


Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации
Омский государственный педагогический университет
И. Л. Смагина, С. И. Ким
практикум по устной речи
Издательство ОмГПУ


ББК 81.432.1-923
Печатается по решению редакционноиздательского совета Омского государственного
педагогического университета
Смагина, И. Л.
Английский язык : практикум по устной речи /
И. Л. Смагина, С. И. Ким. – Омск : Изд-во ОмГПУ, 2013. –
46 с.
ISBN 978-5-8268-1839-8
© Смагина И. Л., Ким С. И., 2013
© Омский государственный
педагогический университет, 2013


Данный практикум по устной речи предназначен для бакалавров 1-го курса неязыковых факультетов, обучающихся по
направлениям «Педагогическое образование» и «Психолого-педагогическое образование».
Тематика и материалы соответствуют ФГОС ВПО и рабочей программе дисциплины «Иностранный язык».
Основная цель практикума – помочь бакалаврам овладеть
устными темами, предусмотренными программой обучения. Состоит из 5 разделов, каждый из которых содержит текст по определенной теме, снабженный подробным тематическим словарем и аппаратом лексико-грамматических и речевых упражнений, готовящих обучающихся к монологическому высказыванию
или беседе по данной теме.
Практикум может быть использован как непосредственно
на лабораторных занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы
В нем представлены 5 разговорных тем:
1. О себе и о своей семье.
2. Мой рабочий день.
3. Мой выходной день.
4. ОмГПУ и студенческая жизнь.
5. Омск.
Структура практикума предполагает комплексный подход к изучению студентами данных тем. Комплексность обеспечивается дидактически целесообразной презентацией материала:
монологический текст, лексико-грамматические упражнения
и коммуникативные задания на закрепление изученного лексического материала. Кроме того, каждый текст снабжен словарем
с объяснением наиболее трудных слов и выражений. Все задания даются на английском языке.
Тщательная проработка предлагаемого материала даст
бакалаврам возможность улучшить свои навыки коммуникативного общения. Выполнение заданий может осуществляться
студентами как под руководством преподавателя, так и самостоятельно.


Let me introduce myself. My first name is ... . My family
name (surname) is ... . I am ... years old.
My native town is Omsk. I live with my family in ... street.
(I'm from Tara. In Omsk I live in a hall of residence; at my relatives';
rent a room / a flat.)
I'm a first-year student of the Pedagogical University. I study
at School of ... (Psychology and Pedagogy; Philosophy, History and
Law; Primary, Preschool and Special Education etc.). I have a lot of
hobbies. I'm interested in ... (music, literature, art, politics, theatre,
cinema, etc.). I collect ... (stamps, labels, coins, etc.). I'm fond of ...
(reading books, playing the piano, playing football, drawing, dancing, singing, constructing, playing computer games, watching TV,
etc.). I go in for sports.
Our family is large (not large). It consists of ... members. They
are: my parents (mother and father), my elder (younger) brother, my
younger (elder) sister, my grandmother, grandfather and me.
My mother's name is ... . She is a ... (profession). She works at
... . (My mother is a housewife. She keeps the house. We help her).
My father's name is ... . He is a ... (profession). He is a very busy
man. My parents' hobbies are ... (sports, reading, cinema, collecting
books, etc.).
My younger brother (sister) is a schoolboy (schoolgirl) / goes
to the kindergarten/. His (her) name is ... . He (she) is ... years old.
He (she) is interested in ....
My elder sister (brother) is a ... (profession). Her (his) name is
... . She (he) is ... years old. She (he) is married (not married) and has
a family of her (his) own. Her husband (my brother-in-law) / his
wife – my sister-in-law / is a ... (profession). They have got a son
(my nephew) and a daughter (my niece). Their names are ... . (They
have no children yet). They live far (not far) from us.
My grandparents are retired (on pension). They live with us
(not far from us; in the country; abroad). We have a lot of other relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins). They live in ... and often visit us. (We
seldom see each other.)
We are a very friendly family.


to introduce oneself
family name (surname, last
native town
hall of residence
at my relatives' (at my aunt's)
to rent a room (a flat)
first-year student
School of Philosophy, History
and Law
to be interested (in)
to collect
to be fond (of smth., doing
to draw
to construct
to watch TV
to knit
to sew
to consist (of)
to keep the house
to be married
a family of his (her, my) own
родной город
у родственников (у тети)
снимать комнату (квартиру)
студент первого курса
факультет истории, философии
и права
интересоваться (чем-либо)
этикетка, наклейка
любить, нравиться (что-то;
делать что-то)
смотреть телевизор
состоять (из)
вести домашнее хозяйство
занятой, деловой
старший (по возрасту)
детский сад
быть женатым (замужем)
(его, ее, моя) собственная семья


brother-in law
to be retired
in the country
to see each other
(medical) nurse
construction worker
head-master (principal)
сестра жены/мужа, золовка,
брат жены/мужа, деверь, шурин
бабушка и дедушка
быть на пенсии
за городом; в деревне
за границей
кузен, кузина (двоюродный
брат, сестра)
директор школы
заведующий, директор, менеджер


shop-assistant (sales-woman)
army serviceman
tutor, lecturer, instructor
business man
I. Give synonyms for the following words and word combinations:
surname, to like, to take an interest in, occupation, to be on
pension, relation, Teachers' Training University, to work about the
house, to come to see.
II. Give antonyms for the following words: small, elder, near,
single, in town, often.
III. Complete the following sentences according to the model:
Model: I am fond of playing tennis.
My brother is interested in jazz.
1. My mother is fond of ... .
2. My friends are fond of ... .
3. I am not interested in ... .
4. My younger brother is interested in ... .
5. My elder sister is fond of ... .
6. My cousin is interested in ... .
7. Our uncle and aunt are interested in ... .
8. My grandmother is fond of ... .
IV. Use the correct form of the verb "to be" in the Present
Simple Tense:
1. I ... fond of knitting.
2. My elder brothers ... married.
3. My grandmother and grandfather ... retired.
4. My father ... not interested in politics.
5. Her cousin ... a good sportsman.
6. Their family ... so friendly.


7. My sister's daughter ... only 2 years old.
8. Our relatives ... very busy people.
9. My brother's wife ... a sales-woman.
10. ... your parents fond of watching TV?
11. She ... from the village of Sosnovka.
12. How old ... you?
13. My sister's husband ... my brother-in-law.
14. My brother and I ... good friends.
V. Use nouns in the possessive case instead of the prepositional phrases:
Model: the flat of my cousin – my cousin's flat
the car of my parents – my parents' car
1. The house of my elder brother.
2. The hobby of his wife.
3. The native town of our relatives.
4. The name of their son.
5. The profession of her husband.
6. The family of my uncle.
7. The friends of our father.
8. The room of their children.
9. The grandfather of my sister-in-law.
10. The name of my cat.
VI. Read the text and do the task below.
A Family
When two persons are married, the man is called the husband;
the woman becomes his wife. When a child is born in the family,
the father and mother of the child are called parents. A Family generally consists of a father, a mother and children – sons or daughters
or both. The first born child is the eldest, the last born – the youngest. Two children that are born together are called twins.
The father and mother of the husband become the father-inlaw (in law – by marriage), and mother-in-law of the wife. The husband is the son-in-law; the wife – the daughter-in-law; they have
brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. They are often called ''my (his,
her, etc.) in-laws''.


The other members of the family are the relatives or relations:
uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.
The brothers and sisters of any of the parents become the uncles and aunts of the children. The children of two married brothers
or sisters or brother and sister are cousins to each other.
In case of a second marriage, we speak of a step-father or
a step-mother, step-son, step-daughter, etc.
Fill in the right words.
1. Your relatives on your wife's side are: your wife's sister is
your … , and her brother is your … , your parents will refer to your
wife as her … while your brothers and sisters will refer to her as … .
Your wife's parents will speak of you as their … .
2. Your brother's and sister's sons and daughters are your …
and … .
3. Your mother's and father's sisters and brothers are your … .
The children of your uncles and aunts are your … and the children of
your first cousins are your … .
4. Your mother's and father's parents are your … and the latter
will refer to you as their … .
5. Someone's second wife will speak of her husband's children
as her … , whereas the latter will speak of her as their … . Someone's
second husband will also refer to her wife's children as his … while
the latter will speak of him as their … .
VII. Use the right personal and possessive pronouns:
1. My mother is a good-looking woman. ... name is Tatiana. ...
is 40 years old.
2. My elder brother is married. ... wife's name is Ann . ... is
a student.
3. My sister lives with ... husband not far from us. ... have got
two children. ... names are Oleg and Olga.
4. We are a very friendly family. ... friends often come to see us.
5. My uncle is an archaeologist. ... travels a lot.
6. Mary is ... cousin. ... have a good time together.
7. I have got a nephew. ... name is Pasha. ... likes drawing very


8. My niece is very small. ... name is Sasha. ... is fond of playing with ... toys.
9. I have a dog. ... name is Belka.
10. I live at my relatives' flat. ... flat is in the centre of the city.
VIII. Use the correct forms of the verb "to have" in the Present
Simple Tense:
1. I ... got a good computer.
2. My grandmother and grandfather ... a lot of grandchildren.
3. My elder brother ... a small cottage in the country.
4. A friend of mine ... got a lot of relatives abroad.
5. My niece and nephew ... got many illustrated books.
6. Our uncle ... a very good collection of stamps.
7. Our aunt ... her own shop.
8. My parents ... no time.
9. My cousin ... got a new car.
10. How many children ... they?
IX. Insert prepositions where necessary:
1. My brother's wife is a student ... the Technical University.
2. My elder sister is married and has a family ... her own.
3. Our grandmother keeps ... the house and we help her.
4. His parents work ... a plant.
5. My younger brother goes ... the kindergarten.
6. Big children often don't want to live ... their parents.
7. Many teenagers are fond ... playing ... computer games.
8. My grandmother lives ... the country, not far ... the city.
9. Our family consists ... 5 persons.
10. All members ... our family go ... sports.
X. Translate into English:
1. У него большая семья.
2. Ее брат – полицейский.
3. Сколько вам лет?
4. У нас много родственников.
5. У моего дедушки большая библиотека.
6. Мои двоюродные братья – бизнесмены.


7. Я – студент педагогического университета.
8. У меня много увлечений.
9. Моя мама любит смотреть телевизор.
10. Мои родители интересуются политикой.
11. Дом моей бабушки недалеко от Омска.
12. У моей сестры нет детей.
13. Мой отец работает на заводе.
14. Мой старший брат женат.
15. У меня есть племянник и племянница.
16. Наша семья очень дружная.
17. Мои бабушка и дедушка на пенсии.
18. Его зовут Александр.
19. Моего племянника зовут Егор.
20. Моя тетя не замужем.
21. Семья моего дяди состоит из пяти человек.
22. Его жена – домохозяйка.
23. Летом мы живем за городом.
24. Их бабушка ведет домашнее хозяйство.
25. Мой отец коллекционирует картины.
26. Я занимаюсь спортом.
27. Она из Калачинска.
28. Мои друзья снимают квартиру.
29. Наши родственники часто навещают нас.
30. У нас есть кошка и собака.
31. Жена моего брата – моя невестка.
32. Я живу у бабушки.
XI. Answer the following questions:
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where are you from? (What is your native place?)
4. Do you live at home (in a hall of residence; at your relatives; rent a flat)?
5. Where do you study?
6. Have you got any hobbies?
7. What are you interested in?
8. Do you go in for sports?


9. What are you fond of ?
10. Is your family large or small?
11. How many people does it consist of? Who are they?
12. Where does your mother work?
13. What is your father?
14. Who keeps the house?
15. What are your parents' hobbies?
16. Have you got any pets at home?
17. What is your younger sister's (brother's) name?
18. Is your younger sister (brother) a schoolgirl (schoolboy)?
Does she (he) go to the kindergarten? What is she (he) interested in?
19. How old is your elder brother (sister)? What is he (she)?
20. Is your elder brother (sister) married?
21. What is his wife (her husband)?
22. Have they got children?
23. What is your nephew's (niece's) name? How old is he
24. Do you often see each other?
25. Have you got grandparents? Where do they live?
26. Is your grandmother (grandfather) retired?
27. You have got a lot of other relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins), don’t you ?
28. Do they live far from you?
29. Do you often visit your relatives?
30. Are you a friendly family?
XII. Tell about your family and yourself.


My working day begins early. I get up at ... o'clock. Before I
leave for the University I have a lot of things to do. First of all I do
my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom where I wash (take
a shower; a bath), brush (clean) my teeth, (shave), and comb my hair.
Then I make my bed and dress. At ... minutes to (past) 8 I am ready
to have breakfast. At breakfast I often listen to the news.
It doesn't take me long to have breakfast. At ... I put on my
coat (street-clothes: a coat, a raincoat, a fur-coat, a jacket; a cap,
a hat) and leave home for the University. As I live far (not far) from
the University I go there by bus / trolley-bus, tram, саr / (I walk
there). It usually takes me ... minutes (an hour) to get there. I am
never late. I always come to the University in time. (Sometimes I am
late). I take off my coat in the cloak – room and go to the lecture hall.
Our classes begin at 9 a.m. We usually have one or two lectures and two seminars (practical classes) a day. Between classes we
have short breaks. At 13.50 we have a long break for lunch. I have
lunch in the University canteen or in a small buffet. At 15.40 our
classes are over and I go home. I sometimes stay at the University after classes to work in the reading-room of our library or to take part
in some extra-curricular activities (amateur art activities, social work,
Once a week instead of studies at the university, we are to do
some self-access work.
When I come home, I have dinner and a short rest. After that, I
help my mother about the house: do (tidy up) our flat, wash up, cook,
go shopping. Then I prepare for my classes. It usually takes me ...
In the evening, I have supper and watch TV. Sometimes I read
books or listen to the music. If I have time, I visit my friends, or go
to the cinema (to the theatre, concert hall, etc.) or take a walk.
I go to bed at ... o'clock. My ordinary weekday is over. I am
tired but ready for the next one.


to get up
to leave
to leave for
to have a lot of things to do
to do one's morning exercises
to wash oneself
to take a shower (a bath)
to brush (to clean) one's teeth
to comb one's hair
to dress
to shave
to make one's bed
to be ready to do something
to have breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper)
at breakfast
to listen to the radio
it takes me (him, her, us, them,
you) half an hour to do smth.
to put on smth.
to take off smth.
to go by bus (trolley-bus, tram,
to walk
to take a walk
to go to
to come to
to get to
to come (to go) home
to be late
in time
оставлять; уходить
уходить куда-либо
иметь много дел
делать зарядку
умываться, мыться
принимать душ (ванну)
чистить зубы
расчесывать волосы
заправлять постель
быть готовым делать что-либо
завтракать (обедать, ужинать)
за завтраком
слушать радио
мне (ей, ему, нам, им, тебе) надо полчаса, чтобы сделать чтолибо
надевать (одежду)
снимать (одежду)
ездить на автобусе (троллейбусе
и т. д.)
ходить пешком
идти на прогулку
идти (ехать) куда-либо
приходить (приезжать) кудалибо
добираться куда-нибудь
приходить (идти) домой


practical class
to be over
to take part in smth.
extra-curricular activities
amateur art activities
social work
once a week
instead of
to have a rest
to help about the house
to do (to tidy up) a flat
(a room)
to wash up
to cook
to go shopping
to prepare for one's classes
to listen to the music
to go to bed
to be tired
практическое занятие
учеба (занятия)
читальный зал
принимать участие в чем-либо
внеучебная деятельность
художественная самодеятельность
общественная работа
раз в неделю
вместо чего-либо
помогать по дому
убирать квартиру (комнату)
мыть посуду
готовить (еду)
ходить за покупками
готовиться к занятиям
слушать музыку
будний день
ложиться спать


I. Arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms:
to get up
to take a bath
to leave for
to tidy up one's room
to have a lot of things to do
to relax
to brush one's teeth
to dress
to cook breakfast
to walk
to go for a walk
to be over
to have a rest
to begin
to wash
to be busy
to prepare for one's classes
to clean one's teeth
a break
to make breakfast
to come to
to take a walk
to put on smth.
to go shopping
to go on foot
a dancing party
to come to an end
to start
an interval
a discotheque
to go to
to do one's room
to do one's home-work
to do the shopping
to get to
to wake up
II. Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms:
to come to
to go to bed
to put on
to have a rest
to be over
to be on time
to walk
to go by transport
to be late
to start
to work
to take off
to get up
to leave for
III. Insert the prepositions "to", "in", "for", "to", "at", "of",
"on", "by" where necessary:
1. My father always comes ... home late.
2. I like to listen … the news ... the morning.
3. My brother leaves ... school ... 8 o'clock a.m.


4. I come ... the University on time.
5. My mother goes ... the theatre every week.
6. I leave ... home ... the University ... half past 7.
7. My mother comes ... home early.
8. It takes him 20 minutes to get ... the swimming-pool.
9. It is very cold. Put ... your fur-coat.
10. ... breakfast I often watch ... TV.
11. The classes are over. Go ... home.
12. I leave my coat ... the cloak-room and go ... the lecture hall.
13. It is very pleasant to listen ... the music ... the evening.
14. It is so warm. Let's go ... a walk.
15. Give me tea instead ... coffee.
16. Lots of students ... our faculty take part ... amateur art activities.
17. He is very punctual. He is always ... time.
18. Most students go ... the University ... bus.
19. I live not far from the University. I always walk ... there.
IV. Translate into Russian:
1. At 3 p.m.
2. At half past 5 a.m.
3. At a quarter to 8.
4. At a quarter past 10 in the evening.
5. At 10 minutes to 2.
6. At 5 minutes past 6.
7. It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
8. At half past 6 in the morning.
V. Translate into English:
1. Я встаю без пятнадцати семь.
2. Сейчас половина восьмого утра.
3. Я ухожу из дома без четверти восемь.
4. Наши занятия начинаются ровно в девять.
5. Первая пара (class) заканчивается без двадцати одиннадцать.
6. Большая перемена начинается без десяти два.
7. Наши занятия заканчиваются без двадцати четыре.
8. Я прихожу домой в пять часов вечера.


VI. Use the personal pronouns in brackets in the objective
forms. Translate the sentences:
1. It takes (they) 2 hours to prepare their lessons.
2. It usually takes (she) an hour to dress for a dancing party.
3. It takes (he) a quarter of an hour to get to his work.
4. It does not take (I) long to comb my hair.
5. It takes (you) too long to do your room.
6. It always takes (we) 3 hours to do the shopping.
7. How long does it take (you) to make breakfast?
VII. Fill in the blanks with the topical words and word combinations:
1. My mother always ... at half past 6.
2. I go to the bathroom to ... .
3. Before I ... I have breakfast.
4. My grandmother ... dinner for us.
5. In winter I put on my ... .
6. I live ... from the University.
7. My friend goes to the University by ... .
8. It takes me 3 minutes to ... my clothes in the cloakroom.
9. Our classes ... at 8.40.
10. Between classes we have ... .
11. Sometimes after classes I work in ... .
12. I ... home at 4 p.m.
13. Once a week ... of studies we have ... .
14. It ... me 10 minutes to wash up the dishes after dinner.
15. In the evening I ... .
16. Many students of our faculty take part in ... .
VIII. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple Tense:
1. After work my father (to have) a short rest.
3. I always (to help) my mother about the house.
4. My brother (to like) to go shopping.
5. My younger sisters (to tidy up) their room themselves.
6. It (to take) me 3 hours to do my homework.
7. We often (to take) part in the concerts.
8. My friend (to cook) very well.


9. My cousin and I sometimes (to go) to the theatre.
10. We (to have) supper very late.
11. My working day (to be) over at 12 o'clock p.m.
12. My grandmother (to do) the washing every day.
13. At 8 p.m. I (to be) ready to take a walk.
14. My father (to walk) our dog every evening.
15. As a rule we (to be) tired by the end of the day.
IX . Put the following sentences into the negative and interrogative form:
1. It takes him 20 minutes to get to the University.
2. My parents leave for their work early in the morning.
3. My sister takes a cold shower every day.
4. The students have short breaks between classes.
5. He is always late.
6. My younger brother does his room himself.
7. We take part in social work.
8. She makes her bed herself.
X. Put special questions to the following sentences using
the question words in brackets:
1. Every morning he does his morning exercises and takes
a bath. (What)
2. They often stay at the University to work in the readingroom. (Why)
3. Once a week the students of our faculty have practical work
at school. (How often)
4. I always wash up the dishes after dinner. (Who)
5. It takes her an hour to dress for a party. (How long)
6. We leave our clothes in the cloak-room. (Where)
7. My friend gets to the University by car. (How)
8. In spring we take off our warm coats and put on our jackets.
XI. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Я хожу в университет пешком.
2. Когда твой папа приходит домой?


3. Он всегда приходит в университет вовремя.
4. Мне нужно полчаса, чтобы добраться до университета.
5. После занятий мы идем домой.
6. Моя подруга всегда опаздывает.
7. Я люблю слушать музыку вечером.
8. В 8 часов я готова отправиться на учёбу.
9. У моей мамы масса дел каждый день.
10. Мой рабочий день начинается очень рано.
11. Мы часто принимаем участие во внеучебных мероприятиях.
12. Я люблю ходить по магазинам.
13. Я не люблю готовить.
14. Если у меня есть время, я смотрю телевизор.
15. Домашнее задание не отнимает у меня много времени.
16. Ты поздно ложишься спать?
XII. Answer the following questions:
1. When do you get up?
2. Do you do your morning exercises?
3. Do you take a bath (a shower) in the morning?
4. You clean your teeth every morning, don't you?
5. Do you make your bed yourself?
6. When do you have breakfast?
7. What do you do at breakfast?
8. When are you ready to leave for the University?
9. What do you usually put on?
10. Do you live far from the University?
11. How do you get to the University?
12. How long does it take you to get to the University?
13. Are you often late?
14. Where do you leave your clothes?
15. When do your classes begin?
16. How many classes do you usually have?
17. Where and when do you have lunch?
18. When are your classes over?
19. Do you often stay after classes? Why?
20. Do you take part in any extra curricular activities (amateur
art activities)?


21. What do you do when you come home?
22. What are your duties about the house?
23. How long does it take you to prepare for your classes
every day?
24. What do you usually do in the evening?
25. Do you often go anywhere on weekdays?
26. When do you go to bed?
XIII. Tell about your working day.
We spend our days off in different ways. Some people prefer
staying in town and visiting an art exhibition, a museum, a picture
gallery or go for a walk in the park where they can also go on
the rides. In the evening as a rule they go to the movies, to the theatre, to the concert hall, to the disco, to the circus or even to some cafe
or restaurant where they can mix with their friends. Very often they
have (give) different parties at the week-ends, go to see their friends
and relatives (go out) and have fun together. Sometimes they spend
their time just watching TV, reading books, listening to the music,
playing computer games, talking (speaking) to their friends on
the telephone.
Others prefer spending their free (spare, leisure) time somewhere in the country (out of town). In summer they can go for
a drive, ride a bike or go camping; they enjoy swimming and bathing
in the river or lake; go boating, sunbathing, fishing, make barbeque,
play different sport games (volley-ball, football, tennis, etc.), pick
berries or mushrooms. If they have a summer cottage (a dacha) they
spend a lot of time there working in their kitchen-gardens and enjoying nature.
In winter it is also very pleasant to spend a day off in the open
air – to take long walks in the woods, to go skiing (down the hills), to


slide down snow slopes (to sledge down the hills), or to skate at the
In any case most people try to have a good time at their weekends (on their days off), to enjoy every minute of leisure.
Now I want to tell you how I spent my last day off (weekend,
Sunday). …
to spend a day off (one's
to prefer
to stay
art exhibition
to go for a walk (to take a
to go on the ride
to go to the movies
to have (to give) a party
to mix (with)
at the week-end
for the week-end
to go to see one's friends
to go out
to have fun
to spend one's time doing
to talk on (over) the telephone
to ring smb.(up) / to call
in the country (out of town)
to go for a drive
провести выходной день (выходные дни)
художественная выставка
кататься на аттракционе
ходить в кино
устраивать вечеринку
в выходные дни (в субботу и воскресенье)
на выходные дни
ходить к друзьям (в гости)
ходить в гости, бывать в обществе
развлекаться, веселиться
проводить время за чем-либо
говорить по телефону
звонить кому-либо
за городом
кататься на машине


to ride a bike (bicycle)
to go camping
to enjoy
to enjoy one's week-end
to enjoy one's free (spare)
to enjoy doing smth.
in one's spare (leisure) time
to swim
to bathe
to go boating
to sunbathe
to pick berries
in the open air
in the woods
to go skiing (down the hills)
to slide down snow slopes
(to sledge down the hills)
to skate
in any case
to try
to have a good time
ездить на велосипеде
ходить в поход
наслаждаться, получать удовольствие
прекрасно (весело провести выходные)
прекрасно провести свободное
любить (с удовольствием) делать
в свободное время
кататься на лодке
собирать ягоды
на открытом воздухе
в лесу
(ходить) кататься на лыжах (с гор)
кататься с гор на санках
кататься на коньках
в любом случае
пытаться, стараться
хорошо (весело) проводить время
I. Paraphrase the underlined words and word combinations
using synonyms:
1. In my spare time I like to go for a walk.
2. Every Sunday I visit my friends.
3. We didn't go to the country for the week-end.
4. I rang my friend up several times yesterday.


5. They prefer to spend their free time in the open air.
6. Did you go to the cinema last night?
7. I had a very good time last week-end.
8. In winter I like to go skiing in the forest.
9. It's great to sledge down the hills!
10. It's not very good for health to lie in the sun for a long time.
II. Disagree to the following statements using antonyms for the
underlined words and word combinations:
Model: You get up earlier than usually on your days off. You
are wrong. I get up later than usually on my days off.
1. You are usually busy on Sundays.
2. They prefer to stay in town at the week ends.
3. Your parents always have a rest at their dacha.
4. Students are bored (скучают) at parties.
5. As a rule he stays at home in the evenings.
III. Give the past forms of the following irregular verbs:
be, go, spend, swim, have, ride, take, get up, ring, speak, give,
see, come, meet, slide, eat, sit.
IV. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple; retell the story:
Last Sunday I (to get up) later than usually. After breakfast I
(to go) shopping and (to help) my mother to cook dinner. Then I (to
ring) my friend and we (to decide) to spend our day off together.
First we (to go) to the cinema where we (to see) a very interesting American thriller.
After that we (to go) to the disco. There we (to meet) some of
our group-mates (одногруппники) and (to have) fun together. We
(to dance), (to listen) to the music, (to sit) in the bar, (to chat) about
our life.
I (to come) home at 12 o'clock. I (to be) a little tired but (to enjoy) my day off.
V. Ask each other about your last day off using general and
special questions:
– Did you stay in town at the week-end?


– Yes, I did. I stayed in town.
– No, I didn't. I went to the country.
– How did you spend your day off?
– I went to see my friends.
VI. Insert prepositions where necessary:
1. We try to have a good time ... the week-ends.
2. Young people are fond ... going ... the rides.
3. It is so pleasant to spend a day off ... the country.
4. He plays ... computer games ... the evenings.
5. Sometimes we go ... a restaurant or cafe ... Saturdays.
6. I like to go ... a walk ... my friends.
7. ... last Sunday I went ... the skating-rink.
8. Some people like to talk ... their friends ... the telephone for
a long time.
9. Why do you always stay ... home? Let's go ... .
10. She doesn't like to bake ... the sun.
11. We mix ... our friends ... the disco.
12. They give parties ... every Saturday.
VII. Choose the right word or word combination:
1. In summer we can (go boating, go skiing, go sledging).
2. If you (have fun, have a good time, have some spare time)
we can take a walk.
3. In the park we can (ride down the hills, go on the rides, go
for a drive).
4. Most men enjoy (knitting, cooking, fishing).
5. Let's go (shopping, camping, skating) for the week-end.
VIII. Complete the following sentences according to the model:
Model: I enjoy listening to the classical music.
1. Children enjoy ... down the hills.
2. Boys like ... football.
3. In summer we enjoy ... in the river.
4. I enjoy ... detective stories.
5. Teen-agers like ... American thrillers.
6. My friends and I enjoy ... at the disco.


7. Most women enjoy ... over the telephone.
8. My grandmother likes ... TV.
9. They enjoy ... in the sun.
10. My parents enjoy ... in their kitchen-garden.
IX. Complete the following sentences according to the model:
Model: He spends his free time watching TV.
1. I spend my spare time ... .
2. My mother spends her leisure ... .
3. Some of my group-mates often spend their days off ... .
4. My friend always spends much time ... .
5. Many people spend their week-ends ... .
X. Translate into English:
1. Мы ездим за город на выходные.
2. Он с удовольствием посещает музеи и выставки.
3. Вчера я предпочла остаться дома.
4. Некоторые люди не любят бывать в обществе.
5. Ты ходила по грибы летом?
6. Мы любим кататься на автомобиле.
7. Мои родители обычно проводят свой досуг на открытом
8. В субботу у нас была вечеринка.
9. На дискотеке мы танцуем и общаемся с друзьями.
10. Я не ходила на лыжах зимой.
11. Ты умеешь ездить на велосипеде?
12. Мы всегда прекрасно проводим выходные.
13. Сейчас молодые люди часто ходят в кино.
14. Я не хожу в цирк.
15. В свободное время я просто люблю поболтать с подругой по телефону.
16. Ты ходишь на каток?
17. Где ты встречаешься со своими друзьями?
XI. Answer the following questions:
1. What do people do on their days off?
2. Do you often go out?


3. Do you prefer to stay in town or go to the country at the
4. Where do you have fun?
5. Do you like to give parties?
6. How do you spend your time at the parties (at the disco)?
7. Do you often go to a restaurant or cafe?
8. Do you visit any cultural institutions (культурные учреждения)?
9. What do people usually do in the park?
10. Do you go to see your friends and relatives?
11. What do you do in your spare time at home?
12. Do you spend much time reading books?
13. What do people do in the country in summer (in winter)?
14. Do you go fishing, camping, boating, skiing, skating)?
15. What sports games do you enjoy playing?
16. You always enjoy your days off, don't you?
XII. Speak on:
1. Your favorite pastimes.
2. Your last day off.
OSPU is one of the oldest and largest institutions of higher
education in Siberia. It was founded in 1932 and was formerly
known as Omsk Teachers’ Training Institute. In 1993 it was conferred a University status. Since its foundation thousands of highly
qualified specialists have graduated from OSPU. The University is
rather popular among the school-leavers. Every year a lot of applicants try to enter OSPU and it is not an easy task.
At present the University caters for thirteen thousand full-time
and part-time (extra-mural and evening) students. Nine schools with
forty-one departments and two institutes (Institute of Arts and Insti27


tute of Continuing Education) train future teachers of different subjects for primary and secondary schools. Each school is headed by
a dean.
Post-graduate studies are available in different disciplines in
the University. Most of the faculty are Professors having academic
OSPU has five academic buildings. The main building is situated in the Irtysh river embankment. Lots of classrooms, lecture
halls, assembly halls, study rooms, laboratories, libraries, readinghalls, sport facilities, canteens are at the students' disposal. A lot of
students are provided with a hall of residence.
Classes begin at 9.00 in the morning and are over at 7.00 in the
evening. Students usually attend several lectures or seminars a day.
As the attendance at our University is compulsory the majority of
students try not to miss classes without plausible reasons. Besides
they have to study hard on their own either in the library or at home.
The curriculum consists of the subjects the students major in,
social disciplines (history of Russia, philosophy, Political Studies,
economics), educational subjects (pedagogy, psychology, physiology, history of education, methods of teaching), Russian, Culture Studies, a foreign language – English, German or French, and physical
education. The majority of students are trained in two specialities;
many of them engage in research work in the students' scientific societies and often participate in scientific conferences. For most students tuition is still free, but some have to pay for it.
The academic year is divided into two terms: the autumn
term and the spring term. At the end of each term students take credit tests and examinations. Those who pass their exams successfully and in time receive a living allowance. After exams students
have their vacation.
The course of studies lasts 4 or 5 years. On graduating the students take final exams, submit a graduation paper and receive Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. The majority of graduates work in different
educational institutions (including kindergartens, schools, colleges,
gymnasia, lyceums, technical schools, institutes and universities) in
Western Siberia.


OSPU Schools and Institutes
School of Natural Sciences; School of Foreign Languages;
School of Philology; School of Philosophy, History and Law; School
of Psychology and Pedagogy; School of Primary, Preschool and Special Education; School of Mathematics, Physics, Information and
Technologies; School of Economics, Management, Service and
Tourism; Business School; Institute of Arts; Institute of Continuing
educational institution (establishment)
to be founded
to award
to lecture
highly qualified
to graduate from the university
to enter the university
to cater (for)
full-time student
part-time student
extra-mural (correspondence)
to train
primary school
secondary school
to head
post-graduate studies (course)
to be available
учебное заведение
быть основанным
преподавать (в вузе)
окончить университет
выпускник школы
поступать в университет
содержать, обслуживать
студент дневного отделения
совмещающий работу и учебу
обучать, готовить
начальная школа
средняя школа
быть в наличии, существовать


academic degree
to be situated
study room
assembly hall
sports facilities
to be (to have) at one’s disposal
to provide with
hall of residence
to attend
social disciplines
educational subjects
free (of charge)
to divide
to take an exam (credit test)
to pass an exam
to receive (to get) a living allowance
on graduating
to submit a graduation paper
преподаватель (вуза), лектор
зд. преподавательский состав
ученая степень
быть расположенным
актовый зал
спортивные сооружения
быть (иметь) в распоряжении
посещать (занятия, лекции)
общественные дисциплины
предметы педагогического
сдавать экзамен (зачет)
сдать экзамен (не провалиться)
получать стипендию
по окончании
выпускник (вуза)
защитить дипломную работу
I. Paraphrase the underlined words using the following synonyms:
dormitory, get a scholarship, fail (in), do their scientific
work, intervals, take part in, extra-mural students, vacation, discip30


line, conduct, practical studies, dining-room, public life, full-time
1. All the students of our group receive a living allowance.
2. Our lecturers are engaged in research work alongside with
3. Many students participate in amateur art activities.
4. After term exams students have their holidays.
5. During their teaching practical training students give lessons
at school.
6. This lecturer teaches us two subjects.
7. The students from other towns live in a hostel.
8. The students of the correspondence department combine
work and study.
9. Between classes we have short breaks.
10. Students can have lunch in the refectory.
11. If a student doesn't pass an examination he is allowed to
take it again.
12. We study English at tutorials.
13. More and more students now take part in social work.
14. The students of the day department must attend all their
II. Disagree to the following statements using antonyms for
the underlined words:
Model: – The building of the Foreign Languages School is
– You are mistaken. The building of this school is old.
1. He always fails in the exams in special subjects.
2. The students of our faculty miss their lectures regularly.
3. They entered the university in 2002.
4. Your classes begin at 3.40 p.m.
5. The attendance at your university is free.
6. It is easy to enter your university.
7. She always remembers the names of her lecturers.
8. The curricula at all schools are the same.


III. Make up your own sentences according to the model:
A. Model: First (second)-year students attend lectures on
(practical classes, seminars on) pedagogy.
Use the subjects: psychology, universal physiology, English,
history of Russia, history of education, Russian, physical education,
methods of teaching.
B. Say what lectures, practical classes (studies), seminars you
attend at your department.
IV. Make up your own sentences according to the model:
A. Model: In winter (spring, summer) the students are going
to take an exam (a credit test) in physics.
Use the subjects: geography, philosophy, biology, German, information science, pedagogy, mathematics, methods of teaching Russian, drawing.
B. Say what credit tests and exams you are going to take this
winter (spring, summer).
V. Fill in the blanks using the expression "to have at one's disposal". Mind the usage of possessive pronouns my, your, his, her,
our, their and the forms of the verb "to have" in the Present Simple.
1. We ... three canteens.
2. I ... a lot of textbooks.
3. The students of our university ... some halls of residence.
4. You ... several lecture halls, study rooms, laboratories.
5. This sportsman ... a number of excellent sports facilities.
6. She ... a good library.
VI. Choose the right word; retell the text:
We ... (learn, study, train) at Omsk State Pedagogical University. It was ... (founded, fond, found) in 1932 as the Teachers Training Institute. In 1993 it was ... (conferred) the status of University.
Since it was founded thousands of teachers have (graduated,
left, finished) from the University.
Now 9 schools with 41departments (learn, train, study) future
specialists. The teaching staff ... (consists of, divides into, specializes
in) highly-qualified lecturers.


Every day students have three or four ... (lessons, lectures,
classes). They try not to ... (attend, miss, prepare) them as the ... (attendance, visitation, studies) at our University is compulsory.
The students ... (teach, study, train) lots of different subjects. At the
end of each ... (year, course, term) they ... (take, give, pass) credit
tests and exams. If a student gets a bad mark in an exam he is ...
(provided, engaged, allowed) to take the exam again. In the third,
fourth and fifth year they ... (take, conduct, submit) lessons at
schools. Besides that the students take an active part in ... (extracurricular activities, seminars, post-graduate course). They (participate, belong, enter) to different amateur art collectives where they go
in for music, singing, drama and dance. The course of studies ...
(continues, passes, lasts) 4 or 5 years. On graduating the students ...
(give, receive, bring) Bachelor's or Master's degrees which give them
the right to ... (learn, teach, study) at school.
VII. Translate the following sentences containing passive constructions:
1. Terminal credit tests and exams are held in January and
2. Students' scientific work is paid much attention to.
3. The students of our school are provided with a sufficient
number of computers.
4. School of Foreign Languages was founded in 1948.
5. The students of our group will be divided into two subgroups.
6. The students of our University are trained not only in traditional but also in new specialties.
7. A number of students of our school are given the right to
free attendance.
8. Our students' scientific societies are headed by experienced
VIII. Use the corresponding passive constructions:
Model: Students study various theoretical and practical subjects.
Various theoretical and practical subjects are studied by students.


They allowed us to use a computer. We were allowed to use
a computer.
They will hold the English exam in June. The English exam
will be held in June.
1. Students attend many lectures, tutorials and seminars.
2. During our studies at the University we'll take a lot of exams.
3. Some years ago they established the Institute of Arts.
4. The dean allowed him to take the exam again.
5. They passed all their exams with excellent marks.
6. Second-year students will prepare papers on philosophy.
IX. Insert prepositions where necessary:
1. We'll graduate ... the University in 4 years.
2. Some years ago a number of institutes in our city were
awarded ... the status of university.
3. The students of our school have ... their disposal a good
computer classroom.
4. ... the end of each term students take credit tests and exams.
5. ... terminal exams we have our vacation.
6. I never miss lectures ... methods of teaching literature.
7. We always take an active part ... seminars ... Political Studies.
8. They have 3 or 4 classes ... a day.
9. He never fails ... his examinations.
10. The University library provides students ... almost all necessary textbooks and specialized periodicals.
X. Translate the following sentences; mind the modal verbs
"must", "to have to" and "to be to":
1. You must always be on time for classes.
2. If you want to achieve good results you have to work hard
on your own.
3. During the course of studies the students of the Pedagogical
University are to spend some weeks in teaching practice.
4. You will have to return the book to the library on Monday.
5. Every student has to read very much.
6. Students must attend classes regularly.


7. I don't have to get up early on Sundays.
8. We were to have a lecture on pedagogy yesterday but
the time-table was changed.
9. At the end of the course of studies every student is to submit
a graduation paper.
10. Quite many students now have to pay for tuition.
XI. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Мы учимся в ОмГПУ.
2. Наш университет – одно из самых популярных высших
учебных заведений Западной Сибири.
3. Студентам дневного отделения приходится посещать
занятия каждый день.
4. Я никогда не пропускаю занятия без уважительных
5. Каждый день у нас бывает по три-четыре лекции.
6. Заочники в основном занимаются самостоятельно.
7. Многие студенты занимаются научной работой помимо
8. Мы участвуем в художественной самодеятельности, занимаемся спортом, посещаем разные кружки.
9. После окончания университета некоторые выпускники
поступают в аспирантуру.
10. На старших курсах у студентов бывает педагогическая
практика в школе.
11. В конце курса обучения все студенты должны защищать дипломные работы.
12. Студенты первого курса не получают стипендию
в первом семестре.
13. Экзамены проводятся в конце каждого семестра.
14. Наша задача – успешно сдать все зачеты и экзамены.
15. Он никогда не проваливает на экзаменах.
16. Каникулы – лучшее время для студентов.
17. Не все студенты собираются после окончания университета работать в школе.
18. На каждом факультете в распоряжении студентов имеется компьютерный класс.


19. Многие студенты обедают в университетской столовой.
20. Мы должны много (упорно) работать, чтобы стать хорошими специалистами.
21. У каждого студента есть свои любимые предметы.
XII. Answer the following questions:
1. Where do you study?
2. When was the Teachers Training Institute founded?
3. When was it given the status of University?
4. What specialists does the University train?
5. How many students does the University cater for?
6. How many schools are there at the University?
7. What school do you study at?
8. Who is the dean of your school?
9. Are post-graduate studies available in the University?
10. Where is your academic building situated?
11. What do the students have at their disposal?
12. When do your classes begin and when are they over?
13. What kinds of classes do you attend?
14. What subjects does your curriculum consist of?
15. What are your favourite subjects?
16. Do you have to work on your own? Is it difficult for you ?
17. How many terms is the academic year divided into?
18. When do the students take their credit tests and exams?
19. What exams are you going to take this term?
20. What extra-curricular activities do you take part in?
21. When are the students to take their final exams and submit
a graduation paper?
22. What degree do they receive on graduating from the University?
23. Where do the graduates of OSPU work?
24. Are you going to work as a teacher after graduating from
the University?
XIV. Speak about the University and your student life.


Omsk is one of the largest and most beautiful cities of Western
Siberia. It was founded by Lieutenant – Colonel Ivan Buchgoltz in
1716 as a fortress to repel the attacks of Tatar tribes. Now Omsk is
one of the leading centers of modern industry, science, education and
culture. The population of the city is more than a million people.
Omsk is situated on the banks of the Irtysh and the Om rivers.
Both of them are very picturesque.
Like any old town Omsk has an interesting and eventful history. The famous Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky spent here 4 years.
That was the time when the writer was imprisoned in Omsk fortress
for his political views.
Shortly after the 1917 revolution, anti-bolshevik "white"
forces seized control of Omsk. The "Siberian Regional Government
of Russia" was established here in 1918, headed by the famous polar
explorer and honored war hero Admiral Alexander Kolchak. Omsk
was proclaimed the capital of Russia.
The city became very important after the beginning of
the World War II – because it was both far from the fighting and had
a well-developed infrastructure, Omsk was a perfect location for
much of the industry evacuated away from the front in 1941.
In its old times Omsk was a small provincial town with narrow
dirty streets and wooden houses. Nowadays Omsk is the city of wide
and straight streets lined with trees and bushes, nice squares, shadowy parks and multistorey apartment houses. Of course, there is
a number of problems that are typical for all large cities, they are:
the problem of overcrowded transport, the housing problem, unemployment, water and air pollution but they are the problems of
the whole country today. In spite of that it is pretty good to live here.
Omsk is a beautiful and green city. It is a common knowledge that it
ranges very high among the cities of Siberia from this point of view.
Omsk is also an important industrial, cultural and educational
centre. Products of Omsk manufacturers are in high demand in Russia and other countries. Omsk industry occupies the fourth place in
Russia in terms of total output. The main branches of industry are


power engineering, petro-chemical industry, machine-building and
metallurgy industries, timber-processing industries.
It goes without saying that Omsk is a city of students. Omsk
universities and colleges are well known for its high level education
in different branches of knowledge: medicine, transport, agriculture,
law, economics, business, pedagogy, natural sciences, philology, history, culture and arts. Students from other cities and countries study
at Omsk institutions of higher education. Totally there are more than
twenty higher educational institutions in our city.
The cultural attractions include a number of remarkable theatres (the Drama Theatre, the Music Theatre, the Puppet Theatre,
the Theatre of Young Spectators), the Concert Hall, the Organ Hall,
the circus, several magnificent museums, various exhibition halls,
picture-galleries, recreation centres, modern cinema- halls. The pride
of our city is the building of Pushkin library which is not only the centre of education in our city but also a unique architectural ensemble.
The city has rich sports traditions. There are 1988 sports constructions in operation in Omsk including 7 stadiums, 427 sports
halls and 55 swimming pools. Every year such sports events as Siberian International Marathon, All-Russian Day of Running "Crosscountry Race of Nations", "Velo-Omsk" sports festival, etc. take
place. Omsk sportsmen win prizes in Olympics and Paralympics, European and world championships.
Our city is remarkable not only for its history and beauty but
for its people too. Omsk townsfolk are proud of their famous fellowcitizens (M. Vrubel, K. Belov, A. Liberov, M. Ulyanov, L. Polischuk, I. Tchaschina, A. Tischenko and others). Some of our contemporary writers and poets, singers and dancers, artists and musicians, as well as athletes, have brought a world-wide fame to the city.
Day by day Omsk is growing and becoming more and more
beautiful. We cannot help loving our native place and its people.


to be imprisoned
to seize
to proclaim
to be in demand
in terms
power engineering
cultural institution
exhibition hall
recreation centre
in operation
to bring fame to
богатый событиями
быть заключенным
зд. награжденный
провозглашать, объявлять
пользоваться спросом
с точки зрения
объем производства
культурное учреждение
выставочный зал
развлекательный центр
горожане, городское население
земляк (житель того же города)
I. Give synonyms to the following words:
large, famous, painter, places of interest, several, different,
townspeople, splendid, boulevard, old, person, broad, modern.
II. Give antonyms to the following words:
new, famous, narrow, clean, ancient, big, short, curved.
III. Choose the appropriate form of the verb "to be" in brackets and translate the sentences:
1. There (are, is) several beautiful squares and parks in our city.


2. There (is, are) 6 modern cinemas here.
3. There (was, were) no night clubs in Omsk 20 years ago.
4. In Tarskaya Street there (is, was) a monument to Dostoevsky.
5. There (are, is) the Uspensky Cathedral in the centre of the city.
6. There (are, were) not many banks in Omsk 10 years ago.
7. Now there (is, are) a lot of banks here.
8. There (are, is) lots of recreation centres in Omsk now.
9. There (was, were) no multistorey houses in the old Omsk.
10. In Omsk there (were, are) 5 districts now.
IV. Answer the following questions paying attention to
the construction "there is/are":
1. How many modern cinemas are there in the city now?
2. Are there any big banks in Omsk?
3. Is there a circus in the city?
4. What theatres are there on the right bank?
5. Are there any museums and picture-galleries in our city?
6. How many universities are there in Omsk?
7. What cultural and recreation institutions are there in
the centre of the city?
8. Are there any sports facilities in Omsk?
9. Are there many sights in Omsk?
10. Are there many supermarkets in Omsk?
V. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the usage of the Present Perfect Tense:
1. Our city has become an important educational and scientific
centre of Western Siberia.
2. Several modern cinemas have been built in Omsk recently.
3. Many foreign tourists have already visited Omsk.
4. I have often (always) spent my spare time in the suburbs of
the city.
5. The gymnast E. O. Kanaeva, our fellow-citizen, has gained
a world-wide fame.
6. The central streets of our city have become much cleaner
7. I haven't been to the Puppet Theatre since childhood.
8. Have you ever visited the Organ Hall?


VI. Answer the following questions according to the model:
Model: – Have you ever been to Moscow?
– Yes, I have. I have been to Moscow several times.
– No, I haven't. I have never been to Moscow.
1. Have you ever been to the town of Tara?
2. Have you ever been to the zoo?
3. Have you ever been to the Organ Hall?
4. Have you ever visited the Vrubel Museum of Fine Arts?
5. Have you ever visited the Puppet Theatre?
6. Have you ever gone to the circus?
7. Have you ever gone out of town?
8. Have you ever seen any performance in the Drama Theater?
9. Have you ever listened to the Omsk Symphony Orchestra?
VII. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives:
powerful, large, dirty, big, wide, great, early, picturesque,
many, beautiful, magnificent, old, popular, interesting, famous, original, good, favourite.
VIII. Put the adjectives in brackets into the required degree of
1. Omsk is (large) than Tobolsk.
2. Herzen Street is the (long) street in the city.
3. Omsk is one of the (old) cities in Siberia.
4. The Irtysh is (wide) than the Tobol.
5. The Amusement Green Island Entertainment is one of
the (favourite) places of the citizens.
6. There are (many) industrial enterprises on the right bank of
the city than on the left one.
7. The State Museum of Regional Studies is the (magnificent).
8. Near the Music Theatre you can see one of the (good) fountains of our city.
IX. Insert prepositions where necessary:
1. Omsk is one ... the largest cities ... West Siberia.
2. It is situated ... the Irtysh and the Om rivers.


3. Our city is famous ... its wonderful cathedrals.
4. We are proud ... our famed fellow-citizens.
5. Omsk is a city ... a new type ... wide straight avenues running ... it.
6. There are a lot ... monuments ... famous people ... our city.
7. ... Omsk higher schools we can mention the Teachers Training University, the Service Institute, the State University, the Medical Academy, the Polytechnic University and others.
8. Colourful public merry-makings (гулянья) take place ...
the streets, parks and squares ... our city ... different holidays.
X. Complete the sentences from the text:
1. Omsk was founded as ... .
2. The population of the city is …
3. Omsk is situated on …
4. The favourite places of our citizens and tourists are ... .
5. A great Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky spent ... .
6. The cultural and recreation centres include ... .
7. One of the most famous places of interest in Omsk is ... .
XI. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Омск – крупный промышленный, культурный и образовательный центр Сибири.
2. Наш город расположен на берегах рек Иртыша и Оми.
3. Старый Омск – это маленький город с узкими грязными
улицами и деревянными домами.
4. Многие известные люди жили в нашем городе и посещали его.
5. Сейчас в нашем городе много широких проспектов,
красивых площадей, скверов и фонтанов.
6. Краеведческий музей – самый великолепный музей Омска.
7. Библиотека Пушкина – не только центр образования
в нашем городе, но и уникальный архитектурный ансамбль.
8. За последние годы Омск стал крупным современным
городом с красивыми многоэтажными зданиями, множеством
супермаркетов, ресторанов, кафе, кинотеатров и ночных клубов.
9. Каждый год в Омске проходит Сибирский международный марафон.


10. Достопримечательности Омска включают в себя множество памятников и мемориалов, соборов и музеев.
11. Мы гордимся нашим городом.
XII. Answer the following questions:
1. Is Omsk your native city?
2. When was Omsk founded?
3. Who was its founder?
4. Where is it situated?
5. What is it famous for?
6. What was Omsk like in its old times?
7. What famous people visited our town and lived in it?
8. Can you mention some of our famed fellow-citizens?
9. What do you think the most serious problems of the city are?
10. What are the main branches of industry in Omsk?
11. What are your favourite places in Omsk?
12. Where can our citizens enjoy themselves?
13. What is your favourite theatre (cinema, museum, night
club, cafe, fountain)?
14. Can you prove that Omsk is a big cultural and educational
15. What sights would you show to the guests of our city?
16. What monument is the most original (interesting) one in
your opinion?
17. Can we say that Omsk is a beautiful, clean and hospitable city?
XIII. Tell about Omsk.


1. Брычков П. А. Омская мозаика: очерки по истории города и края. – Омск, 2009. – 471 с.
2. Выборова Г. Е., Мельчина О. П. 70 устных тем по английскому языку. – М., 2010. – 160 с.
3. Дроздова Т. Ю. Everyday English. – СПб., 2010. – 592 с.


ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ ............................................................................3
ABOUT MY FAMILY AND MYSELF ...........................................4
MY WORKING DAY ................................................................... 13
FAVOURITE PASTIMES (MY DAY OFF) .................................. 21
AND STUDENTS' LIFE ............................................................... 27
OMSK ........................................................................................... 37
ЛИТЕРАТУРА ............................................................................. 44


Учебное издание
Смагина Ирина Леонидовна,
Ким Светлана Ирмановна
практикум по устной речи
Корректор И. И. Бабикова
Технический редактор Д. В. Пискарев
Подписано в печать 26.11.2013. Формат 60×84/16.
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Печ. л. 3,0. Уч.-изд. л. 2,5.
Тираж 100 экз. Заказ П-1167.
Издательство ОмГПУ.
Отпечатано в типографии ОмГПУ,
Омск, наб. Тухачевского, 14, тел./факс: (3812) 23-57-93
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