Категория: ГеографияГеография

Peru. Narmandakh Namuuna group 4


Narmandakh Namuuna group 4


Electoral system of Peru
• The Peruvian electoral system has as its mission
the planning, organization and execution of elections
in Peru, as well as keeping a civil registry. As defined
by the Constitution it comprises the following
• National Jury of Elections (JNE): in charge of
overseeing the legality of elections
• National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE): in
charge of organizing elections
• National Registry of Identification and Civil
Status (RENIEC): in charge of maintaining a civil
registry, as well as record of suffrage eligibility and


• Elections are held
through direct universal
suffrage, voting is
compulsory for citizens a
ge eighteen through
seventy. Members of the
Armed Forces and the
Police are entitled to
vote, but can not be


General elections in Peru
Took place on April 11 and June 6, 2021. They elected the president, vicepresidents, all 130 deputies of the Congress and 5 Peruvian
representatives in the Andean Parliament.
In Peru, presidential elections were held in April 2021. The presidential
candidates were Pedro Castillo (left-wing candidate) and Keiko Fujimori
(right-wing candidate). The elections were very tense and the results
sparked controversy and protests. After lengthy disputes and proceedings,
Pedro Castillo was declared the winner. He represents the leftist Free Peru
party and has promised reforms, including changes to the constitution and
economic policies.


• The territory of the Republic of Peru
divided into 26 districts electoral, one
by each department, Constitutional
Province from Callao and Lima
Provinces. The residents in the
foreigners are considered within the
Electoral District of Lime.


• The election is won by absolute majority,
where null or blank votes are not they count.
• The second round is between the two
candidates with the two high majorities
• For the election of President and Vice
President of the Republic uses the single
electoral district.
• This type of election is directed by the 1993


• Thank you for your attention
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