Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

English for lawyers


Vyatka state university college
English for future lawyers
Anna Anatol’evna


Рассказ о себе кратко
(About myself briefly)
• My name (first name) is Pavel. I am Pavel Petrov. – Меня зовут
Павел. Я -Павел Петров.
• My surname (last name) is Petrov. – Моя фамилия Петров.
• My full name is Pavel (Sergeevich) Petrov
• I am 33 years old. – Мне 33 года.
• I was born in Kirov and I have lived all my life here. – Я родился в
Кирове, и живу здесь всю жизнь.
• I live in St. Petersburg. – Я живу в Санкт-Петербурге.
• I’m married (not married). – Я женат (не женат).
• I’m single. – Я не женат (не замужем).
• I’m divorced. – Я в разводе.
• I have two (no) children. – У меня есть двое (нет) детей.


Oбучение (study)
I study at Vyatka state university college .
I study online. Я учусь дистанционно
( I am a student of distant (remote) learning.
I am a first-year student – a учусь на первом
I study at the department оf law.
My future profession is a lawyer.


Legal professions
Lawyer – юрист
Judge - Судья
Attorney\ advocate – адвокат
Jury Consultant – юр. Консультант
Prosecutor - прокурор
Как называются юристы на английском языке: lawyer,
attorney, barrister ‹ engblog.ru
Английский для юристов: ресурсы для изучения +
базовый словарь ‹ Инглекс (englex.ru)
Jokes About Lawyers and the Legal Profession! - YouTube


Фразы для рассказа о хобби и
Как Вы обычно проводите свое свободное время? How do you usually spend your free time?
Чем Вы интересуетесь? What are you interested in?
Какие у Вас хобби? What hobbies do you have?
Какую музыку (фильм, книгу, спорт) Вы предпочитаете? What is your favourite music (movie,
book, sport)?
Я люблю … I like …— путешествовать — travelling— читать книги — reading books— кататься
на велосипеде — riding a bike— кататься на коньках — skating
— кататься на лыжах — skiing— кататься на роликах — roller-skating— рисовать — drawing
Я интересуюсь … I’m interested in — музыкой — music— спортом — sport
— искусством — art
Я предпочитаю … отдых — I prefer … rest— активный — active
— пассивный — passive
Мне доставляет удовольствие … — I enjoy …— садоводство — gardening
— выпечку — cooking— вязание — knitting
Я очень люблю … лошадей. I’m fond of …— лошадей — horses— собак — dogs
Я помешана на … I’m crazy about …— скейтборде — skateboarding— серфинге — surfing
Я обожаю посещать … I adore visiting …— музеи — museums
— театры — theaters— галереи искусства — art galleries
Я собираю … I collect …— открытки — postcards— значки — badges
— марки — stamps— монеты — coins
Я провожу много времени в Интернете — I often surf the web
Я люблю встречаться с разными людьми — I love meeting different people
У меня есть домашние животные — I’ve got some pets


Types of Legal Professions in Russia
and Great Britain.
Speaking about types of legal professions in Russia we should say that the most popular of them is the profession of a lawyer. Lawyers in private practice
work mostly within bars – self-managed cooperative organizations. There are about nineteen thousand advocates in more than one hundred bars. The
highest body of advocates’ self- management is the general meeting of a bar. The presidium headed by the chairperson is the executive board of each bar.
The presidium is elected by the general meeting for a term of three years.
Bars of advocates are formed in accordance with territorial subdivisions – in the cities, regions, republic or autonomous entities.
There are now more and more American- type law firms in Russia functioning separately from bars of advocates and especially involved in representing
private businesses. Many lawyers are employed by the law offices of enterprises, ministries and agencies as in-house counsel ( jurisconsult).
Of course, many in the legal profession teach or do academic research work. In Russia there are forty institutions of higher law education. There are also
separate research centers in law, the most prominent of which is the Institute of State and Law under the Academy of Sciences of Russia.
In Great Britain there also many legal professions. The most strong feature of the English legal profession is its bifurcation into two separate subprofessions, barristers and solicitors. This bifurcation has a number of significant impacts upon the judicial system. It is the main reason for the separation
between civil and criminal courts.
Solicitors deal with all day-to-day work of preparing legal documents for buying and selling trading houses, making wills, etc. Barristers specialize in
representing clients in court. The training and career structures for the two types of lawyer are quite separate.
In court, barristers wear wigs and owns. The highest level of barristers have the title “QC” ( Queen’s Counsel). To qualify as a solicitor, a young man or a
woman joins a solicitor as a “clerk”. At the same time he studies part time for the “Law Society” exams when you have passed the exams, you can practice,
that is to start your own business.
Barristers are experts in the interpretation of the Law. To qualify as a barrister you have to make examinations of the Bar Council. But there is no separate
training for judges.
Magistrates judge cases in the lower courts. Coroners have medical or legal training, and inquire into violent or unnatural deaths. A jury consists of twelve
people who are chosen at random from the Electoral Register.
The main administrators of federal law enforcement are attorneys, appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate. US attorneys
have considerable discretion, which makes them powerful political figures in the community.


Полезные ссылки для работы
(useful links)
1. как здороваться, прощаться? Спросить «как дела?» на английском
15 популярных фраз на английском | приветствия и прощания – YouTube
2. Как обращаться к людям в разных ситуациях
Миссис или мисс – обращение в английском Mr, Ms, Mrs или Miss (englishdom.com)
3. Благодарность и использование слова «пожалуйста» в разных ситуациях»
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEjtW_mw2BE, https://englex.ru/ways-to-say-you-are-welcome-in-english/
4. диалоги и подкасты по теме «Знакомство» https://lizasenglish.ru/razgovornyj-anglijskij/dialogiznakomstvo.html
5. 100 самых главных глаголов английского языка табличка для распечатки https://skyeng.ru/articles/100samyh-glavnyh-glagolov-anglijskogo-yazyka
6. программа «транслитерация онлайн» – написать русские слова английскими буквами (латиницей)
7. Как вести беседу на англ. Беседа на английском языке: как начать и поддержать разговор ‹ Инглекс
(englex.ru), how-to-converse-in-english.pdf (englex.ru)


Видео по специальности на
английском языке
Teaching Laws, Rights, and Responsibilities to
Kids | Freedom of Speech | Kids Academy –
Why rules are important? – YouTube
Lawyer - Rhymes on Profession - YouTube
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