1. My last shopping for food
I’m a Fun Shopper.
I enjoy shopping. So if I need
something to buy I usually do
shopping at the corner shop
“Эконом”. I think it is very
convenient because it is
located near my hostel.
Before went to the shop I
had made a shopping list
not to forget anything.
5. First I went to there dairy department and took a bottle of milk, butter, cheese and put it into my basket.
6. Then I bought a pack of cookies at the confectionary.
7. The next department was greengrocer’s and I took 3 apples there.
8. And the last department that I have visited was bakery where I bought bread.
9. When I finished my shopping I went to the check-out. I gave my money to the cashier and asked for a carrier bag. Cashier took my money and put them into till and gave me a change. I put me purchases in a carrier bag and went home.