Похожие презентации:
Tax law. (Lecture 2)
1. Tax Law
Madi Kenzhaliyev, LL.M2. Terms & Translations
Terms & TranslationsPIT
(Personal Income Tax) – ИПН
(Индивидуальный Подоходный Налог);
MS (Minimum Salary) – МЗП (Минимальная
Заработная Плата);
Pension (Compulsory Pension Contributions)
- ОПН (Обязательные Пенсионные
3. Goal
Tax Burden under Employment Contract;Tax Burden under Civil Contract;
Tax Burden of Individual Entrepreneurs;
4. Types of Taxes
1. Corporate Income Tax2. Personal Income Tax
3. VAT
4. Excise Duty
5. Export Rent Tax
6. Special Payments and Taxes
of Subsurface Users
7. Social Tax
8. Tax on Transport Vehicles
9. Land Tax
10. Property Tax
11. Tax
Gambling 12. Fixed Tax
13. Uniform Land Tax
5. Personal Income Tax
Object of the PIT:
Revenues taxed at source (i.e. income from:
salary, dividends, interest, gains, pensions,
scholarships, lump-sum payment);
Revenues not taxed at source (property income,
income of IE, lawyers, private notaries, income
derived from sources outside of RK).
6. Personal Income Tax
Rates of the PIT:
Revenues taxed at source - at the rate of 10%;
Income from dividends – at a rate of 5%;
Other rates stipulated by the Tax Code.
7. Social Tax
Paid by the IP’s and LE’s.
For IP:
GEP – 2 MCI;
Patent – 1%;
Simplified Declaration – 1,5%.
Social Tax for Employees 11%.
8. Case
LABOR CONTRACT KZT 300,000.Taxable Income – Deductions – Pensions –
Minimum Salary – PIT = Net Income;
9. Case
LABOR CONTRACT KZT 300,000.- Pension: 300K * 10% = 270,000;
- Minimum Salary = 270,000 - 21,364 = 248,636;
- PIT = 248,636 * 10% = 24,864.
Social Tax =(Taxable Income – Pensions) * 11% =
(300,000 – 30,000)*11% = 29,700;
Total Taxes = PIT + Social Tax =
= 24 863 + 29 700 = KZT 54 563
10. Case
Let’s assume that Arman also get’s freelunch at the expense of the Firm.
Each lunch costs – KZT 1,500;
Does Arman bears tax liability for
free lunches?
Calculate tax liability of Arman.
11. Case
November - 20 working daysCalculation:
1,500 * 20 = KZT 30,000;
12. Case
Tax Liability Calculation:300,000 + 30,000 = 330,000;
Taxable Income – Deductions – Pensions – Minimum Salary
– PIT = Net Income;
Pension: 330K – (330K * 10%) = 297,000;
Minimum Salary = 297,000 - 21,364 = 275,636;
PIT = 275,636 * 10% = KZT 27,536.
Social Tax = (Total Revenue – Deductions - Pension)*0.11;
(330,000 – 33,000)* 11% = KZT 32,670;
Total Tax Liability = PIT + Social Tax = KZT 60,206
13. Case
Amount of Contract is KZT 300,000.SERVICE CONTRACT
Arman is an IE (Individual Entrepreneur)
Company doesn’t have to pay any taxes for
14. Tax Law
For Legal Entities:Taxable Income = (Aggregate Annual Income)
- (Deductions);
Aggregate Annual Income of local LE’s shall
consist of income subject to be received
(received) both in the Republic of Kazakhstan
and beyond its boundaries during a tax period.
15. Case
Alex’s salary is KZT 1 mln.Business Trip for 12 days to Moscow.
Carlton Hotel for 12 nights.
Cost per night was KZT 200,000.
Bonus - KZT 1 mln.
Vacation in France - 5 mln.
Company renovated his apartment for
KZT 600,000.
How much will be tax burden of the
company on Alex’s income?
16. Tax Code
Art.163. Tax CodeIncome of employees taxable at source of payments
shall be determined as the difference between
income of employees assessed by the employers,
which is subject to tax, subject to adjustments
specified in Article 156 of this Code and amounts of
tax deductions specified in Article 166 of this Code.
17. Tax Code
Art.163. Tax Code1) the money in cash and (or) non-cash forms to be
transferred by the employer to the employee;
2) the employee's income in kind;
3) the employee's income in the form of material
18. Case
1. Total revenue = all income (in money orin kind, art. 163) =
= Salary + Bonus + France + Renovation +
Hotel stay =
= 1 mln.(salary) + 1 mln.(bonus) +
5mln.(France) + 0.6 mln.(Renovation) + 0.2
mln.*12 (hotel stay) =
10,000 000
19. Deductions & Exemptions
Deductions & ExemptionsDeductions & Exemptions (art. 155 &
156) =
= business trip (art. 155 (3/4)
Max 8 MCI for abroad;
Max 6 MCI within RK;
(no more than 40 days)
8*MCI (1982 tenge)*12 days (business trip)
KZT 190,272
20. Maximum Pension
Maximum Pension == (75 * 21,364)*0.1 =
= KZT 160,230
21. PIT (Labor Law)
PIT = Taxable income *0.1= (Total Revenue – Deductions &
Exemptions – Pension – Minimum
Salary)*0.1 =
=(10,000,000 (total revenue) –190,272
(deductions & exemptions) –
160,230 (pension) – 21,364 (minimum
= 962,813.4
22. Social Tax (Labor Law)
ST = Taxable income *0.11 =(Total Revenue – Deductions Pension)*0.11 =
(10,000,000 (total revenue) – 190,272
(deductions) – 160,230 (pension)) * 0.11=
= 1,061,445
23. Tax Burden (Labor Law)
Tax Burden of the Company =PIT + Social Tax
962 813 + 1 061 445 =
= 2 024 258
24. Individual Entrepreneur
Tax Regimes of the IPGenerally
PIT – 10%;
Social Tax – 2 MCI;
Can Hire Employee
PIT – 1,5%;
Social Tax 1,5%;
No Deductions
Can Hire Employee
PIT – 1%:
Social Tax 1%;
No Deductions;
Cannot Hire
25. Individual Entrepreneur
Generally Established Procedures:
PIT – 10%;
Social Tax – 2 MS for oneself and 1 MS for each
employee of the IP;
Pension: personally identify the income from
which pension contributions will be paid. Shall
not be less than 10 MS (10* 21,364) and not
more than 75 MS (75* 21,364).
26. Case
SERVICE CONTRACTArman is an IE: Generally Established Proc.
Amount of Contract is KZT 300,000.
Expenses – KZT 50,000;
Taxable Income – 250,000;
PIT: 250,000 * 10% = 25,000;
Social Taxes – 2 MS = 2 * 21,364 = 42,728;
27. Individual Entrepreneur
Special Tax Regime - Patent:
PIT – 1%;
Social Tax – 1%
*Note: IP can not hire employees and doesn’t
have the rights to make deductions from the
Taxable Income.
28. Case
SERVICE CONTRACTArman is an IE: Patent
Amount of Contract is KZT 300,000.
Expenses: KZT 50,000;
Taxable Income: 300,000;
PIT: 300,000 * 1% = 3,000;
Social Taxes: 300,000 * 1% = 3,000;
29. Individual Entrepreneur
Special Tax Regime – Simplified Declaration:
PIT – 1,5%;
Social Tax – 1,5%;
*Note: IP doesn’t have the rights to make
deductions from the Taxable Income.
30. Case
SERVICE CONTRACTArman is an IE: Simplified Declaration
Amount of Contract is KZT 300,000.
Expenses – KZT 50,000;
Taxable Income – 300,000;
PIT: 300,000 * 1,5% = 4,500;
Social Taxes: 300,000 * 1,5% = 4,500;