
Презентация по английскому языку на тему Reading…_ Why not_ «What are teens reading tastes» 9 класс (УМК Кузовлев П.В.)


Reading…? Why not?
«What are teens
reading tastes»


Think about your answers to these questions.
1) How many books do you read a month?
2) What was the last book you read? What was it
3) What is the best book you`ve ever read?
4) Have you read any books in English? Which
5) What stories or books did you enjoy when you
were a child?


• Match the phrases in English with their equivalents.
• 1. to succeed in – g)
a) повлиять
• 2. to improve – h)
b) сильно взволновать
• 3. to explore - m)
c) воображение
• 4. to encourage – k)
d) образование
• 5. to influence -a)
e) скучный
• 6. to thrill
f) информационный
• 7. to recommend - n)
g) преуспевать в
• 8. imagination
h) улучшать
• 9. education
i) образовательный
• 10. Informative
j) успокаивающий
• 11. Enjoyable
k) поощрять, поддерживать
• 12. Relaxing
l) приятный
• 13. Educational
m) исследовать
• 14. Boring
n) рекомендовать


People can read such kind of literature as:


• Adventure stories
• Thriller books
• Crime/detective stories
• Fairy tales
• Fantasy
• Historical stories
• Classic novels
• Documentaries
• Poetry


• horror stories
• humour
• ghost stories
• love stories/romance
• legends
• myths
• science fiction
• travel stories
• true stories
• cook books


Choose the types of stories from the box to complete the
Science fiction, thriller, autobiography, war story, horror story, spy
story, ghost story.
• 1. An … is a story of a person’s life, written by that person.
• 2. A … is a book about crime.
• 3. A … story is about events in the future.
• 4. A … is about a period of fighting between countries or
• 5. A … is a book which makes people frightened.


Questions for you:
• classical literature,
•1. What kind of
books do you
like? Why?
• science fiction,
• modern literature,
• historical books,
• fiction,
• detective books,
• fantasy,
• romance.


How do you choose a book?
•I choose books by genre.
•I follow my parents` advice.
•I choose a book by the
•I choose a book by the title.
•I look at the pictures on the
•I only read books that are
recommended by friends.
•I read the blurb first.


• Reading books improve vocabulary and writing skills.
• Books help us to solve the problems of our life.
• We learn a lot of new facts about famous people, lands and countries
from books.
• Books help us to make new friends.
• Books are useful because they learn us to plan our time and life.
• Reading books is a popular hobby of people of different ages.
• Books have beautiful pictures and photos.
• Books are good way to relax and to spend free time in a useful way.
• Books help pupils to study better and help to decide the type of person
I want to be.
• Books help to learn more about other cultures, countries and peoples
of the world, to discover a lot of new things, to explore new ideas.
English     Русский Правила