Class 2
Answer the questions
Your predictions
The Quiz
Read three articles
Class 3
Speaking about future
Extra Practice
The Test
II Rephrase the sentences, using active vocabulary and grammar
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Answer the questions. Rephrase the sentences, using active vocabulary and grammar

1. Class 2

2. Answer the questions

1. Which innovations did you appreciate most of all? Which really
inspire you?
2. Which innovations did you dislike?
3. Task: make a talk about one or two best innovations and one or
two worst ones. Give your arguments.

3. Your predictions

May, might, will, to be likely/unlikely
1. exo-suits
2. Suspended animation
3. Synthetic foods
4. 3D-printing
5. Artificial life forms
6. Super-photosynthesis
7. Gene editing
8. Artificial energy
9. Cybernetic immortality
10. The Hive Mind

4. The Quiz

1. When body temperature reaches 10C, almost all _________(клеточная
активность) stops.
2. Costing over $300,000, the world’s first lab-___________ _____________
was ___________ed in 2013 and tasted “close to meat, but not that juicy’.
3. Gene-_______ may often cause un__________ mutations.
4. Dmitry Itskov ______________ (предложил) people the opportunity for
______________ (бессмертие) through his holographic 2045 Initiative.
5. Suspended ______________ helps doctors to treat severe ___________
6. Modern technologies can boast of some really
_____________________________ (умопомрачительные) _____________
1. Инновационные экзо-костюмы будут помогать инвалидам
передвигаться самостоятельно.
2. Физики надеются в скором времени получить чистую энергию благодаря
термоядерной реакции.
3. Вряд ли коллективный разум появится в ближайшее десятилетие.

5. Read three articles


• Will humans really be able to live 1000 years?
Would you like to live that long? Why (why not)?
• What are your own predictions for this century?
Make three realistic, from your point of view,

7. Class 3

8. Speaking about future

• Will humans really be able to live 1000 years? Would you like to live
that long? Why (why not)?
• What are your own predictions for this century? Make three realistic,
from your point of view, predictions.

9. Extra Practice



12. The Test

I. Translate:
1. Возможно, в будущем наноботы позволят человеческому мозгу
напрямую общаться с компьютером.
2. Смогут ли люди жить 1000 лет? И сколько детей сможет иметь
3. Согласно статистике, ожидаемая продолжительность жизни в
Японии возросла до 82 лет за последние десятилетия.

13. II Rephrase the sentences, using active vocabulary and grammar

1. Life standards have become a lot better in Europe.
2. I am almost sure he will win the championship.
3. I don’t believe it is possible that people will be happier to
communicate with computers than with other humans.
4. Maybe, inequality will go down in some parts of the world in this

14. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

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