Категория: ФилософияФилософия

Космология и философия сознания


Космология и Философия
Николай Мазурок


Философия сознания и
Философия сознания
Cosmology (from the Greek κόσμος, kosmos
"world" and -λογία, -logia "study of"), is the study of
the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the
Philosophy of mind is a branch of philosophy that
studies the nature of the mind, mental events, mental
functions, mental properties, consciousness, and
their relationship to the physical body, particularly the


Physical cosmology is the scholarly and scientific
study of the origin, evolution, large-scale structures
and dynamics, and ultimate fate of the universe, as
well as the scientific laws that govern these
Mythological cosmology is a body of beliefs
based on mythological, religious, and esoteric
literature and traditions of creation and


Философия сознания
Сознание и Мозг
Коррелят сознания
The mind-body problem, i.e. the relationship of the mind to the body, is commonly seen as one key issue in
philosophy of mind, although there are other issues concerning the nature of the mind that do not involve its
relation to the physical body, such as how consciousness is possible and the nature of particular mental


Основной вопрос философии
Фридрих Энгельс
“Людвиг Фейербах и конец классической немецкой философии”


Основной вопрос философии


Основной вопрос философии
• Онтологическая и Гносеологическая стороны


Физическая космология
Physical cosmology is
studied by scientists,
such as astronomers and
physicists, as well as
philosophers, such as
philosophers of physics,
and philosophers of
space and time.
Because of this shared scope
with philosophy, theories
in physical cosmology
may include both
scientific and nonscientific propositions,
and may depend upon
assumptions that can not
be tested.
Cosmology differs from
astronomy in that the
former is concerned with
the Universe as a whole
while the latter deals with
individual celestial


Мифологическая космология
Cosmology deals with the world as the totality of space, time and all phenomena.
Historically, it has had quite a broad scope, and in many cases was founded in religion. The
ancient Greeks did not draw a distinction between this use and their model for the cosmos.


Метафизическая космология
Metaphysical cosmology addresses questions about the Universe which are beyond the scope of
science. It is distinguished from religious cosmology in that it approaches these questions using
philosophical methods like dialectics.


Метафизическая космология
Modern metaphysical cosmology tries to address questions such as:
1) What is the origin of the Universe? What is its first cause? Is its existence necessary?
2) What are the ultimate material components of the Universe?
3) What is the ultimate reason for the existence of the Universe? Does the cosmos have a purpose?
4) Does the existence of consciousness have a purpose? How do we know what we know about the
totality of the cosmos? Does cosmological reasoning reveal metaphysical truths?


Космологические теории
• Теория Большого Взрыва (Big bang)
Modern physical
cosmology is
dominated by the
Big Bang theory,
which attempts to
bring together
astronomy and
particle physics;
more specifically, a
parameterization of
the Big Bang with
dark matter and dark
energy, known as
the Lambda-CDM


Космологические теории
• Инфляционная теория
Modern physical
cosmology is
dominated by the
Big Bang theory,
which attempts to
bring together
astronomy and
particle physics;
more specifically, a
parameterization of
the Big Bang with
dark matter and
dark energy, known
as the Lambda-CDM


Большая история (Big History)
• Космическая эволюция
Big History is an emerging
academic discipline which
examines history from the Big
Bang to the present. It
examines long time frames
using a multidisciplinary
approach based on combining
numerous disciplines from
science and the humanities,
and explores human existence
in the context of this bigger
picture. It integrates studies of
the cosmos, Earth, life, and
humanity using empirical
evidence to explore causeand-effect relations.


Редукционизм и Холизм
Methodological reductionism is the
scientific attempt to provide explanation
in terms of ever smaller entities
Holism is the idea that systems (physical, biological,
chemical, social, economic, mental, linguistic, etc.) and
their properties should be viewed as wholes, not as
collection of parts.


Жизнь в других мирах


“Ксено” науки
Xenobiology is a subfield of synthetic biology, the
study of synthesizing and manipulating biological
devices and systems. Xenobiology describes a form
of biology that is not (yet) familiar to science and not
found in nature.
Xenopsychology is it even real?


Статья Роберта Фрейтаса “Ксенопсихология”
This paper is the first known
published reference to the
“Sentience Quotient” invented
by Robert A. Freitas Jr., which
first defined the computational
density of sentient matter
along a wide spectrum
spanning 120 orders of
magnitude, as defined by
universal physical constants.
The concept was first created
ca/ 1977-78 and was
described in Freitas’ privately
circulated but then
unpublished Xenology (1979)
Robert A. Freitas Jr., “Xenopsychology,” Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, Vol. 104, April 1984, pp 41-53


Ксенопсихология Xenopsychology
Intelligence on Earth
Extraterrestrial Sociobiology
Universal Emotions?
Alien Logic, Time, and Space
Sentience Quotient (SQ)


Разум на Земле (Intelligence on Earth)
Evolution of nervous systems


Внеземная социобиология
(Extraterrestrial Sociobiology)
P. Murdock’s study of cultural universals:
Edward O. Wilson’s alien culture:
Age-grading, antennal rites, body licking,
calendar, cannibalism, caste determinism,
caste laws, colony-foundation rules, colony
organization, cleanliness training, communal
nurseries, cooperative labor, cosmology,
courtship, division of labor, drone control,
education, eschatology, ethics, etiquette,
euthanasia, firemaking, food taboos, giftgiving, government, greetings, grooming
rituals, hospitality, hosing, hygiene, incest
taboos, language, larval care, law, medicine,
metamorphosis rites, mutual regurgitation,
nursing castes, nuptial flights, nutrient eggs,
population policy, queen obeisance,
residence rules, sex determination, solder
castes, sisterhoods, status differentiation,
sterile workers, surgery, symbiont care,
toolmaking, trade, visiting, weather control . .
. and still other activities so alien as to make
mere description by our language difficult.
Age-grading, athletic sports, bodily
adornment, calendar, cleanliness training,
community organizations, cooking,
cooperative labor, cosmology, courtship,
dancing, decorative art. divination, division
of labor, dream interpretation, education,
eschatology, ethics, ethnobotany, etiquette,
faith healing. family feasting, firemaking,
folklore, food taboos, funeral rites, games,
gestures, gift giving, government, greetings,
hairstyles, hospitality, housing, hygiene,
incest taboos, inheritance rules, joking, kin
groups, kinship nomenclature, language,
law, luck superstitions, magic,. marriage,
mealtimes, medicine, obstetrics, penal
sanctions, personal names, population
policy, postnatal care, pregnancy usages,
property rights, propitiation of supernatural
beings, puberty customs, religious rituals,
residence rules, sexual restrictions, soul
concepts, status differentiation, surgery,
toolmaking, trade, visiting, weaving, and
weather control.


Всеобщие эмоции (Universal Emotions)
Arnold's theory emotional
experience proceeds in
three steps:
(1) Perception and appraisal (external
stimulus is perceived and judged good,
bad, useful. harmful, etc., mostly based
on learned associations);
(2) Emotion (internal state of arousal
or "feeling" arises, involving
physiological effects); then
(3) Action (specific behavior such as
approach, avoidance, attack, or
feeding, depending on emotional
intensity, learned behavioral patterns,
and other motivations simultaneously
present). In this view emotion is an
internal state, not a behavior or a
perception of external reality.


Чужые логика, время и пространство
(Alien Logic, Time, and Space)


Коэффициент разумности
(Sentience Quotient (SQ)
Bremermann's Limit, named after Hans-Joachim Bremermann, is the maximum computational speed of a self-contained system in
the material universe. It is derived from Einstein's mass-energy equivalency and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and is c2/h ≈
1.36 × 1050 bits per second per kilogram.[1][2] This value is important when designing cryptographic algorithms, as it can be used
to determine the minimum size of encryption keys or hash values required to create an algorithm that could never be cracked by a
brute-force search.
Преде́л Бремерма́нна, названный в честь Ханса-Йоахима Бремермана — максимальная скорость вычислений автономной
системы в материальной вселенной. Выводится из эйнштейновской эквивалентности массы-энергии и соотношений
неопределённости Гейзенберга и составляет c2/h ≈ 1,36 × 1050 бит в секунду на килограмм. Эта величина играет важную роль при
разработке криптографических алгоритмов, поскольку позволяет определить минимальный размер ключей шифрования или хешзначений, необходимых для создания алгоритма шифрования, который не может быть взломан путём подбора.


Шутка ли?
• Летающие тарелки как феномен психологии уже давно изучены
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