
The importance of using authentic materials for the preparation of professional readiness of future specialists in high


The importance of using authentic
materials for the preparation
of professional readiness of future
specialists in high
educational institutions
Presented by: Karataeva Zh.
Master degree 2nd course
The scientific advisor: prof.,
doc. of ped.sciences,
Zhaitapova A.A.

2. Main information

The author of article:
The date of publishing:
Karataeva Zhuldyz
December, 2015
The publisher:
Хабаршы – Вестник – Herald
Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abai

3. The aim of article

The aim of article is
to give a practical knowledge of
how to use authentic materials for
the preparation of professional
readiness of future specialists
at high educational institutions
effectively in the EFL classroom.

4. The problem which is given in the article

The importance of using authentic materials
in the teaching FL process as a method to
train professional readiness of students is
very important, however on the other side, it
is difficult to learners to perceive the
information, grammatical and lexical units,
the worldview of the native speakers.

5. The structure of article

Introductory part
It consists of three parts:
Main part
The introductory part includes several sub-parts: 1. New changes in the educational
system of Kazakhstan;2. the advantages of using authentic materials in FLT.
The main part includes: the practical part (text, set of exercises and tasks).
The conclusion.

6. The introductory part

In the scientific observations of foreign scientists, such as Bowen T. (1998),
Marks J. (1994), we can identify that with the help of authentic materials:
Students can
the cultural,
between native
and foreign
To influence
positively on
the personalemotional
feelings of
The increase
motivation of

7. Main part (Practical part)

Pre reading
While reading
After reading
In the practical part of the scientific research, we have
chosen the faculty of 2Foreign Languages, 3rd course
(Kazakh group). The discipline is “English for Specific
Purposes”. There is given an article for students
according to their professional sphere
The main resource: www.stanford.edu

8. Classroom challenges overview

Pre reading stage
- Read the title of the text and try to
find the problem which is discussed.
- How can you associate the title of the
- Flashcards.
While reading stage
- Complete the text.
- Find out key words.
- Identify the genre.
- True-false statements.
After reading stage
- Do you agree with the idea of the
author? Why? Give your opinion.
- Make an essay or short story.

9. My suggestions

My suggestions
To describe the
practical part
To include more
To give some advice
for young


In conclusion, we can completely say, that with the help
of authentic materials, FL teacher can create the foreign language
atmosphere for learners, and which can motivate students
to learn more about the cultural differences between languages,
their own peculiarities and features. In this case, it identifies,
that we can develop learners’ intercultural awareness,
their abilities to communicate on the international level,
and train their professional abilities,
that can support them to enrich their personal qualities.

11. References

1. Верниковская И.А., Использование
аутентичных текстов при обучении
иностранному языку, Омск, ОмГУПС, 2005.
2. Носонович. Е.В.,Мильруд Р.П., Критерии
содержательной аутентичности учебного
текста, Иностр. яз. в школе,1999.
3. Саланович Н.А., Обучение чтению
аутентичных текстов
лингвострановедческого содержания ,
Иностр. языки в школе,1999.
4. http://www.stanford.edu
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