Категория: ПсихологияПсихология

My dream school


My dream school


Everybody has got his or her own dream school,
because we spend a lot of time there.
As for me, I have my dream school too. I would
like, that our school would be bigger, and there
are eight floor in it


I think, that the first floor schould be for
entertainments and sports activites.
It can be sport club with training apparatus
and music.I would like a big swimming
pool with salt water for our P.E. Lessons.


In spring the weather gets fine so I think, that
pupils can use roller-skates, bikes, scooters and
skates during P.E. lessons at the sports ground
near our school.


I want, that there is a big rollerdrom, where we
can roller-skate in our free time


I am sure, that it would be great, if we have a big
language learning centre on the second floor.
Pupils can learn English,Chinese,French,Italian,
Spanish, German and Dutch there. I think,
that this centre can send the best students abroad
for interesting.


The next four floors for learning, because we have
to understand, that the first aim of school is


I would like to change our classroom. We have
ordinary boards, not so comfortable desks and
chairs, just few flowers on the windows. I would
like to have electronic white boards, cosy and
comfortable furniture and more flowers.


We have not comfortable school uniform and I' d
like to change it for comfortable trousers and onecolored T-shirt.


I dream, that our homework will be less, because
most of the pupils don't have enough free time for
extra activities such as sport, reading,music,
languages, pets,painting and walking with friends.


I want our textbooks to be changed for tablet. I
don't want the internet and games in it just
everything we need for learning in it. And I prefer
to have longer breaktime.


Also we need good proffesional doctors, who can
help pupils in difficult cituations. On the second
floor there must be rooms for them.


It's very important point to have a professional
security men on every floor.


On the seventh floor there is a cafe, where we
can buy only healthy food, such as:
hot pea soup, a lot of differents salads, icecream, a planty choice of the second
dishes.There are also juice maker machines,
which we can use to make juice from our own


The prices in this cafe are cheap and a lot of
comfortable chairs and tables are in it.


I want to have coolers with water on every floor.


During the brakes, pupils should have a rest on
comfortable sofas.


On the last floor there is a trampoline centre and
big windows to watch our city.


We schould have a confirents hall there for our
concerts, meatings and shows.


It's important to have a lift to move up and down.


To enjoy our breaktime outside we schould have a
big green yard with a small forest, garden and


It would be also wonderful if our sports ground
includes voleyball, backetball, football, badminton
and open tennis grounds.Pupils can play there not
only at the lessons, but they can come there after


A lot of my friends and I jog in the morning and we
all need a running track for it. It would be great if
we have it near our school. We can go there
every morning.


I would like our school to have a school bus. It
must be big and it must have two floors. The
children of our school can use it when they go to
any excursion or to any place to have fun.


The driver of the school bus should be
professional and skilled. He schould be capable to
help children in any difficult situations. It's
important that he drives well and takes attention
to only his way.


I like cinema and always try to know news in it. I
know that my friends like cinema too, that is why
if there will be the cinema at our school a lot of
pupils will go there. There it could be a big screen
and comfortable armchairs.


I think, that these changes will happen soon and
they will make the schooling process more


Thank you for your
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