Official style of clothes

Official style of clothes

1. Official style of clothes


Classics and formalbusiness style have a lot
in common. But the
outfits in this style are
more diverse and


4. Formally-business

One of the most
conservative is the
style of Business
Formal. This style is
suitable for teachers
and academics. He is
maximally devoid of
individuality, and
does not distract from
his studies.

5. Managerial

There is such a style as
Modern Business. This
strict style will be
appropriate for various
business meetings,
exhibitions and other
places where you need
to look respectable and
emphasize your status
in a properly dressed

6. Business casual

Young girls prefer the style of
Business casual. It is less formal
and is a combination of business
and everyday styles. This youth
style allows wearing clothes
from brighter fabrics. You can
create a simpler and more
casual image within the
business cache. For this, shorter
skirts, simple monophonic skirts
and sweaters are used. Deep
neckline is unacceptable and
within the framework of this
style, but sleeves in the hot
season may well be shortened.

7. school uniform for girls

8. school uniform for girls this is what fashion designers can offer to us:D

9. school uniform for boys

10. Youth fashion and gymnasium requirements

The school uniform includes
white blouses and shirts, dark
blue pants, a skirt, jackets and
dresses. Many teenagers are
unhappy with the school
uniform. Here are a few
1) Most teenagers find the
school uniform uncomfortable
- they prefer jeans and t-shirts.
2) Some students do not like
that all teens look the same.
How can we show our
individuality, even if everyone
has to have one style of
3) Instead of wearing everyday
clothes that have already been
bought, schoolchildren have to
buy clothes "especially for the
And spend more money.
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