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Why I choose to study master degree?


Why I choose to study
master degree?
Prepared by
Melnikova Darya


Hello everyone, my name is Daria Melnikova and
today I will tell you why I chose this master's degree.
In 2023, after graduating from the bachelor's degree,
I had a choice to go to work in my specialty or continue my studies



After reviewing the training plan, I collected the necessary documents, passed the
entrance exams and another test awaited me.
I had to find my place of work.
Our team of 20 people was divided into groups that had to engage in various activities.
I was brought to the Scientific Research Institute.
That's how my journey began.
I am currently working on a project related to the human brain and Neural networks,
which is very interesting.
It can be difficult and deadlines are burning,
We have to do a lot of research on unknown and new topics.
We have a good group that makes this path easier.
Maybe I'll link my master's thesis to the project we're working on now.


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