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Advertising: information or manipulation?


Advertising: Information or
Prepared by Ksenia Zaitseva
11 «M»


In the modern world, advertising plays a huge role
in shaping public opinion, attitudes and needs. She
is a part of our lives. Advertising surrounds us
everywhere: on the streets, on the internet, on the
television, in print media.
However, the question of whether advertising is just
information or a tool of manipulation remains a
matter of debate.


On the one hand, advertising provides
information about products and services, helps us
make the right choice when buying. She can
provide us with useful information about the
product, its value, and the warranty period.
Thus, advertising performs the function of informing and can be a
useful tool for the consumer.


On the other hand, advertising often uses various
techniques aimed at convincing us to buy a certain
product or service, even if we don't need them. It can
create false ideas about the product, draw attention
to its advantages and hide its disadvantages.
Thus, advertising can be perceived as a form of


In conclusion, we can say that advertising is both
information and manipulation at the same time.


Each consumer must make their own
purchase decisions based not only on
advertising, but also on their own
knowledge and experience.


Thanks for your attention!
Don't be fooled by manipulation
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