Intermediate State Test ПГК – 2015 / 8215

Intermediate State Test ПГК – 2015 / 8215

1. Intermediate State Test ПГК – 2015 / 8215

7-8-9 классы

2. 1. Дополните предложение: The little girl … she was going to see her Granny

a) said
b) asked
c) spoke
d) retell
e) advice

3. 1. Дополните предложение: The little girl … she was going to see her Granny

a) said
b) asked
c) spoke
d) retell
e) advice

4. 2. Переведите: Interaction…

a) активация
b) международный
c) взаимодействие
d) сочувствие
e) связь

5. 2. Переведите: Interaction…

a) активация - activation
b) международный - international
c) взаимодействие
d) сочувствие –
e) связь - connection

6. 3. Переведите: “influence”

a) простуда
b) влияние
c) воспаление
d) переживание
e) восприятие

7. 3. Переведите: “influence”

a) простуда - cold
b) влияние - influence
c) воспаление - inflammation
d) переживание - experience
e) восприятие - perception

8. 4. Вставьте модальный глагол: You … work hard to know English well

a) should to
b) should
c) must to
d) has to
e) may

9. 4. Вставьте модальный глагол: You … work hard to know English well

a) should to
b) should
c) must to
d) has to
e) may

10. 5. Выберите сказуемое Present Perfect:

a) He has got a friend
b) My friend have to meet at 5
c) He has opened the door
d) Have you got a toy?
e) We have breakfast at 9 o’clock

11. 5. Выберите сказуемое Present Perfect: вспомогательные глаголы: have/has+ed/verb3 вспомогательные слова:

this month/this year/yet (-/?)
Rule: завершенность действия на момент речи
a) He has got a friend – Present Simple
b) My friend have to meet at 5 o’clock – Modal verb
c) He has opened the door
d) Have you got a toy? – Present Simple
e) We have breakfast at 9 o’clock – Present Simple

12. 6. Выберите правильный артикль: …Los Angeles is in …California.

a) -/b) the/a
c) a/the
d) the/the
e) a/an

13. 6. Выберите правильный артикль: …Los Angeles is in …California.

a) -/b) the/a
c) a/the
d) the/the
e) a/an

14. 7. Выберите слово, отличное от других:

a) close
b) box
c) got
d) fox
e) not

15. 7. Выберите слово, отличное от других: 1 type – name; 2 type – hat; 3 type – hard; 4 type - hare

a) close – 1 type of pronunciation
b) box – 2 type of pronunciation
c) got – 2 type of pronunciation
d) fox -2 type of pronunciation
e) not – 2 type of pronunciation

16. 8. Найдите правильный перевод: Если будет дождь, мы останемся дома

a) If
b) If
c) If
d) If
e) If
it rain we will stay at home
it rained we will stay at home
it will rain we stay at home
it rains we will stay at home
it rains we would stay at home

17. 8. Найдите правильный перевод: Если будет дождь, мы останемся дома First Conditionals If+Present Simple=Future Simple

a) If
b) If
c) If
d) If
e) If
it rain we will stay at home
it rained we will stay at home
it will rain we stay at home
it rains we will stay at home
it rains we would stay at home

18. 9. Дополните предложение … means the most important or central part of sightseeing

a) attend
b) core
c) artificial
d) coach
e) distance

19. 9. Дополните предложение … means the most important or central part of sightseeing

a) attend - посещать
b) core – ядро, сердцевина
c) artificial - искусственный
d) coach – тренер, автобус
e) distance - расстояние

20. 10. Закончите предложение: He said that he … in Almaty.

a) lives
b) live
c) lived
d) living
e) is living

21. 10. Закончите предложение: He said that he … in Almaty. He said: I live in Almaty Rule: если основной глагол “said” в прошедшем

времени, то
глаголы в прямой речи меняются по принципу «шаг назад»
Present Simple на Past Simple
a) lives
b) live
c) lived
d) living
e) is living

22. 11. Дефиниция слова «magic» -волшебство

a) A strange influence or power
b) Easy tasks
c) Interesting team game
d) Collection of something
e) Close relations

23. 11. Дефиниция слова «magic» -волшебство

a) A strange influence or power
b) Easy tasks
c) Interesting team game
d) Collection of something
e) Close relations

24. 12. Синоним слова: «solve»

a) come to answer, explanation
b) be attentive
c) understand people well
d) preserve nature
e) fail exams

25. 12. Синоним слова: «solve» - найти ответ, прийти к решению

a) come to answer, explanation
b) be attentive
c) understand people well
d) preserve nature
e) fail exams

26. 13. Закончите предложение: She ...she had to write many letters

a) say
b) tell
c) said
d) told
e) spoke

27. 13. Закончите предложение: She ...she had to write many letters

a) say
b) tell
c) said+to/that
d) told
e) spoke

28. 14. Закончите предложение: When William Shakespeare lived in London he …. act and write plays

a) was used to
b) used to
c) was using to
d) get used to
e) never used to

29. 14. Закончите предложение: When William Shakespeare lived in London he …. act and write plays

a) was used to
b) used to – действие в прошлом –
когда играл и писал пьесы
c) was using to
d) get used to
e) never used to

30. 15. Дополните предложение в страдательном залоге: The new government …/… elected by the people

a) have been
b) had being
c) has been
d) are being
e) were been

31. 15. Дополните предложение в страдательном залоге: The new government …/… elected by the people

a) have been
b) had being
c) has been – Present Perfect Passive
d) are being
e) were been

32. 16. Составьте вопрос: She lives at the end of Axwell Road

a) Who live at the end of Axwell Road?
b) Does she lives at he end of Axwell
c) Does she lived at the end of Axwell
d) Where does she live?
e) Where has she lived?

33. 16. Составьте вопрос: She lives at the end of Axwell Road Present Simple вспомогательные глаголы: do/does вспомогательные

every day/usually/sometimes/often/seldom
a) Who live at the end of Axwell Road?
b) Does she lives at he end of Axwell Road?
c) Does she lived at the end of Axwell Road?
d) Where does she live?
e) Where has she lived?

34. 17. Образуйте форму Present Perfect Continuous: от глагола “to take”

a) have taken
b) has been taking
c) is been taken
d) have been taking
e) was been taken

35. 17. Образуйте форму Present Perfect Continuous: от глагола “to take” вспомогательные глаголы: have/has+been+ing вспомогательные

слова: since/for
e.g. I have been going to tennis for a year
a) have taken
b) has been taking
c) is been taken
d) have been taking
e) was been taken

36. 18. Выберите слово отличное от других:

a) tree
b) pen
c) free
d) see
e) green

37. 18. Выберите слово отличное от других:

a) tree
b) pen
c) free
d) see
e) green

38. 19. Найдите правильный вариант:

a) Kevin asked us if we often went sailing
b) Kevin asked us if we often go sailing
c) Kevin asks us if we had often went sailing
d) Kevin asks us that we often went sailing
e) Kevin askes us that we often went sailing

39. 19. Найдите правильный вариант: Kevin asked: Do you often go sailing? Rule: если основной глагол “asked” в прошедшем времени,

глаголы в прямой речи меняются по принципу «шаг назад»
Present Simple на Past Simple
a) Kevin asked us if we often went sailing
b) Kevin asked us if we often go sailing
c) Kevin asks us if we had often went sailing
d) Kevin asks us that we often went sailing
e) Kevin askes us that we often went sailing


20. Переведите в прямую речь:
Ann asked me if I knew where Kate lived
a) “Where is Kate live?” -Ann asked me
b) “Do you know where is Kate live?” – Ann
asked me
c) “Do you know where Kate lives?” – Ann
asked me
d) “Do you know where Kate lived?” – Ann
asks me
e) “Do you know where Kate had lived?” –
Ann asked me


20. Переведите в прямую речь:
Ann asked me if I knew where Kate lived
Rule: если основной глагол “asked” в прошедшем времени, то
глаголы в прямой речи меняются по принципу «шаг назад»
Present Simple на Past Simple
a) “Where is Kate live?” -Ann asked me
b) “Do you know where is Kate live?” – Ann asked me
c) “Do you know where Kate lives?” – Ann asked me
d) “Do you know where Kate lived?” – Ann asks me
e) “Do you know where Kate had lived?” – Ann asked me


21. Определите название формы глагола по
примеру: to have been done
a) Present Perfect Passive
b) Past Perfect Active
c) Present Continuous Active
d) Present Simple Active
e) Past Simple Active


21. Определите название формы глагола по
примеру: to have been done
a) Present Perfect Passive
b) Past Perfect Active – had+ed/verb3
c) Present Continuous Active –
d) Present Simple Active – do/does
e) Past Simple Active - did


22. Закончите предложение:
You can help to … plants and young trees
a) pollute
b) production
c) preserve
d) preventive
e) present


22. Закончите предложение:
You can help to … plants and young trees
a) pollute - загрязнять
b) production - производство
c) preserve - сохранять
d) preventive - профилактический
e) present – настоящий, подарок


23. Закончите предложение:
My grandparents … living in a more peaceful place and
now they often get nervous because of street noise
a) used to
b) was used to
c) are used to
d) is used to
e) were used to


23. Закончите предложение:
My grandparents … living in a more peaceful place and now they
often get nervous because of street noise
(Мои дедушка с бабушкой когда- то жили в более тихом месте и
сейчас они часто нервничают из-за шума на улице.)
a) used to – действие когда-то было, сейчас не
b) was used to
c) are used to
d) is used to
e) were used to – привыкли, употребляется с Герундием


24. Закончите предложение:
She knew that he ... chess at 5 o’clock that day
a) played
b) is playing
c) has playing
d) was playing
e) plays


24. Закончите предложение:
She knew that he ... chess at 5 o’clock that day
Past Continuous
вспомогательные глаголы: was/were+ing
вспомогательные слова:when/at
a) played
b) is playing
c) has playing
d) was playing
e) plays


25. Найдите правильный вариант степени
сравнения прилагательного:
a) Soon it began to get more darker
b) An ant is not as stronger as a bird
c) My old brother works in Moscow
d) This is the least I am able to do
e) The Nile is more longer than the


25. Найдите правильный вариант степени
сравнения прилагательного:
a) Soon it began to get more darker
b) An ant is not so/as stronger as a bird
c) My elder/old brother works in Moscow
d) This is the least I am able to do
(little-less-the least)
Это самое наименьшее, что я могу сделать
e) The Nile is more longer than the Amazon
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