
Jobs of the future


Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the
presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready
to read it out loud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Jobs of the future
You are now choosing your future career and are considering what jobs are
high in demand in the modern world. But actually you will start working full
time in several years only so why not think about what jobs will be
necessary then? In our world, which is rapidly changing, several years
means a long time really. There will be more IT specialists in all spheres,
especially in medicine. There will be genetic engineering affordable for all
people. More and more things are done online nowadays so there will be
people who regulate our life in the Internet like Internet lawyers, for
instance. There will probably be eco psychologists – psychologists for
animals and plants. More and more professions will be inevitably connected
with exploring the outer space as well. So before making your final decision,
try to look into the future of our planet and you will probably choose a job
which will be popular in ten years’ time.

2. №2 Study the advertisement

You are considering applying for the job and now you
are calling to find out more information.
In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions
to find out the following:
1) if any special skills are necessary
2) chances to prolong the contract
3) perks
4) if knowledge of English is necessary
5) ways of getting to the island
You have twenty seconds to ask each question.

3. №3 Imagine that you took some photos when doing a projeсt on different professions. Choose the one to show to your friend.

In your talk remember to speak about:
● when you took the photo
● what/who is in the photo
● what is happening
● why you kept the photo
● why you decided to show the picture to your

4. №4 be ready to compare and contrast the photographs: ● give a brief description of the photos (action, location) ● say what the

pictures have in common
● say in what way the pictures are different
● say which of the professions presented in the pictures is more
● explain why
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