle). Conwy Castle is considered one of the most magnificent
medieval fortresses in Europe.


List of sources
• https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A3%D1%8D%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81
• https://www.google.com/search?q=%D1%83%D1%8D%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81&sca_esv=57172
• Wales: History of a Nation
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