Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Подготовка к выполнению задания 40 письменной части ГИА по английскому языку


Подготовка к выполнению
задания 40 письменной части
ГИА по английскому языку
Изменения в ЕГЭ по английскому языку
в 2022 году
Подготовила Силина Е.О.
МАОУ Линдовская СШ


Структура части «Письмо»
Написание электронного письма
(базовый уровень, 6 баллов)
“Развёрнутое письменное
высказывание с элементами
рассуждения на основе
уровень, 14 баллов)


Основные изменения
Вместо личного письма - электронное
(т.е. вместо слов letter пишется email)
Эссе полностью поменяло свой формат


Демоверсия электронного
You have received an email message from your
English-speaking pen-friend Ronny: From:
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Summer …
I am so happy that summer has come and we
are going to have a long holiday. What’s the
weather like in Russia in summer? What is your
favourite season and why this one? What are
your plans for the summer? My uncle Keith is
coming to visit us next week...




Структура задания 40
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject
of the project work;
– select and report 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with
reading and suggest the way of solving it;
– draw a conclusion giving your personal
opinion on the importance of reading in
human life


Учащимся предложены два варианта
задания, 40.1 и 40.2, на выбор
Количество слов - 200-250
Исходя из структуры задания должно
быть 5 абзацев, в каждом отражены
требуемые аспекты
Стиль написания – нейтральный
(исключены стяженные формы,
разговорная лексика, риторические
вопросы и т.д.)
Для каждого абзаца можно предложить
подходящие клише


Первый абзац
Знакомство с проблемой (темой
проекта), указанной в задании
Указание на найденные данные по
теме проекта в виде диаграммы или
2-3 предложения


Первый абзац (клише)
It is well known that (topic)
Nowadays more and more people (action
connected with the topic)
Over the last few decades there has been a
significant increase in the number of people who
(do something connected with the topic).
(Topic) plays an important role in our life
Undoubtedly, all people (action connected with
the topic)
Nowadays it is impossible to imagine … without


Примеры первого абзаца
It is hard to deny the importance of reading in a teenager’s
life. I have decided to do a project on what book
genres are popular among teenagers and found the
results of an opinion poll to illustrate some of my
ideas. Below I will give my comments on the results
of the poll.
The youngsters’ choice of literature has always been the
subject of numerous arguments. The aim of our
project is to disclose what book genres are popular with
teenagers in Zetland, and the found data demonstrate
some reading preferences.


Второй абзац
Указать 2-3 факта из
Указываем либо 2 более развернуто,
либо 3 более кратко
Сравнивать их не надо
Числительные писать цифрами, можно
заменить на синонимы


Клише для второго абзаца
the main features of this table/graph/pie
chart …
one can see from the poll that …
the most popular … the least popular …
if we look at the graph/table/pie chart, we
can see …
looking at the main features …
what stands out from the table/graph/ pie
chart …
another striking feature is …


Примеры второго абзаца
On the whole, a vast majority of smartphone owners use
their gadgets for practical purposes, with 78 %making phone calls
and a little less than 80 %replying to emails. Entertainment
came next in popularity. This is illustrated by the fact
that more than a half of those questioned reported using their
devices for surfing the Internet.
As we can see from the chart, 55.4% of readers in Zetland
prefer adventure stories to all other genres, while romance is the
least well-liked kind of literature among youngsters with only a
fifth from that number (17.6 %) present in the opinion poll.
Also, teenagers are keen on reading detective/war/spy, sports, and
animal stories.


Третий абзац
Анализ данных и 1-2 сравнения
Если слов уже много, стоит
ограничится 1 сравнением
Можно брать те же данные, что и в
предыдущем абзаце, но дать


Клише для третьего абзаца
in comparison/ in contrast, …
on the other hand …/ However, … /
Likewise, …
not as … as
while/ whereas / although / but


Примеры третьего абзаца
The data show significant differences in the choice of book
genres among teenagers. Thus, sports stories (49.2%) are almost
three times more popular than romance (17.6%), which
witnesses that young people find the first type more exciting.
Evidently, books about love affairs are read by adults mostly, not
by the younger generation.
The survey has also shown that online shopping was four
times less popular with smartphone owners than surfing the
Internet. This can be explained by the fact that teenagers
and older people hardly ever purchase anything online. While the
first are often pressed for money, the latter fear falling victims to
online fraud.


Четвертый абзац
Выявление проблемы, связанной с
темой проекта, и путей ее решения
Самый объемный абзац
Проблема должна быть связана с
темой проекта, но не обязательно с
данными таблицы


Клише для четвертого абзаца
he main problem with … is …
the main problem faced by … is …
the foremost problem here is …
general solutions centre around …
one effective solution to deal with … is

a solution that can prove successful is …


Примеры четвертого абзаца
Although smartphones are generally thought of as making
people’s lives easier, there are certain problems that may
arise from using them. Smartphones cause addiction in
teenagers and adults and have a devastating effect on one’s
physical and emotional well-being as well as their relationships
with others. A possible solution is to measure one’s screen time
and limit it gradually.
Our project has revealed a problem in teenagers’ reading
tastes.Young people tend to choose books of entertaining genres,
leaving serious literature out of their field of interest. To turn them
towards other types of books, some measures should be
undertaken. For instance, school reading contests devoted to
thought-provoking books could be organised to motivate
youngsters to change their reading habits.


Высказать свое мнение по теме
В пятом аспекте четко указано, о чем
ученик должен высказать свое мнение
Без употребления выражений,
указывающих на свое мнение,
критерий считается не выполненым


Клише для пятого абзаца
I believe that …
I am convinced that …
I strongly believe that …
Personally, I think that …
In my opnion, …
In my view, …


Примеры заключения
To sum up, it would be fair to conclude that although
smartphones are useful and versatile devices, I believe that
they are increasingly affecting people’s health and their
social and emotional well-being in a way that few could have
foreseen before.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasise the
importance of reading for teenagers because, in my
opinion, it is necessary for the enrichment of their inner
world. Moreover, books are an inexhaustible source of
knowledge that broadens our horizons.
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