Krasnodar Region
Districts of Krasnodar region
Symbols of Krasnodar Region
Krasnodar Region
Natural Resources
Krasnodar Region is located in the zone of unique climatic conditions
Категория: ИсторияИстория

Krasnodar Region

1. Krasnodar Region

2. Districts of Krasnodar region

3. Symbols of Krasnodar Region

The Head of the Krasnodar Krai
Administration is Mr. Alexander N. Tkachyov.

4. Krasnodar Region

The Krasnodar Krai was administratively reorganized from the AzovChernomorskiy Krai on September 13, 1937 and is the most southerly
region of the Russian Federation.
Kuban is the region of the two seas - the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea.
The total length of its frontier amounts to 1,540 kilometers, including 740
km of maritime boundary.
The River Kuban divides the Krasnodar Krai into two parts: the flat
northern part (2/3 of the territory) and the mountainous southern part (1/3
of the territory).
The major part of the territory has a moderate continental climate, at the
Black Sea coast (to the south of Tuapse) it is subtropical.The mean
January temperature in the plain is 3-5 o C below zero, that of July is 2224 o C above zero. Annual precipitation ranges from 400 to 600 mm in the
plain and up to 3242 mm and more in the mountains.
The population of the Krasnodar Krai is over five million people, 53
percent out of which live in urban areas and 47 percent - in the
countryside. The average density of the population is 66.6 people per sq.

5. Natural Resources

• The entrails of the Krasnodar Region contain over 60 kinds of minerals:
oil and natural gas deposits, marl, iodine-brome mineral water, marble,
limestone, sandstone, iron ores and apatite ores.
• Oil and gas fields. The Krasnodar Region is the Motherland of domestic
oil industry. 69 oil fields exploited here; the principle oil fields are situated
in the western and central parts of the foothills (Abinsky, Seversky,
Apsheronsky, Slavyanskiy districts). The entrails of the Krasnodar Region
annually give 1.7-1.9 mln tons of oil over 2 bin cub. m. of natural gas.
• The territory of the region comprises the largest in Europe Azov-Kuban
basin of fresh underground water.
• The exploitation reserves of mineral underground water reach about 30%
of total reserves of the Northern Caucasian region. There are 42 deposits
of mineral waters in the region, 17 of them are exploited at present.
• Forests are among the most important natural resources of the Krasnodar
The total area of forests is over 1.5 mln hectares.


7. Krasnodar Region is located in the zone of unique climatic conditions

The climate of the greater part of the Krasnodar Region is
moderately continental; at the Black Sea coast it is
subtropical. The average long-term air temperature of
January is from -5 ° C in the mountains to O ° C in the
plain; in July it is from +13 ° C to +24 ° C respectively.
The mean annual precipitation is from 400 mm in the
plain and to over 3200 mm in the mountain part. The
mean duration of the vegetation period is about 260
days. Chernozem soils are prevailing in the plains. The
salubrious climate of the Mediterranean type, warm
seas, unique natural mineral springs and medicinal mud
have engaged the glory of Kuban as one of the most
ecologically pure and popular tourist's resorts of the

8. Krasnodar

• We start our tour with the city of Krasnodar, the capital of the Region, its
administrative, industrial and cultural centre.
• The city has a population of 523,000 and is situated in the middle reaches
of the River Kuban. It was founded in 1793 by Anton Golovaty.
• Those who will visit the city for the first time in summer will be
delighted with abundant greenery and flowers, and the tiled side-walks.
Some of the streets make crowns of oaks and ash-trees, maples and limetrees intertwining over-head; it is cool here even on a hot bloom, it seems
as if the sweet scent of the blossoms softly floats over the land.
• Krasnodar is a big industrial city with dozens of large enterprises.

9. Novorossiysk

My native town is Novorossiysk. It is situated in the Krasnodarsky krai on the Black
sea coast. It was founded in 1838 by Vice Admiral Raevskiy and Vice Admiral
Lazarev. Novorossiysk is the biggest Russian Black sea port. It is surrounded by the
Caucasian mountains. But Novorossiysk is not only a commercial port it is one of the
biggest industrial towns of Kuban. The Novorossiysk plants produce high quality
cement. Every day we can see a lot of ships in the Novorossiysk bay loading different
goods: cement, oil, fish, timber, grain and fruit. During the Second World War there
were great battles between the Soviet Army and Hitlerite forces near Novorossiysk.
After hard and heroic battles, Novorossiysk was liberated. Many Soviet soldiers and
officers were killed during these battles. A memorial raised over the common grave
of the men killed in the action commemorates their exploit. Novorossiysk was
liberated from the fascists on the 16th of September in 1943. This day is celebrated in
our town as a great holiday. In 1974 Novorossiysk was awarded with the title of a
Hero City for its unprecedented exploit in the Great Patriotic War. Novorossiysk is a
beautiful green town nowadays. Now blocks of dwelling houses, offices, hotels, an
aquapark and many other buildings have been erected in recent years. The main
street of Novorossiysk is Sovetov Street. People like to walk along the Embankment
very much. Our town is famous for its numerous monuments of Glory. One of the
places of interest is Heroes Square and Pushkin Square. Here we can see the Eternal
Fire. In our town summer is hot, and winter is warm, but sometimes North – East
winds blow.
In spite of this a lot of tourists come to Novorossiysk in summer.
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