Цели урока
We need some words
The National Flag of the Buryat Republic
The Coat of Arms of the Buryat Republic
The quiz «Over Buryatiya»
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Аннотация. Урок английского языка в 9 классе

1. Аннотация

1. Урок английского языка в 9 классе.
2. Материал будет использоваться на уроке
английского языка как дополнительный
материал по национально-региональному
3. Технологии - Microsoft Point, Internet Explorer.
4. Работа предназначена для демонстрации и
самостоятельной работы учащихся.
5. Целевая аудитория- учащиеся 8-9 классов.
6. Объём работы 12 слайдов, 222 кб.

2. Buryatiya

английского языка
Тренева М.И., учитель МОУ
Выдринская средняя школа

3. Цели урока

1. Развивать умения и навыки
2. Проконтролировать умения
учащихся отвечать на вопросы.
3. Воспитание любви к родному


Capital: Ulan-Ude
Area: 351,300km2
Area divisions: 21districts
Population: 1 056 000 people
Languages: Russian, Buryat
Type: Republic
Legislature: People’s Khural

5. We need some words

• Coat of arms - герб
• A circle - круг
• Purity - чистота
• Eternity - вечность
• Hospitality - гостеприимство
• Helicopter – вертолёт
• Equipment – оборудование
• Plant – завод
• Enterprise - предприятие

6. Buryatiya

• It is situated in the Eastern Siberia on
the southern coast of the lake Baikal.
The mountains Khamar-Daban run
from the west to the east round the
southern part of the lake Baikal.
Buryatiya is rich in forests, minerals,
gold, coal. Our republic is industrial
and agricultural.
• It produces planes, helicopters,
electronic equipment, food, clothes
and others. The agriculture of our
republic produces meat , vegetables,
dairy products.


The largest cities and towns are UlanUde, Zakamensk, Kyakhta, Babushkin.
The longest rivers are Selenga, Uda,
The climate of Buryatiya is hot in
summer and cold in winter.

8. Ulan-Ude

The capital of Buryatiya is Ulan-Ude.
It is a large industrial, economic and
cultural centre of Eastern Siberia. It was
founded in 1666. Its population is
equals 350 000 people. There are
industrial enterprises such as
locomotive repairing plant, the textile
and woolen factories, electric-machine
plant, aviation enterprise and others.
There are 4 universities, museum,
theatres and cinemas in Ulan-Ude.

9. The National Flag of the Buryat Republic

The state flag of republic is
represented by three colours –
blue, white and yellow, which
symbolise the sky, purity and

10. The Coat of Arms of the Buryat Republic

• The coat of arms of the republic
is a circle of three colours of
the national flag of the republic,
which are symbols of the sky,
purity and eternity. The inside
is represented by mountains
and Baikal waves. The top of
the coat of arms is traditional
«soyombo» - суембо - the
Moon, the Sun and the Hearth очаг. At the base there is a
band «hadaga», which
symbolises hospitality with the
name of the republic.

11. The quiz «Over Buryatiya»

• Where is the republic situated?
• What is the capital of Buryatiya?
• What is the population?
• Who is the president?
• What are the largest cities and towns?
• What colour is the national flag of the
• What are the national sports?
• What are the longest rivers?
• What is the highest mountain?
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