
Interesting facts about Las Vegas


Interesting facts about
Las Vegas


Las Vegas is a city in
the western United
States, in the state of
Nevada. It is one of the
world's largest
entertainment and
gambling centers.
Popular places to visit
are casinos, hotels,
daily concerts and


1)Many people come to Las Vegas for gambling entertainment. There are
more than 80 casinos operating here, as well as several thousand gambling
2)It is here, in Nevada, that the famous “Zone 51” is located, a deeply
classified territory belonging to the American government. There are the most
incredible rumors about her.
3)Windows in Las Vegas hotels and inns do not open, and they are made of
special impact-resistant materials. This is done so that inebriated guests do not
fall out of the windows and do not try to take their own lives in this way in
case of a big loss at the casino.


4)There is an exact replica of the Eiffel Tower installed in Paris.
5)According to statistics, the number of residents of Nevada is approximately
equal to the number of slot machines available in Las Vegas. Every year,
these machines bring about $10 billion to Nevada.


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