Категория: ИсторияИстория

Lithuania. Medical lock




The Mednitsky Castle is located in
the settlement of Myadininkai. The
earliest example of a stone-brick
fortification in Lithuania and the
largest castle of the "castel" type in
the country. To this day, a part of the
defensive wall and towers has been
preserved in its original form. Since
2004, the castle belongs to the Trakai
Historical Museum. At the end of
September 2012, the castle was
opened after reconstruction, there is
a collection of hunting trophies of
President Algirdas Brazauskas and
an exhibition dedicated to the
history of the castle.


St. Anne's Church is a Catholic
church, a monument of Gothic
architecture, one of the most famous
sights of Vilnius. It is located in the
Old Town. It was consecrated in
honor of the holy righteous Anna,
mother of the Virgin Mary.
The temple, which is part of the
ensemble of the Church of Saints
Francis of Assisi and Bernardine of
Siena and the buildings of the
Bernardine monastery, is a stateprotected cultural heritage site of
national importance


The Church of Saints Peter and Paul,
is a Roman Catholic parish church of
the Vilnius Dean's Office; an
architectural monument of the XVII
century; belongs to the most
outstanding Baroque monuments of
Lithuania and therefore is often
called the "pearl of the Baroque".
The ensemble of the monastery
buildings is included in the Register
of Cultural Values of the Republic of
Lithuania, protected by the state as
an object of national importance.


The Mountain of Crosses (lit. Kryži ?
kalnas) is a shrine in Lithuania, a
place of pilgrimage. It is located 12
kilometers from the city of Siauliai
on the Kaliningrad — Riga road. It is
a hill, apparently a settlement, on
which many crosses are installed.
The exact number is unknown; it was
reported that incomplete
calculations in the 1990s yielded a
result of about 50 thousand crosses


Trakai (Troki) peninsular Castle (lit.
Trakai pusiasalio pilis) is a castle
built in the 3rd quarter of the 14th
century by a Keystut on the
peninsula between Galve and Luka
lakes in Trakai (Troki). It is included
in the Trakai Historical National
The Novotrok castle of Keistut had
six or seven towers square in crosssection, connected by a wall 10
meters high. Both brick and stone
were used in the construction. A
moat 12-14 meters wide separated
the fortifications from the settlement.


Gediminas Tower is a historical and
cultural monument in Vilnius. The
western tower of the Upper Castle,
built in 1419-1422 under Vytautas.
Previously, its construction was
mistakenly attributed to his
grandfather Gediminas.It is located
in the western part of the Castle Hill,
located in the historical center of the
city and rising 48 m from the sole.
The three-storey octagonal tower, 20
m high, is made of rough rubble
stone and red brick. The national
flag is flying on a flagpole above the
tower. The observation deck at the
top offers views of the Old Town and
the valley of Vilia.


Raudon Castle (historical names —
"Red Castle", "Raudan Castle") is the
main attraction of the Lithuanian city
of Raudon..
The medieval Order castle of
Bayerburg, which once stood on this
site, is the scene of an East Prussian
legend known as the "White Lady of


The issue of the construction of
fortifications in Kovna was discussed
at the end of the XVIII century, but
became especially relevant after the
war with Napoleon, during which the
Napoleonic army crossed the Neman
River in the Kovna area without
hindrance. The construction of one of
the first railway tunnels in the
Russian Empire and the laying of the
St. Petersburg-Warsaw railway line
further strengthened the strategic
importance of Kovno. Therefore, in
1879, it was decided to erect a firstclass fortress here (1880-1918).
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