Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Complete the sentences with the Present Simple


Complete the sentences with the Present Simple, the Present
Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous
as in the example:
- My friends are going camping tomorrow, but I
can’t join them because my train leaves at 5 pm.
Беньковская А.И.


• Look! Ann ____________
is wearing
(wear) an engagement ring.
proposed (propose) to
her boyfriend __________
is always sleeping
• This student __________________
(always / sleep)
instead of working hard!
is running
• A scared patient __________
(run) away from a
doctor. He _____
(be) afraid of hospitals.
has broken
• This man ____________
(break) his leg and arm. He
has been suffering (suffer) from pain for many hours.
He _____________
(have) a surgery tomorrow.
is having
is sitting and dreaming (sit, dream) about her
• Jane ____________________
is leaving (leave) for Sochi in two days.
holidays. She __________
takes off
Her plane ___________
(take off) at 8pm.
Беньковская А.И.
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