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Юрий Владимирович Никулин


Юрий Владимирович Никулин
Presentation the pupil has
prepared 7 classes Klinov
2012 year.


The short
Name at a birth:
Yury Vladimirovich Nikulin
Date of birth:
On December, 18th 1921
The birthplace:
Demidov, Smolensk province,
Death date:
On August, 21st 1997 (75 years)
Death place:
Moscow, Russia
The USSR → Russia
The actor, the circus performer
— the clown, the singer, the
director of circus, the TV


Nikulin has died
on August, 21st,
1997 after a heart
operation, and is
buried on the
New maiden
cemetery (a site №


Home life
In 1949 Yury Nikulin has got
acquainted with Tatyana
Nikolaevnoj Pokrovsky (a sort.
On December, 14th 1929) which
soon became his wife.
Yury Vladimirovicha, Tatyana
Nikulina's wife (ур. Pokrovsk)
acted in film, worked as the
circus performer till 1981, in
2002 it is awarded the order
Honour . Among Yury
Nikulina's close friends there
was Oleg Tabakov, George
Vitsin and the largest in the
USSR a foreign star, the actor
and director Radzh Kapur.
On November, 14th, 1956 in a
family of Nikulinyh son Maxim
Jurevich Nikulin was born.
The senior grand daughter
Maria (1981) and two grandsons:
Yury Nikulin (1986) and Maxim
Nikulin (1990)


The girl with a guitar - a role the fireworker
Resistant - a role Albert Klyachkin
Dog of Barbos and unusual cross-country – a role of Balbes (гл. A role)
Dead souls – a role sexual in a tavern
Ivan Rybakov
The person anywhere – a role the foreman of militia
When trees were big - a role Kuzma Iordanov (гл. A role)
My friend, Kolka! - a role of Vasja
Moonshiners - a role of Balbes (гл. A role)
Taming obstinate - a role the head of church chorus of boys
Businessmen. A short story «Related souls» - a role the robber
One is still wet behind the ears - a role driver Nikolay
Without fear and reproach - a role the clown in circus
The big match - a role Petja-cockerel, the thief-domushnik
To me, Muhtar! - the Role Glazychev
Operation «Ы» and other adventures of Shurika a role - Balbes (гл. A role)
Give the book of complaints - a role the seller
Visionaries - a role the person on a beach
The small fugitive - a role камео
The Caucasian captive, or New adventures of Shurika - a role of Balbes


Monuments devoted in
honor of it.
In September, 2000 near to a circus
building in which more than 50
years J.Nikulin has fulfilled, there
was a monument of work of sculptor
Rukavishnikov, representing the
actor near to the car from a film
«Caucasian captive».
In 2010 in Perm there was a
monument to "the Gajdaevsky
three» opposite to a cinema
In 2011 in the homeland of the actor
in a city Demidov of the Smolensk
region the monument [1] has been
In November, 2011 in Kursk, before a
circus building, the monument to
clowns Yury Nikulinu and Michael
Shujdinu is established
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