Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Аннотирование английского текста. Практическое занятие



1. Introduction
Основные сведения: заголовок, автор(ы)
Общая характеристика статьи
2. Main Body
Задачи, поставленные автором
Оценка полученных результатов
3. Conclusion
Подведение итогов, выводов по работе


The paper (article) under discussion (consideration) is intended (aims) to describe (explain,
examine, survey) …
The article deals with …
As the title implies the article describes ...
The paper is concerned with …
Main Body
The article points out that …
The author concentrates on…
The author calls attention to the fact that….
The text gives valuable information on …
… is/are noted, examined, discussed in detail, stressed, reported, considered.
Much attention is given to …
It is stressed that …
It is spoken in detail about …
According to the author/ in the author’s opinion…
The paper summarizes/at the end of the article the author sums up...
The article is of great help to …
The article is of interest to …
The article is useful to…


The advances in research and in building techniques achieved by the above-mentioned green design luminaries have been
compiled into a reliable database of environmental construction methods and sustainable materials—some of which
have been in use for thousands of years yet remain the basis for contemporary advances in environmental technology.
For private residences of the 21st century, the essential green design principles are as follows:
Alternative energy sources. Whenever feasable, build homes and communities that supply their own power; such
buildings may operate entirely off the regional power grid, or they may be able to feed excess energy back onto the
grid. Wind and solar power are the usual alternatives. The quality of solar collectors and photovoltaic panels
continues to improve with the advance of technology; practical considerations for choosing one supplier over
another include price, durability, availability, delivery method, technology, and warranty support.
Energy conservation. Weatherize buildings for maximum protection against the loss of warm or cool air. Major
chemical companies have developed responsibly manufactured, dependable, moisture-resistant insulating materials
that do not cause indoor humidity problems. Laminated glass was also radically improved at the end of the 20th
century; some windows provide the same insulation value as traditional stone, masonry, and wood construction. In
regions that experience extreme heat, straw-bale or mud-brick construction—used since ancient times—is a good
way to save money and energy.
Reuse of materials. Use recycled building materials. Although such products were scarce in the early 1990s, since
the early 21st century they have been readily available from a burgeoning number of companies that specialize in
salvaging materials from demolition sites.
Careful sitting. Consider using underground or earth-sheltered architecture, which can be ideal for domestic living.
Starting at a depth of about 1.5 metres (5 feet) below the surface, the temperature is a constant 52 °F (11 °C)—
which makes the earth itself a dependable source of climate control.
Individual, corporate, and governmental efforts to comply with or enforce LEED standards include recycling at
household and community levels, constructing smaller and more efficient buildings, and encouraging off-the-grid
energy supplies. Such efforts alone cannot preserve the global ecosystem, however. On the most basic level, the
ultimate success of any globally sanctioned environmental movement depends as much on its social, psychological,
and aesthetic appeal as on its use of advanced technologies.
The environmental movement in the 21st century can succeed only to the extent that its proponents achieve a broadbased philosophical accord and provide the same kind of persuasive catalyst for change that the Industrial Revolution
offered in the 19th century. This means shaping a truly global (as well as optimistic and persuasive) philosophy of the
environment. Much depends on the building arts and integrative thinking. Architects will have to abandon 20thcentury specialization and reliance on technology and, with builders and clients, help support grassroots, communityoriented, and globally unifying objectives.


As the title suggests, the article describes the basic principles of green design. It is reported that these
principles have not lost their relevance for many centuries, and are now the basis for modern
achievements in the field of environmental technologies.
The main idea of the article is as follows: to succeed in the environmental movement, it is necessary to
achieve broad philosophical approval. The author specifies that when this happens, the formation of a
global philosophy of the environment will take place.
The article describes in detail the methods of green design. These include: the use of alternative sources,
that is, the construction of buildings that can operate completely outside the regional power system,
or can feed excess energy back into the network; energy conservation in the form of the development
of reliable insulation materials, necessary to save money and energy. Methods also include the use of
recycled building materials and the use of underground or earth-protected architecture that may be
suitable for home life.
The author also says that the success of the environmental movement depends on the use of advanced
technologies and attractiveness to society.
In conclusion, the author says that much depends on the build of the art, integrative thinking and a
compelling catalyst for change. In addition, everything will work out if architects and builders do not
focus on 20th-century technology, but support grass-roots, community-based and globally unifying


«Principles Of Building Green». The paper under discussion is called
As the title implies the article describes environmental
construction methods and ways to maintain the environment in the
construction sector.
It is shown that in the world it is possible to use alternative energy
sources, which are endless resources and will help to reduce the
depletion of other natural resources.
The article points out that the use of straw-bale, mud-brick and other
materials will help reduce energy consumption.
According to the author reuse of materials helps to get rid of excess
garbage and ultimately save the environment.
The text gives valuable information on careful siting. The use of the
underground or earth-sheltered architecture helps to control the
At the end of the article the author sums up that changes in the
environment and compliance with the norms that can lead to its
improvement depend on many factors and on ourselves.
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