Reported speech

Reported speech

1. Reported speech

2. Statements

Прямая речь ставится в кавычки и
отделяется от слов автора запятой.
“ I am a student of the Law Department”, she
Косвенная речь в кавычки не ставится и
запятой не отделяется.
She says that she is a student of the Law

3. Если в прямой речи есть местоимения личные или притяжательные (I, you, he, we и т. д.) то при переводе в косвенную речь они

•Если в прямой речи есть местоимения
личные или притяжательные (I, you, he,
we и т. д.) то при переводе в косвенную
речь они обычно меняются в
соответствии со смыслом.
Mr. Black says, “ Our delegation will leave your city”
Mr. Black says that their delegation will leave our city”

4. Перед предложением стоят слова автора содержащие глагол to say, to tell

TO SAY – употребляется, когда нет указания
на лицо, которому делается сообщение.
He says that he is busy now.
TO TELL – употребляется если в сообщении
указано, к кому обращена речь.
He tells me that he is busy now

5. Поставьте следующие предложения в косвенную речь:

The clerk says to the visitors:” Our hotel is the best in our town”.
The employee says:” I want to apply for this post”.
The secretary says to the visitor:” Our director is discussing very
important question now.”
Mr. Ivanov says:” I have been to Britain twice this year”.
The lawyer says to the defendant: ”You must present all the
The suspect tells to the judge: “ I am innocent”.
Nick says to his friend: “My sister is on business in the USA now”.
The representative of the firm say: “The prices of your goods are
very high”.
Steve says to me: “ I dream of passing exams”.
The president says to the foreign guests: “Our firm is reliable”.
Mother says : “ I’m reading a newspaper now.”
The policeman says: “ You are arrested”.
My friend says to her: “ You are invited”.

6. Кроме to say, to tell для передачи сообщений используются и другие:

To add that…
To admit that…
To announce…
To decide that…
To think that…
To report that…
To inform (smb) that…
To promise (smb.) that…
To remind (to smb.) that…
To answer (to smb.) that…
To remark that…
To suppose that…
- добавить
- признавать
- объявлять
- решать
- думать
- сообщать
- сообщать
- обещать
- напоминать
- отвечать
- замечать

7. Questions В косвенном вопросе порядок слов всегда прямой (как в повествовательном предложении: Слова автора присоединяются к

косвенному вопросу союзами IF,
Прямая речь
“Do you know English?”
“Are you a student?”
“Have you seen the film”
Косвенная речь
I know English.
I am a student.
I have seen the new film.
He asks me: “Are you a student?”
1. Измените вопрос на повествование:
“Are you a student?”- You are a student.
2.Добавьте слова автора:
He asks me you are a student.
3 Вставьте IF или WHETHER после слов автора:
He asks me if you are a student.
4. Замените местоимения на соответствующие по смыслу:
He asks me if I are a student.
5.Форма глагола TO BE не соответствует местоимению I, замените ее:
He asks me if I am a student.

8. Поставьте следующие вопросы в косвенную речь:

He asks me: ”Are you from Belarus?”
He asks me if I am from Belarus.
They ask Peter: “Is your father at home?”
They ask Peter if his father is at home.
Mother asks Nina: “Are you hungry?”
Mother asks Nina if she is hungry.
She asks: “Am I right?”
She asks if she is right.
Husband asks his wife: “Are you happy?”
Husband asks his wife if she is happy.
She asks her: “ Was you there yesterday?”
She asks her if she was there yesterday.
John asks his friend: ”Were they at the Institute in the morning?”
John asks his friend if they were at the Institute in the morning.
Parents ask children: “ Will you be obedient?”
Parents ask children weather they will be obedient.

9. He asks me: “Do you know English?”

1. Определив в каком времени стоит предложение, измените вопрос на
Do you know English? – You know English.
2.Добавьте слова автора:
He asks me you know English.
3 Вставьте IF или WHETHER после слов автора:
He asks me if you know English.
4. Замените местоимения на соответствующие по смыслу:
He asks me if I know English.
5.Если форма глагола не соответствует местоимению, замените ее:
He asks him: “Do you know English?” – He asks him if he knows

10. Поставьте следующие вопросы в косвенную речь:

He asks Nick: “Do you get up at 7 o’clock?”
He asks Nick if he gets up at 7 o’clock.
Teacher asks me: ”Does your sister read books?”
Teacher asks me if my sister reads books.
They ask Mary: “Do you live far from Minsk?”
They ask Mary if she lives far from Minsk.
Father asks his son: “Does your friend work?”
Father asks his son weather his friend works.
She asks her friend: “Did you go to the south a week ago?”
She asks her friend weather he went to the south a week ago.
I ask my granny: “Did you buy bread yesterday?”
I ask my granny if she bought bread yesterday.
They ask: ”Will the boss come tomorrow?”
They ask if the boss will come tomorrow.
My friends ask me: “ Can you skate very well?”
My friends ask me if I can skate very well.

11. He asks Peter : “Have you seen the film?”

1. Определив в каком времени стоит предложение, измените
вопрос на повествование.
Have you seen the film ? – You have seen the film.
2.Добавьте слова автора:
He asks Peter You have seen the film.
3 Вставьте IF или WHETHER после слов автора:
He asks Peter if You have seen the film.
4. Замените местоимения на соответствующие по смыслу:
He asks Peter if he have seen the film.
5.Если форма глагола have не соответствует местоимению,
замените ее:
He asks Peter if he has seen the film.
(He, She, It – has ; They, You, We, I – have)

12. Поставьте следующие вопросы в косвенную речь:

She asks her daughter: “Have you done your homework?”
She asks her daughter if she has done her homework.
He asks me: “Have you written this article yourself?”
He asks me if I have written this article myself.
Teacher asks student: “ Have you found the book?”
Teacher asks student if he has found the book.
Mother asks: “Had Tom returned by 5 o’clock yesterday?”
Mother asks weather Tom had returned by 5 o’clock yesterday.
Dean asks the student: “Had you passed all your tests before exams?”
Dean asks the student if he had passed all his tests before exams.
She asks her neighbor: “Will you have done this work by next Sunday?’
She asks her neighbor if he will have done this work by next Sunday.
He asks me: “Will you have read this book by tomorrow evening?”
He asks me if I shall have read this book by tomorrow evening.

13. He asks Mary: “ Are you going to the Institute?”

1. Определив в каком времени стоит предложение, измените вопрос на
Are you going to the Institute? – You are going to the Institute.
2.Добавьте слова автора:
He asks Mary You are going to the Institute.
3 Вставьте IF или WHETHER после слов автора:
He asks Mary if You are going to the Institute.
4. Замените местоимения на соответствующие по смыслу:
He asks Mary if she are going to the Institute.
5.Если форма глагола TO BE не соответствует местоимению,
замените ее:
He asks Mary if she is going to the Institute.
(He, She, It – is ; They, You, We, – are ; I – am.) – Present Continuous
(He, She, It, I – was; They, You, We, – were.) – Past Continuous

14. Поставьте следующие вопросы в косвенную речь:

He asks Nick: “Are you going to the work?”
He asks Nick if he is going to the work.
Teacher asks me: ”Is your sister reading English book?”
Teacher asks me if my sister is reading English book.
They ask Mary: “Is it raining now?”
They ask Mary if it is raining now.
Father asks his son: “Were you working in the library at 6 o’clock
Father asks his son weather he was working in the library at 6 o’clock
She asks her friend: “Were you listening to a very interesting lecture?”
She asks her friend weather he was listening to a very interesting lecture.
Granny asks me: “Will you be listening to the news tomorrow at 5?”
Granny asks me if I shall be listening to the news tomorrow at 5.
They ask: ”Will the secretary be typing the report tomorrow?”
They ask if the secretary will be typing the report tomorrow.

15. Кроме глагола TO ASK в словах автора наиболее часто употребляются следующие:

To wonder
To want to know
To inquire
To be interested to know
- При переводе в косвенную речь альтернативных
вопросов и разделительных необходимо
использование правила передачи в косвенной
речи общего вопроса:
The teacher asks the student: “You do home work regularly, don’t you?”
The teacher asks the student if he does home work regularly.

16. Поставьте следующие вопросы в косвенную речь:

The teacher asks the students: “Do you know any English writers?
The teacher asks the students if they know any English writers.
Tom asks his friend: “Do you know English well?”
Tom asks his friend whether he knows English well.
Mary asks: “Have you learnt the topic?’
Mary wants to know if I have learned the topic.
My granny asks him: “Did you really have to go?”
My granny wonders if he had to go.
The students ask me: “Are you leaving for Great Britain?”
The students ask me whether I am leaving for Great Britain.
My friend to me: ”Does your aunt really live in the USA?”
My friend asks me if my aunt really lives in the USA.
The engineer to his director: “Will you fly to Moscow?”
The engineer asks his director whether he will fly to Moscow.
The company asks the firm:” Can you ship the goods in time?”
The company asks the firm if they can ship the goods in time

17. Специальные вопросы в косвенной речи

Косвенный вопрос с вопросительным словом (специальный)
присоединяется к главному предложению соответствующими
вопросительными местоимениями или наречиями (вопросительными
Who, whose, where, when, why…
после них следует предложение с прямым порядком слов, как в общем
Специальные вопросы
“What are you reading?”
“When did you see the
new film?”
“ Where will you go
I am reading.
I saw the new film.
I shall go tonight.

18. Поставьте следующие вопросы в косвенную речь:

My cousin asks:” When did your aunt visit you last time?”
My cousin asks when my aunt visited me last time.
The child asks: “ What are you doing?”
The child asks me what I am doing.
The mother asks Nick: “ Why did you stay away from classes?”
The mother asks Nick why he stayed away from classes.
The Dean to the student: “ How have you done your test?”
The Dean asks student how he has done his test.
The representatives of the firm ask us: “ What countries does your company export
goods to?”
The representatives of the firm ask us what countries our company exports goods
The visitor asks: “When will the exhibition be closed?”
The visitor asks when the exhibition will be closed.
The judge to the juror: “ What evidences are reliable?”
The judge asks the juror what evidences are reliable.
The teacher to Kate: “ What language did you study at school?”
The teacher asks Kate what language she studied at School.

19. Commands and requests

Если прямая речь выражает приказ то глагол
TO SAY заменяется глаголом TO TELL, TO
ORDER (приказать), TO FORBID(запретить).
Mr. Welt says to the hotel porter: ”Carry our luggage upstairs”.
Mr. Welt tells the porter to carry their luggage upstairs.
Если прямая речь выражает просьбу, то глагол TO
SAY заменяется глаголом TO ASK, TO BEG
HE says: “Give me the documents, please.”
HE ask me to give the documents.

20. Если в предложении другой вид побуждений -TO SAY заменяется глаголами:

Если в предложении другой вид побуждений TO SAY заменяется глаголами:
To advise
To allow
To warn
To recommend
To remind
To offer
To persuade

21. Indirect commands

Приказания и просьбы в косвенной речи
передаются глаголом с частицей TO+глагол
Keep quiet! – He told me to keep quiet.
Отрицательные побудительные предложения
передаются сочетанием NOT + TO+глагол
Don’t make noise! –He told me not to make noise

22. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1.The teacher says to me: “Hand this note to your parents”.
The teacher tells me to hand his note to my parents.
Oleg says to his sister: “Send the letter to our granny.”
Oleg tells his sister to send the letter to their granny.
“ Please bring me some fish soup,” he says to the waitress.
He asks the waitress to bring him some fish soup.
“ Don’t worry over such a small thing,” she says to me.
She tells me not to worry over such small thing.
He says to us: “Come here tomorrow”.
He asks us to come here tomorrow.
“Don’t be late for dinner”, says mother to us.
Mother asks us not to be late for dinner.
She says to Nick: “Please don’t say anything about it to your sister.”
She begs Nick not to say anything about it to his sister.
Father says to me: ”Don’t stay there long”.
Father asks me not to stay there long.”



25. Поставьте предложения в косвенную речь используя: ask (просить), tell (говорить), order(приказывать), forbid(запрещать),

recommend(рекомендовать), remind(напоминать),
1.Teacher to the student
2.Wife to husband
3. Manager to clerk
4.Mr.Brown to a visitor
5. Police to driver
6. Captain to his crew
1.a)Will you take this book to the
b) Write down the following
2. a) Don’t turn off the TV, please.
b) Turn off the radio, please.
3. a) Look through these papers.
b) Don’t send these papers
back today.
4. a) Take a seat, please.
b) Won’t you have a cigarette.
5. a) Don’t turn right.
b) Don’t drive so fast.
6. a) Get ready!
b) Don’t leave the plane.

26. Exclamations and Emotional Utterances

Для передачи восклицаний, типа “Oh, no!”,
“What a pity!”, “How terrible!”, “That’s great!”,
“Terrific!”, “Really!”, “Impossible!”, “You are joking!”
Употребляются следующие выражения:
1. To be angry (sad, happy)
1.Быть злым (грустным, счастливым)
2. To be disappointed (surprised)
2.Быть разочарованным, удивленным.
-и глаголы:-1. to exclaim
-2. to cry, to shout
Плакать, кричать
-3. to complain
-4. to give an exclamation of pleasure
Выражать удовольствие
-5. to give an exclamation of satisfaction 5.
Выражать удовлетворение
-6. to give an exclamation of horror
Выражать страх
-7. to give an exclamation of disgust
Выражать отвращение,раздражение

27. Например:

Mr. White says: “What a pity that the director is out.
I have something important to tell him.”
- Mr. White is very disappointed that the director is
out, because he has something important to tell the
“ Oh, no! I can’t believe it!” – says the sales manager
– “our partners haven’t paid yet”.
- The sales manager is very annoyed (разозлился) that
their partners haven’t paid yet.

28. Слова или фразы, выражающие благодарность, поздравления, пожелания и т. д. передаются следующим образом:

He said: ”Thank you!” – He thanked me
Nick said: “Good lack!” – Nick wished good lack.
She said: “Happy Christmas!” – She wished me a
happy Christmas.
Mary said: “ Congratulations!” – She congratulated
The secretary said: “Welcome to our city!” – The
secretary welcomed the visitors to their city.

29. Краткие ответы ”Yes” и “No” передаются в косвенной речи подлежащим и соответствующим вспомогательным глаголом

The director asks the sales manager: ‘Have
you found out everything about this firm?”
The sales manager replied: “Yes, I have.”
The director asks the sales manager if he has found out
everything about this firm. The sales manager answered
that he has.
“Are they testing the new equipment now?” – asks the
engineer. “Now they are not” –answers the secretary.
The engineer wanted to know if they are testing the new
equipment now. The secretary answers they are not.

30. Обратите внимание на передачу следующих конструкций в косвенной речи:

“ Let’s play chess”, said Nick – Nick
suggested playing chess.
“ All right,” said Peter. – Peter agreed.
“ Oh no”, said Mike. – Mike refused.

31. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

“ I shall go to see my friend. Will you come with me?”, says Kate.
Kate suggests coming with her.
“ Yes, I shall. I want to see your friend”, says Peter.
Peter agrees and says that he wants to see her friend.
“Let’s play badminton”, says Nina.
Nina suggests playing badminton.
“No, I can’t. I shall be busy”, says Lena.
Lena refuses and says that she will be busy.
“Does your friend always come in time?”, ask Victor.
Victor wants to know if my friend always comes in time.
“No”, says Mary.
Mary answers that he doesn’t.



34. Согласование времен (The Sequence of Tenses)

Косвенная речь это сложноподчиненное предложение, где
главное предложение – это слова автора, а придаточное –
это косвенное утверждение или вопрос. Если сказуемое
главного предложения (т. е. слова автора) выражено
глаголом в прошедшем времени то в придаточном
необходимо использовать правило согласования времен
Сдвиг времен в придаточном дополнительном при главном предложении
в прошедшем времени
Present Simple
- Past Simple
Present Continuous
- Past Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Simple
- Past Perfect
Past Continuous
- Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect
- Past Perfect
- Future-in-the Past

35. Если главное предложение стоит в прошедшем времени в придаточном дополнительном сдвигайте времена, как указано в ниже: SEQUENCE

He lives in New York.
I thought that he lived in New York.
Present Indefinite – Past Indefinite
(Одновременное действие)
Mother is sleeping.
I knew that mother was sleeping.
Present Continuous – Past Continuous
(Одновременное действие)
He has returned from London.
I was told that he had returned from
Present Perfect – Past Perfect
(Предшествующее действие)
He bought a new car.
Past Indefinite – Past Perfect
I heard that he had bought a new car. ( Предшествующее действие)
He will send us a letter.
I supposed that he would send us a
Future Indefinite – Future-in the Past
( Последующее действие)

36. При переводе прямой речи в косвенную необходимо соблюдать ряд правил:

1. Личные и притяжательные местоимения меняются по смыслу,
как и в русском языке.
Mary said: “Peter has taken my
Мария сказала: «Петр взял мой
Mary said that Peter had taken her
Мария сказала, что Петр взял ее
2. Модальные глаголы обычно употребляются в прошедшем
сan – could
must – have to
She said: “I can’t swim”.
She said: “Take an umbrella. It may rain”.
may - might
She said that she couldn’t swim.
She told me to take an umbrella because
it might rain.
3. Указательные местоимения и наречия места и времени в
косвенной речи меняются

37. Прямая речь Косвенная речь

today, tonight
last night/ week/ month/ year
next week/ month/ year
this /these
- that day, that night
- then
- the day before
- the previous night/ week/ month/ year
- the next day, the following day
- the next (the following) week, year
- before
- that / those
- there
“I’m having a party tonight,” he said
“He arrived last week,” she said
He said he was having a party that night.
She said he had arrived the previous
Tom said he had seen him two years
He said that was his friend Joe.
“I saw him two years ago,” Tom said
“This is my friend Joe,” he said.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kate said.
Kate said she would see me the following

38. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Oleg said: “My room is on the second floor.”
Oleg said that his room was on the second floor.
2. I said to them: “I can give you my uncle’s address.”
I said to them that I could give them my uncle’s address.
3. Nick said: “I have never been to London. I think I will go there next year.”
Nick said that he had never been to London and he thought he would go there next
4. Mike said: “We have bought these books today.”
Mike said that they had bought those books that day.
5. He said to me: “They are staying at the “Europe” hotel.”
He said to me that they were staying at the “Europe” hotel.
6. He said to me: “I want to see you today.”
He said to me that he wanted to see me that day.
7. The old man said to the girl: “You can sing perfectly. I think you will be a famous
The old man said to the girl that she could sing perfectly and he thought that she
would be a famous singer.”
8. She said: “I don’t go to this shop very often.”
She said that she didn’t go to that shop very often.
9. She said: “I am free tonight.”
She said that she was free that night.

39. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Mike said: “I saw them at my parents’ house last week.”
Mike said that he had seen them at his parents’ house the previous week.
2. She said to us: “They arrived in Manchester yesterday.”
She said to us that they had arrived in Manchester the day before.
3. She said: “I spent my holidays in Spain last year.”
She said that she had spent her holidays in Spain the previous year.
4. I said: “I was in London last year. My friends in London sometimes invite
me to spend my holidays with them.”
I said that I had been in London the previous year and my friends in
London sometimes invited me to spend my holidays with them.
5. “ I didn’t break the window,” said the little boy to her.
The little boy said to her that he hadn’t broken the window.
6. “I had an argument with Mark yesterday”, said Fiona.
Fiona said that she had had an argument with Mark the day before.

40. Questions В косвенном вопросе порядок слов всегда прямой (как в повествовательном предложении: Слова автора присоединяются к

косвенному вопросу союзами IF,
Прямая речь
“Do you know English?”
“Are you a student?”
“Have you seen the film”
Косвенная речь
I knew English.
I was a student.
I had seen the new film.
He asked me: “Are you a student?”
1. Измените вопрос на повествование:
“Are you a student?”- You are a student.
2. Примените правило согласования времен.
You were a student.
2.Добавьте слова автора:
He asked me you were a student.
3 Вставьте IF или WHETHER после слов автора:
He asks me if you were a student.
4. Замените местоимения и глагол TO BE на соответствующие по смыслу:
He asks me if I was a student.

41. Ask (someone) + if + придаточное предложение

Direct question
Reported question
Are you watching TV?
Do you like sailing?
Did you eat raw fish?
Have you found your passport?
Will you fly to Paris tomorrow?
He asked (me) if I was
watching TV.
He wanted to know if I liked
He wondered if I had eaten
raw fish.
He asked me if I had found
my passport.
He wondered if I would fly to
Paris the next day.

42. Передайте следующие общие вопросы в косвенной речи.

1. “Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?” said my aunt.
My aunt asked if a return ticket was cheaper than two singles.
2. “Do puppies travel free?” asked a dog owner.
A dog owner asked whether puppies traveled free.
3. “Have you reserved a seat?” I asked him.
I asked him if he had reserved a seat.
4. “Did they understand what you said to them?” he asked me.
He asked me if they had understood what I had said to them.
5. “Are you leaving today or tomorrow morning?” said his secretary.
His secretary wanted to know if I was leaving that day or next day.
6. “Have you done this sort of work before?” said his new boss.
His new boss asked if he had done that sort of work before.
7. “Did you borrow my dictionary?” he asked.
He asked if I had borrowed his dictionary.
8. “Do you want to see the cathedral?” he asked.
He asked whether I wanted to see the cathedral.
9. “Does anyone want ticket for the boxing match?” said Charles.
Charles asked if anyone wanted ticket for the boxing match.
10. “Will you come here again?” Paul asked.
Paul asked if I would come there again.


Специальные вопросы в косвенной речи
Косвенный вопрос с вопросительным словом (специальный)
присоединяется к главному предложению соответствующими
вопросительными местоимениями или наречиями (вопросительными
словами) Who, whose, where, when, why…
после них следует предложение с прямым порядком слов, измененное
в соответствии с правилом согласования времен, как в общем вопросе:
Специальные вопросы
“What are you reading?”
“When did you see the
new film?”
“ Where will you go
asked When
I was reading.
I had seen the
new film.
I should go

44. Специальные вопросы

Прямой вопрос
What are you doing?
Where do you live?
When did you see Tom?
Where is the manager?
Who has broken the
Косвенный вопрос
He asked me what I was
He wanted to know where I
He asked me when I had
seen Tom.
He asked me where the
manager was.
She wondered who had
broken the window.

45. Передайте следующие специальные вопросы в косвенной речи.

1. “Why didn’t the police report the crime?” the judge said.
The judge asked why the police hadn’t reported the crime.
2. “Whose car did you borrow last night?” I said to them.
I asked them whose car they had borrowed the previous night.
3. “Where were you last night?” he said.
He asked where I had been the previous night.
4. “Who put salt in my coffee?” he asked.
He asked who put salt in his coffee.
5. “How much will it cost” he said.
He wanted to know how much it would cost.
6. “When will you join our team?” they asked us.
They asked us when we would join their team.
7. “Where are you going for your summer holidays?” I asked him
I asked him where he was going for his summer holidays.
8. “Why did our team lose the game?” said Vera.
Vera asked why our team had lost the game.
9. “Which of you can answer my question?” the teacher asked.
The teacher asked which of us could answer her question.
10. “When will your parents arrive in Kiev?” he asked.
He asked when my parents would arrive in Kiev.
11. “When does your mother go shopping?” she asked.
She asked when my mother went shopping.
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