Problems of sport of XXI centuries

Problems of sport of XXI centuries

1. Problems of sport of XXI centuries

Ural State University of Physical Education
Finished student group 113
Dmitry Sadykov

2. Doping - it's drugs, which are used by athletes to artificially forced improve efficiency during the training process and competitive activities.

3. Types of doping

4. Stimulants

5. Drugs, alcohol

6. Anabolic steroid

7. Diuretics



3. Game types: football, basketball, rugby, baseball, hockey, and hockey,
golf and others.
Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, marijuana and others.
Death, loss of consciousness, toxic effects.
4. Difficult coordinating sports: high jump, diving, figure skating,
gymnastics, fencing, etc.
Alcohol, narcotic analgesics, tranquilizers, beta blockers, etc
Drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.
5. Martial arts: all forms of wrestling, Boxing, martial arts, etc. of
Narcotic analgesics, marijuana, alcohol.


Doping control
The modern concept in the fight against
doping in elite sport, see the Anti-Doping
Code of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency,
founded on the initiative of the International
Olympic Committee - IOC). WADA annually
publishes a list of banned drugs to athletes
and new versions of the so-called standards:
International Standard for Laboratories,
International Standard for Testing and the
international standard for the design of
therapeutic exemptions


At serious national and international
competitions the drug test not only
prize-winners, but also all participants is
carried out. Mobile laboratories of a
drug test are present at all
competitions. In the majority of sports
the established doping involves
disqualification for 2 years, and
repeated — for 4 years or even forever




Historians consider that use of a dope during the
Olympic Games began since the day of foundation of
competitions in 776 g BC. Participants of games
accepted hallucinogenic and soothing mushrooms,
various herbs and wine extracts. Today these
preparations would be forbidden, however in the
ancient time, and even after revival of the Olympic
Games in 1896, to athletes wasn't forbidden to use
medicine which would help them to win. By the time of
the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 athletes
possessed a wide arsenal of means of
pharmacological support, from codeine to strychnine
(which is a powerful stimulator in the okolosmertelnykh


Using different kinds of stimulants to
enhance physical and mental health
was noted in antiquity. So in the II
century BC Greek athletes before
competition took protein, sesame
seeds, some types of psychotropic
mushrooms, not to feel fatigue and


Athletes too keen thirst
for victory, forgetting
about the danger that
a black cloud hanging
over their lives. Those
who do not hope for
themselves and trying
to somehow spur
yourself, sometimes do
not realize that it is not
only unfair and
unsportsmanlike, but,
first of all, it is
dangerous to health.


The last 10-15 years are characterized by
the introduction of the sports field in
pharmaceutical preparations (doping).
Such drugs are spreading among children
in youth sports sections, and among
professional athletes.
Now there is an active search for
"miracle" drugs that will bring an
athlete to a whole new level, and, as
soon as possible.The need for such
tools has arisen because of the
overload of athletes who have brought
the possibility of a person to the
ultimate level.


Influence of doping preparations
on a human body the very
On the one hand, they stimulate the
nervous and physical activity of the
person, so sports results can be
On the other hand, doping - is like a
drug. So, can not but have a bad
influence on the body. The number of
deaths in recent years due to the
acceptance of doping has increased


Among physicians, trainers and
scientists have different opinions about
solving the problem of doping
Some of them believe
that the athlete
should have the
freedom to choose or
not to accept doping.
He must be well
informed about the
drug and its effect on
the body.
Others say a total
ban on doping,
as a stimulant,
and strictly
punish those who
do not cease to


They believe that these athletes
are able to show good results and
without the use of additional funds.
Another thing is whether the
athletes themselves will refuse
them? Maybe someone will do so,
but the bulk will still be used
doping. But the only approved
drugs only on a pre-designed
Completely it is impossible to exclude
pattern, only under medical
a dope from modern sport (big
competitions, the competition). But to
find the preparations getting under the
category forbidden, it is easy. That is, at
any time it is possible to disqualify the
athlete, to deprive of a medal.
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