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Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
VitaminsPerformed by:
Terekhov Stepan Andreevich
Group: 3722B1BL10
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)• Тhe benefits and what is needed for:
Strengthens the immune system, affects hormone synthesis,
accelerates wound healing, regulates metabolism, participates in
collagen synthesis, improves bile separation, removes toxins, protects
against stress.
• Where are they kept:
Oranges and orange juice,
red and green peppers, strawberries,
black currants, broccoli, potatoes,
rosehip, grapefruit, rowan, persimmon,
apples, apricots and peaches.
Vitamin А (retinol)• Тhe benefits and what is needed for:
Normal vision, strengthens the immune system, skin restoration, wound
healing, normal embryonic development; prevention of cancer,
atherosclerosis, cataracts.
• Where are they kept:
Green and yellow vegetables (carrots,
pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, green onions),
legumes (soy, peas), peaches, apricots,
apples, grapes, watermelon, melon,
rosehip, sea buckthorn, cherries, fish oil,
liver, caviar, milk, butter, margarine,
sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese,
egg yolk.
Vitamin D (calciferol)• Тhe benefits and what is needed for:
It strengthens the immune system, nervous, cardiovascular, and
muscular systems, strengthens bones and teeth, and is useful in the
prevention of atherosclerosis, obesity, type II diabetes, senile
dementia, glaucoma, and malignant neoplasms.
• Where are they kept:
It is produced by the body from
ultraviolet radiation.
Salmon, fatty fish, butter, cheese,
egg yolk, caviar, chanterelles, yeast,
liver, meat, corn oil.
Vitamin E (tocopherol)• Тhe benefits and what is needed for:
It supports the health of the skin, nail plate and hair, has an effect on
the production of collagen and elastin, has an effect on the
reproductive system, increases immunity.
• Where are they kept:
In oils (palm, peanut, sunflower, olive,
rapeseed, almond), in vegetables and
fruits (broccoli, mango, avocado,
bell pepper), in protein (fish, beef,
chicken, cheese, oyster, pork, egg).
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)• Тhe benefits and what is needed for:
It participates in blood clotting, promotes calcium absorption, bone health,
helps maintain the activity of the nervous system and brain activity, promotes
a healthy state of the cardiovascular system, increases the level of insulin
production, supports immunity, has an anti-inflammatory effect, slows down
age-related changes.
• Where are they kept:
Greens, white cabbage and cauliflower,
broccoli, olive oil, cottage cheese, milk,
kiwi, bananas and avocado.
It can be synthesized independently in
the human body.
For example, it is often caused by E. coli in the colon.
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