English – speaking countries
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

English - speaking countries

1. English – speaking countries

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
The United States of America
The Commonwealth of Australia

2. Countries of the learning language

The United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
The United States of America
The Commonwealth of Australia

3. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The Geography
Map of the UK
The System of Government
London is the capital of Great Britain
London and its places of interest
Buckingham Palace
The Tower of London
Big Ben
The Palace of Westminster
St. Paul’s Cathidral
Trafalgar Square
Piccadilly Circus
Tower Bridge
The Thames

4. Geography

• Great Britain is in fact the
biggest of the group of
islands which lies
between the North Sea
and the Atlantic Ocean
• The total area is 242,534
sq. km.
• United Kingdom consist
of: Scotland, England,
Wales, Northern Ireland
• The population of the
United Kingdom is 57
million people

5. Map of the United Kingdom


6. System of Government

The head of State
Queen Elizabeth II
the House of Commons the Queen
The Speaker
The Prime Minister
the House of Lords
The Lord Chancellor

7. London

• London is the capital
of Great Britain, its
political, economic
and commercial
• It’s population is about
9 million people.
• Nowadays London is a
real museum of
architecture the
second half of the 17th

8. The sights of London

There are always
crowds of people
waiting patiently
outside Buckingham
Palace. They come
to see the ceremony
of the Changigng of
the Guard.
The guardsmen wear
traditional uniform:
a red coat and a
bearskin (кивер из
медвежьей шкуры).
This ceremony hasn’t
changed since 1660!


This is where Queen Elizabeth II lives much of time. Buckingham Palace
is enormous. There are 600 rooms, 78 bathrooms, a cinema, a
swimming pool and even a post office. There is also a beautiful park
with a lake around the palace. About 450 people work at the Palace.
Two people look after the 300 clocks.


Throughout its 900-year history the Tower has been
many things: a palace, a fortress, a prison, a place of
execution, and even a zoo. Today, the Tower is best
known as a historical museum and more than 2 million
people visit it each year. About 150 people and 8
ravens live in the Tower. And of course the whole
place is crawling with ghosts.


Big Ben is one of
London’s most famous
стей). Big Ben was
made in 1858. Nobody
knoes for sure why Big
Ben is called Big Ben,
but many people think
it was something to do
with Sir Benjamin Hall,
a rather fat man who
was in charge of the
building works
работами) at
Westminster and
whose nickname was
‘Big Ben’.


The Palace of Westminster,
the mother of
parliaments, existed
before the time of
William the Conquerror.
William the Conquerror
didn’t like the palace, so
he completely rebuilt it.
Other kings and queens
extended it and made it
their main residence. In
1512, after a fire, the
Palace of Westminster
ceased to be a royal
residence and became
the seat of the Houses of

13. St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral was built
after the Great Fire of 1666 by
Sir Christopher Wren. It took
Sir Christopher Wren 35
years to finish St Paul’s. The
cathedral is a hundred and
ten metres high and you can
climb 627 steps up to the
dome. Inside the dome is the
Whispering Gallery. On the
floor of the cathedral, under
the dreat dome, is an
inscription dedicared to
Wren. In Latin, it says Si
monumentum requires
circumspice. (If you seek my
monument, then look around


Trafaigar Square is the
heart of tourist’s London.
This is where public
gatherings and political
demonstrations take place,
and where the New Year is
seen in by thousands of
The tall column in the
centre of the square
commemorates Admiral
Nelson’s victory in the
Battle of Trafalgar, where
the British navy defeated
the navy of Napoleon in

15. Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus – at
the junction
(пересечение дорог)
of 5 busy strees – is
a famous London
landmark and meeting
place. There is a
bronze fountain in its
centre with the
famous statue of
Eros, the Greek god
of love.


• Tower Bridge is one London’s best - known buildings,
and is often used as a symbol representing London.
Tower Bridge houses an excellent museum telling the
story of the bridge’s design, construction and history.

17. The Thames

• Standing on the river
Thames, the London
Eye (is the tallest
observation wheel, it
is 135 metres high,
it’s made of glass)
gives an excellent
view of London.

18. The United States of America

Map of the USA
System of Government
Washington is the capital of the USA
Washington and it’s places of interest
New-York and it’s places of interest

19. Geography

• The USA is situated in
the central and southern
part of Northern America.
It is washed by the
Atlantic Ocean in the
east and by the Pacific
Ocean in the west.
• The USA is divided into
three areas: Eastern area
– a highland, where the
Appalachian Mountains
are situated, Central area
– a plain, and Western
area which are
mountainous and
includes the Cordilleras
and the Rocky
• The north-eastern part of
the USA is the region of
the 5 Great Lakes.

20. Map of the USA



G.Washington (17321799) was the first
President of the USA. He
was born on February 22,
1732 in Virginia.
А. Lincoln (1809-1865),
the 16th President built
the Republican Party
into a strong national
Т. Roosvelt(1858-1919), Harry S. Truman (1884-1972),
the 26th President of the
The 33rd President. He ordered
USA. He ensured the
atomic bombs dropped on
construction of the PanamaHirosima and Nagasaki.
Д.Д. Eisenhower (18901969), the 34th President.
The President stressed
“fiscal responsibility” in
domestic affairs.
R.M. Nixon(1913-1994), the
J.F. Kennedy (1917th
1963), the 35th President. 37 President. He succeeded in
ending American fighting in Viet
He called for new civil
Nam and improving relations
rights legislation.
with USSR and China.
G.R. Ford (1913), the
38th President. Ford’s
first aim was to curb

22. Presidents

J.E. Carter (1924), 39th
President. Carter decontrolled
domestic petroleum prices to
stimulate production.
G. H. Bush (1924), 41st
President. He had a military
and diplomatic triumph in
R.W. Reagan (1911), 40th
President. He declared war
against international
B. Obama is the latest
President of the USA.
W. J. Clinton (1946), he was
elected in 1993, is the 42nd
President. He was reelected
in 1996.

23. System of Government

я власть
House of Representatives
Supreme Court
Vice - President
The Constitution

24. The capital of the USA is-

It is situated
between Virginia
and Maryland on
the Potomac
• Washington is one
of the most
beautiful and
unusual cities in
the USA.
• One reason
Washington looks
different from
other cities is that
no buildings in the
city may be more
than 40 meters

25. Washington D.C. and it’s places of interest

• There are many places of
interest in Washington, such
• The White House, The
Capitol, Supreme Court,
Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln
Memorial, Jackson

26. TheWhite House

• The White House, the official residence of the President.
• The building was fired by the British in 1814, during the War of 1812.
• From December 1848 to March 1952, the interior of the White House
was rebuilt.

27. The Capitol

The Capitol is the
tallest building in
Washington D.C.
• Besides, the Capitol
Building is also an
artistic treasure
house. Works of
famous artists are
displayed on the
walls. There are
many paintings of
events in the US
history and
sculpture of

28. Jefferson Memorial

29. Lincoln Memorial

30. Jackson Monument

31. New - York

• New-York is the largest city in the USA.
• It is situated in the southern part of New York state, at the
mouth of the Hudson River.
• New York includ the following 5 boroughs: Manhattan,
Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queen’s, Staten Isaland.

32. The sights of New York

• The Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Brooklyn Bridge,
Empire State Building, Rockefeller Centre, Central Park,
Jefferson memorial, Lincoln memorial, Jackson
memorial, Broadway.


• The Statue of Liberty is a
225-ton steel female
figure, 152 ft in height.
The Statue was designed
by F.A. Bartholdi of
Alsatian as a gift to the
US from the people of
France to memorealize
the alliance of the two
countries in the American
Revolution and their
• On September 26, 1972,
President Nixon opened
the American Museum of
Immigration, situated in
the base of the statue.
• The Statue of Liberty is
more than a monument.
She is a beloved friend,
the symbol of freedom to
millions around the world.


• Brooklyn Bridge opened in 1883


• Rockefeller
Centre – a
group of fifteen
including the
70-storey RCA
Corporation of
Building, which
houses Radio
City Music Hall.


37. Central Park

• It includes a
Zoo, a theatre,
two skating –
rinks, model
yacht pond,
rowing lakes.


• Wall Street – the
financial center of the


40. The Commonwealth of Australia

Map of the Commonwealth of Australia
Canberra is the capital of Australia

41. Geography

• Australia is a continent, a
country and an island all
the same time.
• It is the sixth largest
country and the smallest
continent in the world.
• Australia is located in the
southern hemisphere.
• It’s situated between the
Pacific and the Indian

42. Map of Australia

The Indian
The Pacific

43. Canberra is the capital of Australia

• Only Australian
capital which is not
situated on the
• Population of
about 300,000.
• Capitan James
Cook discovered
Australia in 1770.


• Sydney is the largest and oldest city in Australia.
• Sydney is home to nearly four million people.
• Nearly a quarter of all Australians live here.

45. Sydney Opera House is one of the greatest examples of 20th Century architecture.

46. Melbourne

Melbourne – second largest city in Australia.
Hosted 1956 Olympics.
Population about 3,200,000.



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The teacher of English
Oxana Pavlovna
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