
Yuri Nikulin


Yuri Nikulin was born on December 18, 1921
in Demidov . His family was closely
connected with the theatre: his father,
Vladimir Andreevich studied law, and on
returning from the army took a job as a
actor in theater, mother Lidia was also a
theater actress. It is noteworthy that the
parents of George were known in the city as
actors, comedians that much impact on the
future fate of the boy. When Yuri was four
years old, his family moved to Moscow.
Father got a job as a correspondent for two
local Newspapers and began to write jokes
for theater and circus. Vladimir Andreevich
often took his son with him to the circus,
where the five-year Jura was inspired by the
atmosphere of joy and fun. It was then, the
future artist came up with the idea to
entertain people, causing on their faces
smile. He led the life of an ordinary Soviet
boy, spent much time with friends.


Yuri Nikulin - military biography
November 8, 1939, after graduating from high
school, he was drafted into the Red army, he
served in the 115th anti-aircraft artillery
regiment. During the Soviet-Finnish war antiaircraft battery, where he was stationed was
under the Sestroretsk and protected air
approaches to Leningrad.
Yuri Nikulin - 1940 In the Great Patriotic war,
fought near Leningrad. In the spring of 1943,
he fell ill with pneumonia and was sent to the
Leningrad hospital and immediately after
discharge was wounded during an air RAID on
During the war, was awarded medals "For
courage" , "For defense of Leningrad" and
"For victory over Germany".



In 1949 Nikulin was a clown circus.
The first time he acted as assistant to
a popular clown of the Pencil, and
later was paired with comedian and
acrobat Mikhail Suygenim. Yury has
performed on the circus arena more
than thirty years, combining the job
with the filming. In 1981 he was
promoted to chief Director, and a
year later he took the place of the
Director. Under his leadership, the
Moscow circus flourished, for it was
built new, more modern building. Just
the walls of home entertainment
artist worked for about fifty years.


In 1958-m to year of role in
circus Nikulina brought to the
movies. The debut work of a
clown was a small role in the
film "the girl with the guitar"
in which he played the role of
hapless pyrotechnics. The
picture became very
successful, and he stopped,
despite a very small role, is
well remembered by the
audience. In 1959, the year
the actor has noted in the
movie "Intractable", and two
years later received the role
of "Dunce" in kinonovell "Dog
Mongrel and unusual cross"


After this proposal about the
shooting began to do a circus
artist on a regular basis. The
painting "the Caucasian captive",
"Operation "y", "Ko mne,
Mukhtar!", "The diamond arm",
"Seven old men and a girl", "They
fought for the Motherland" and
many others have become
classics of Soviet cinema, and are
still the favorite ribbon for
millions of people in all corners of
the former USSR. Thanks to his
roles in movies, Yuri Nikulin
became popular in all the
republics of the Soviet Union, and
also received a countless number
of different awards. In 1973, the
year he received the title of
"National artist of the USSR". This
award is one of the most
significant in destiny of the artist.


Girl with guitar
Mongrel dog and unusual cross
When the trees were big
Operation "y" and other Shurik's adventures
Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New adventures
The diamond arm
12 chairs


Yuri Nikulin died in the
summer of 1997, the year
of the outbreak of
complications after heart
surgery. The funeral of the
actor passed in the
Novodevichy cemetery in
Moscow. At the funeral
ceremony was attended by
friends of the actor, and
the actor's wife Tatiana
(the famous Soviet circus
artist) and their son,
Maxim Nikulin, who runs
his father's circus today.



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