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The Tower of London


The Tower of London
The student Graph 22-01
Beatrisa Chemerkina


Date of construction
Originally built by William the
Conqueror in 1066, the Tower
served as a royal palace, a
fortress, and a prison. The tower
was finally completed in 1078.
The tower was finally completed in 1078


Location and view
The Tower of London is a famous historical landmark in England. It is located on the north bank
of the River Thames in the city of London. Architecturally, it is a quadrangular structure
measuring 32x36 meters, with a tower height of 30 meters.


View of the Tower from
a height
View of the Tower Bridge
from the Tower


The Norman monk Gundolf supervised the construction of
the main part of the Tower - the "White Tower", one of the
masterpieces of Norman architecture. Over the following
centuries, the Tower grew within its borders and was
supplemented with new fortresses and towers. The modern
Tower is both one of the main monuments of Norman
architecture and an excellent example of early English


Tower ZOO
The royal menagerie originated in the XVIII century, when Henry III received three leopards, a polar bear
and an elephant as a gift from his son-in-law and Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II. Over time, the
menagerie was replenished with even more exotic animals and in the time of Elizabeth I was open to
visitors. In the 1830s, the zoo in the Tower was abolished, and the animals were moved to a new zoo that
opened in London's Regent's Park.


The mint
For more than 500 years, the main branch of the Royal Mint was located in the Tower. One of his
most turbulent periods came during the reign of Henry VIII, when coins were minted from silver
requisitioned from destroyed monasteries. In addition, important state and legal records were kept in
the Tower, as well as weapons and military equipment of the king and the royal army were
manufactured and stored.


The scaffold of royal blood
Since the 12th century, the Tower has become a state prison. The Tower gained its reputation as a sinister
place of torture during The Reformation under Henry VIII. During the centuries-old history of the Tower
Castle, three legitimate queens of England were executed there - Anne Boley, Catherine Howard (wives of
Henry VIII, accused of high treason) and Jane Grey (Queen of 6 days, overthrown and executed by order
Mary Stuart)
Anne Boley
Catherine Howard
Jane Grey
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