English as a global language
English as a universal language
Simplicity of form
Openness of Vocabulary
The future of English
English is a widespread language
For and against
English in my life
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

English as a global language

1. English as a global language

2. English as a universal language

It is becoming the world`s first truly
universal language. It is the native
language of 400 million people in
twelve countries. But another 400
million people speak English as a
second language.

3. Simplicity of form

Verbs now have very few
inflections, and adjectives can not
be changed according to the noun.

4. Flexibility

As a result of the loss of inflections,
English has become, over the past
five centuries, a very flexible
language. Without inflections,
the same word can operate as
many different parts of speech.
(Many nouns and verbs have the
same form, for example swim,
drink, kiss, look, and smile. We
can talk about water to drink and
to water the flowers; time to go
and to time a race; a paper to read
and to paper a bedroom).

5. Openness of Vocabulary

Purists of the French, Russian, and
Japanese languages are resisting
the arrival of English in their

6. The future of English

Geographically, English is the most
widespread language on Earth,
second in the number of people
who speak it. It is the language of
business, technology, sport, and

7. English is a widespread language

English is so widely spoken, it has
been referred to as a «global
language». It is the official
language for aircraft and airport
communication. It is an
international language in the

8. For and against

English is so widely spoken, it has
been referred to as a «global
language». While English is not
an official language in many
countries, it is the language most
often taught as a second language
around the world. It is also, by
international treaty, the official
language for aircraft and airport
communication. Its widespread
acceptance as the first or second
language is the main indication of
its worldwide status.

9. English in my life

English plays an important role in
my life not only because it can
help to communicate with people
from other countries but also
because it can help to know more
about other cultures, traditions
and habits. I have not finally
make up my mind, what I want to
be when I leave school. But I am
sure, that English will be useful in
my future career.
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