Категория: ЭкологияЭкология

Загрязнение почвы


Загрязнение почвы
Проект создавали: Петров Илья, Опоев Антон


Oil and petroleum products
Промышленность и транспорт — едва ли не главные
источники загрязнения почвы нефтяными шламами, мазутом,
гудроном, керосином, бензином, различными
растворителями и красителями, красками, лаками и
родственными продуктами. Самая большая концентрация
загрязнения плодородных грунтов нефтепродуктами
происходит в районах нефтедобычи и городах. Там она
может в сотни раз превышать фоновые значения.


petroleum products


Deicing reagents
In the winter months, substances with an anti-icing effect are used on the
roadway and sidewalks for the safety of cars and pedestrians. Most often they
consist of table (technical) salt, sand-salt mixture, calcium chloride or sodium
chloride. In large concentrations, salt negatively affects the soil, depriving it of
its fertile properties over time.


Heavy metal salts, gases and phenols
Industrial enterprises and road transport emit into the atmosphere salts of
cadmium, copper, chromium, nickel, cobalt, mercury, arsenic and manganese,
lead compounds of sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine, harmful to humans, animals
and plants, which settle in the soil and change its natural parameters.


Industrial cultivation of agricultural products cannot do without processing
fields with fertilizers and means that promote plant growth and protect
against pests — herbicides, pesticides, insecticides and fungicides. Most of
them contain elements toxic to the soil.


Biological pollution
This type of pollution is evidenced by the accumulation of too
many pathogenic organisms in the soil — bacteria, fungi, algae,
viruses, insects or pollen. If the concentration of biomass is
exceeded, it poses a serious danger to the environment and
human health.


Radiation pollution
contamination of the earth's surface, atmosphere, water or food, food raw
materials, feed and various items with radioactive substances in quantities
exceeding the level established by radiation safety standards and rules for
working with radioactive substances. Z.R. occurs during a nuclear explosion,
destruction of radiation-hazardous facilities or accidents at these facilities.


Anthropogenic sources
Severe chemical pollution of the soil is caused by human household and
economic activities. The most noticeable negative impact is caused by
industrial pollution — the systematic introduction of chemicals into the soil,
uncontrolled industrial waste, radioactive contamination, acid precipitation.
Harmful substances enter the soil with household and construction debris,
waste from heating systems, emissions from transport, industrial and
agricultural enterprises, sewage, sewage, food waste, garbage from public
institutions — hotels, shops, canteens, hospitals and so on.


The end
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